La familia

Sup Veeky Forums,

Just came out of a massive depressive spell, haven't been on this board in a while. Wanted to check in and see how everyone was doing. How are you senpai? And how are those books coming alone?

Focus on the positives.

are titties a positive? 'cause I'd like to focus on titties.

Yeah, we can focus on the orientalist titties

Hope your spell was short and in hast. Welcome back. You haven't missed much, and my post-post-quasistructural-pataphysical-prefichtian-urtext of a novel is coming along great, thanks.

>focus on the positive

Apparently you learned nothing in your depression, except the desparate use of mental anti-depressants by blocking out the negative.

The Sun woke me this morning loud
and clear, saying "Hey! I've been
trying to wake you up for fifteen
minutes. Don't be so rude, you are
only the second poet I've ever chosen
to speak to personally

so why
aren't you more attentive? If I could
burn you through the window I would
to wake you up. I can't hang around
here all day."

"Sorry, Sun, I stayed
up late last night talking to Hal."

"When I woke up Mayakovsky he was
a lot more prompt" the Sun said
petulantly. "Most people are up
already waiting to see if I'm going
to put in an appearance."

I tried
to apologize "I missed you yesterday."
"That's better" he said. "I didn't
know you'd come out." "You may be
wondering why I've come so close?"
"Yes" I said beginning to feel hot
wondering if maybe he wasn't burning me

"Frankly I wanted to tell you
I like your poetry. I see a lot
on my rounds and you're okay. You may
not be the greatest thing on earth, but
you're different. Now, I've heard some
say you're crazy, they being excessively
calm themselves to my mind, and other
crazy poets think that you're a boring
reactionary. Not me.

Just keep on
like I do and pay no attention. You'll
find that people always will complain
about the atmosphere, either too hot
or too cold too bright or too dark, days
too short or too long.

If you don't appear
at all one day they think you're lazy
or dead. Just keep right on, I like it.

And don't worry about your lineage
poetic or natural. The Sun shines on
the jungle, you know, on the tundra
the sea, the ghetto. Wherever you were
I knew it and saw you moving. I was waiting
for you to get to work.

And now that you
are making your own days, so to speak,
even if no one reads you but me
you won't be depressed. Not
everyone can look up, even at me. It
hurts their eyes."
"Oh Sun, I'm so grateful to you!"

"Thanks and remember I'm watching. It's
easier for me to speak to you out
here. I don't have to slide down
between buildings to get your ear.
I know you love Manhattan, but
you ought to look up more often.

always embrace things, people earth
sky stars, as I do, freely and with
the appropriate sense of space. That
is your inclination, known in the heavens
and you should follow it to hell, if
necessary, which I doubt.

Maybe we'll
speak again in Africa, of which I too
am specially fond. Go back to sleep now
Frank, and I may leave a tiny poem
in that brain of yours as my farewell."

"Sun, don't go!" I was awake
at last. "No, go I must, they're calling
"Who are they?"

Rising he said "Some
day you'll know. They're calling to you
too." Darkly he rose, and then I slept.

Depression is a meme that only afflicts navel gazers.

I'm stuck on the second draft of my Künstlerroman. I feel like this should be pretty much polished now.

how many drafts have you guys gone through on the piece you consider to be your magnum ice cream?

also, I've never seen any of his stuff in real life, are the paler skin scans more accurate than the yellow ones?

too fuckin right mate

Orientalism and accuracy aren't really synonymous unless you're describing the aesthetic presentation of ideal feminine beauty to the aristocratic Parisian eye. But basically the movement was just to project the arising social anxieties of upper class metropolitan society unto the body of an entity that they categorized as 'mystical, ancient, primitive and foreign'. There has always been this obsession with city-dwellers to imagine a place that is less-civilized and "cultured" and thus natural, so Orientalism was the European scapegoat and the works that followed expressed only the wishes of folks to see a world that expressed such untamed felicity.

That's some pseudo-intellectual horseshit. Plenty of well-respected writers, philosophers and artists were terribly depressed and burdened by depression or other ailments of the psyche. It didn't prevent them from producing work but it was definitely a palpable dimension of their life.

Depressed is just a meme categorization for being seriously dissatisfied with one's life for an extended period of time. It is not an illness memeboy. No go back to your psychological quantitative studies, based on unquestioned assumptions about human existance, to validate your simplistic and deceiving notions of ailments of the psyche.

HA because you believe neuroscience isn't a thing where deformities and damage to the brain organ can be quantitatively measured and linked to a plethora of mental disorders such as depression, Alzheimer's, and so on. You better release your findings so the medical community so someone can tell the depressed with concussive trauma to get it together.

Just quit, son.

It can quantitatively measure, that does not make it an actuality. Also the medical community is aware that there are various different positions on the topic of mental disorders, it's an old hat.

Still doesn't validate what said.


The scientific community knows conclusively that the manifestation for depression is far more complex than "a meme categorization for being seriously dissatisfied with one's life for an extended period of time. It is not an illness memeboy"

This pretentious stupidity can go swan dive off a bridge.

What does the scientific community know about what causes Depression? Genetics? Random chemical "disbalance" in the brain?

Genetics are a factor
A brain whose synapses aren't able to transfer certain hormones, will likely develop depression

Environment? Can you explain how that happens? How does my environment alter my brain chemicals to the point where they are configured in a way that makes me depressive?

I'm not dissatisfied with my life but I still get involuntary urges to kill myself. I sure showed you huh.

I know it sounds rather silly buy my internet service provider is absolute garbage and this hampers me so much that I can't even feel sad or happy or basically any emotion other than anger and frustration.

Involuntary urges to kill yourself don't mean you're depressed

what do you wanna call it, famalam?

but my*

Involutanry urges to kill yourself

Well there are biological and psychological mechanisms
For example if you don't get enough sunlight, there's not enough vitamin d, not enough serotonin synthesis ---> depression. I don't know if this is chemically correct (synthesis) but more or less it's true
Psychologically you could think about rape, violence, isolation, neglect and so on. Due to every humans individual psyche, events are perceived differently.
The brain influences itself. So if you perceive abuse by your parents in a way that triggers a clusterfuck in your psyche, this might lead to depression

My life has improved immeasurably since I left Veeky Forums, and it gets worse every time I come back.

welcome back user