Is it worth it to sacrifice political and historical knowledge in order to spend more time on literature/fiction/poetry?

Is it worth it to sacrifice political and historical knowledge in order to spend more time on literature/fiction/poetry?


"non fiction" is a meme

literature teaches the same things as nonfiction. it's just for people who can read between the lines.

you could be a /pol/bot and memorize the wiki intro to every political ideology there is and have a dictionary understanding of them all, but what's the use if you cannot think?


"fiction" is a meme

Why should you have a sacrifice either?

It isn't a race.

As if not reading that shit is a sacrifice. I read maybe one or two non fiction books per year (not counting books about fiction books). If I'm really interested in a subject I'll read about it but for the most part, history and politics are dismal subjects that you're better off avoiding.

The political system is running as well as it possibly can on its own, and doesn't need the input of goobers off the street.

>being apolitical
May as well be a slave.

If everybody in Washington just disappeared would anybody notice?

Why not both?

Considering the majority of politics and history (and philosophy) books published these days is best classified as something consumer fraud and mindless commentaries on a dying culture, I'd rather read literature.

*something between

this is what the average Clinton voter actually believes

>implying there is a difference
really makes you think

Do you visit bookstores often and look at the shit that fills the shelves? I'm all for the classics and scholarly works, but not books written by living memes.


sure, but I feel the same way about my country's parliament

>The political system is running as well as it possibly can on its own


well desu fiction is made out of non-fiction events. So i dont see why you would be missing out.

lol this

i follow politics and still have plenty of time to explore literature and art

you're a pseud and dilettante in all of those fields

probably, who cares?

politics is fucking pointless; you're better off living in a woods just reading books