Warrior Cats

Your opinion?

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What's it about?

About fighting dogs.

And evil chicken.

I'm glad I grew out of them before I discovered there was an online fandom with really uncomfortable fixations on specific cats. There must be some kind of formula for creating fandoms like this that generate OCs like clockwork. Naruto and Harry Potter hit it as well. Something about multiple themed factions with their own cliques and locales really resonates with kids who haven't felt much of a sense of belonging.

shots fired

It's an alright kids book series, as far as they go.

It takes children seriously, and assumes they can understand complex concepts when it comes to morality and politics. Which is more than you can say for most of the preteen book demographic.

not rabbits or mice/10

Yeah I remember playing roblox years ago when I was a child and there was a warrior cats group, everyone kept role playing. Future furfags I bet, anyway I used to read the series and it was okay for what it was. No one older than 10 should find it stimulating though

>tfw enjoyed it at 15

rest in spaghetti never forgetti

I smell Lizard Wizard in this thread tonight.

IIRC the main cat was pretty fucking Sue. Still liked them when I was younger

They are still making books.

The newer books are actually not too bad.

There's a dank youtuber that makes videos about warriors youtube.com/channel/UCPLX5CVXpb--Z_85oIdH_Iw

>crookedstar's promise

Fucking God-tier.

But that's only because it's what got me to get my cat. As a series they're shit.

Oh shit, I remember my OC clans. Doom Clan and Bone Clan...they wore skeletons. And could bite through anything.

delete this

Now that I think about it, they were basically hyenas.


Every time I hear about the fandoms, I stop liking the content of whatever I am doing.
Please don't ruin warriors for me.

Surrounded by bones/carrion + bites through everything.
This was an "autistic nine year old daydreams to himself" thing, not a tumblr thing.

Also that's really autistic user, why the hell would the fanbase worry you? Do you hate Nietzsche because of all the edgy faggots who worship him?

very dangerous.

I used to be a fucking real edgelord, I don't want to go back to cringey highschool years.

>there are people who played Toontown as a cat

>there are people who played Toontown


You want to talk about edge?

I had a made-up spaceship that constantly destroyed a certain number of universes every millisecond.

This "certain number" was a new one, several google plex * google plex * google plex (for google plex times). And yes, spelt like google. I was seven.

Luckily, by secondary school I'd grown out of that.

>mfw memorizing Naruto Jutsu

Fuck you man, you are bringing back things that are causing me physical pain.
I am cringing so hard that the muscles in my face and ass hurt.
Please don't do this to me.

It cut into them with its prow, which was thinner than a quark. It was called the Death Reaper. That's literal edge.

I also wrote a story in which a small, bullied child turns out to be an alien prince, and who uses his new robot guard to tear his bully to violent shreds. But that was ironic.

What kind of edge are you talking about? It can't be much worse than that. You may as well share it; this thread isn't going anywhere.

That's a rare pepe, is it not?

Only rare in America, very common in Japan.

I only read about fuckable cats.

well lets let our cringe flag fly.I had a ranted horse that I named lightning and when I was 14 I always said dumb shit like "having 1 cell tower makes no sense since in an attack you would easily lose all communication" When we played "would you rather" I kept going till the others god bored with me, I answered no matter how disgusting the questions got.

I have a friend who cuts himself and is trying to do magic from fate stay night and thinks he can blow up light bulbs with his mind. somehow he is still getting mad action

This was my shit as a kid. That one overly-edgy cat with the tooth collar was my favorite. Think he ran a bandit clan or something.