I suppose this is a bit passe by now, but what did Veeky Forums thing of this girl's explosion in popularity. It's not hard to sell sex as an attractive, deliberately naive, 20-something, but I honestly though the writing had merit.
Also, whats the over under on this just being Tao Lin in a wig?
People literally described that cover as coquettish, when its just a neutral shot of her face. It's not an unreasonable assumption that sex appeal plays a role in the exposure she gets. (*cough* and 90% of her work revolved around sex)
Benjamin Powell
Noah Morris
So she basically writes about her life (which is pretty basic for young adults) and uses screenshots and pictures ... like a blog. I checked lil bits from her writing and it sounded like the stuff you can read anywhere.
I don't see any merit in her work nor a reason to care about it.
John Cox
Yeah the style is sometimes a bit lacking (though that is subjective), but I kept meaning to stop reading but didn't. There is almost a voyeuristic element to it. The fact that it reads like you're going through her fb correspondence almost adds to it.
Aiden Taylor
>There is almost a voyeuristic element to it. Ah, yeah, I figured something like that would be the appeal. Makes sense and it's probably a decent research resource for writers looking for inspiration for authentic characters.
Although simply finding some female friend online does the job too, you just get a less compressed version.
Going by authenticity alone, she sure sounded more genuine the Tao Lin (again, based on small bits read) His writing reads like it's meant for a reader.
Parker Anderson
Noah Jenkins
It is easy to dismiss it like that, but that's true with many female entertainers. Sex sells, they think they need that advantage. I honestly thought the purity of her observation was intriguing, but yes I can also see how that just reads like anyone's journal.
And maybe it only got read because the man was famous.
My counter argument is: should women just be forbidden to speak of sex if they are to be artists? Sexuality is part of our experience and our art. Commercializing it is one thing, exploring it honestly is another.
Cooper Davis
Women should be virgins until marriage.
Take the redpill
Matthew Gonzalez
Also: women should stay at home where they belong, and let men create art. They can't anyway, because their brains are too underdeveloped
Dylan Edwards
Yes, yes, all very cute. I'm sure you two are paragons of the art world and your devoted lovers just lay about nude on pillows in your Marrakesh apartment.
Didn't overt misogyny fall out of vogue in like 2007?
Besides I thought we were talking about a piece of writing.
Jaxon Ward
Landon Scott
>Sexuality is part of our experience and our art.
speak for yourself
Chase Brooks
By, "our," I meant our species. And sexuality doesn't necessarily mean sex. If you find your actions and thoughts dictated by a sexual impulse, then it's affected your experience.
Anyway, the point was women shouldn't be denied the ability to speak about something that effects everyone.
Jack Morris
your species maybe
Charles Clark
Oh, is sexuality not appreciated in the ai world? I mean I guess the impulse might not exist, but just as a curiosity?
Cooper Watson
it seems like you got memed
Colton Thomas
How I choose to respond is the only thing I can control though :P
Jeremiah Ortiz
I Love Music.
Christopher Thomas
Or you can not respond at all.
Caleb Clark
Do you like Schubert or Ravel, Wagner or Messiaen?
(I am assuming you discount pop since that's highly sexualized)
Sebastian Hughes
I do not know what or whom you speak of.
Jack Lopez
Oh my bad, I was skipping ahead a few steps. I thought your argument would be that there was art without sexuality, namely the music you like. So I thought you'd aim for classical.
So what I really meant is, what music do you like?
Wyatt Cooper
Summer is strong in this one.
Logan Johnson
Yeah I was trying to not be disparaging since I really do want to have a discussion, but who doesn't know at least Wagner? Like.... even if only from Bugs Bunny...
Andrew James
Greatest sculpture by a female sculptor: >My Giant Pussy
Greatest poetry by a female poet: >I'm a Woman, Have I Told You That Recently
Greatest political philosophy by a female political philosopher: >Why Women Need More Stuff, and Men Ought To Give It
Greatest novel by a female novelist: >How Janet Got Fucked (And it was About Feminism or Something)
Greatest movie by a female director: >The Epic Tale of My Cooter
Greatest video game by a female developer: >FEMALE PROTAGONIST: ADVENTURES IN CUNTOPIA
Easton Jackson
Not to hurt my own case here, but you don't even need to make that shit up. I present to you, "Penis Envy"
Jayden Bennett
Okay, well you've all been stimulating but I need to go get liquor to undo the last minutes.
I'll leave with you with my final argument about sexuality not being a mechanism exclusively abused by female entertainers:
shes an actually prostitute but anyway why not just read so sad today/melissa broder shes writes 20x better than marie
Charles Morales
These (, ) replies were from cleverbot.
Eli Clark
Well, as I've learned recently there's a difference between prostitute and sex work in general. I don't know where that line really is since it ethically seems the same to me, but thinks like seeking arrangement are somehow okay.
I'll check those ladies out, thanks.
I called him an AI didn't I? How has even a shitty program that presumably includes a crawler never heard of famous composers... Maybe I just don't get cleverbot.
Ryder Allen
Cleverbot learns from the conversations it has with real people, so apparently nobody ever mentioned Wagner to him.
Besides, it's not really an AI, it's a bot.
Jose Robinson
I feel like that says a lot about the state of this site heh.
Levi Ortiz
The difference between men and women exploiting sex is like if sex were custard and men were guys who occasionally said "hey, do you like custard?" while women are giant fucking custard golems composed of living custard who go around moaning CUSSSSTAARRRRRDDDDD
Adrian Howard
I don't know where to start. Yes there is some very tenuous correlations to be made about safety of the young versus spreading of the seed, but that hasn't driven evolution for... centuries. Male and female sexuality are more alike now than ever. What remains is vestigial/sociological
Colton Gomez
>Male and female sexuality are more alike now than ever. What remains is vestigial/sociological
More's the pity - because when you remove all the downsides/consequences/dangers from female sexuality, as is now the case, you quickly learn that females hold all the cards.
Liam Russell
Women being funny or interesting, what a spook.
Evan Reyes
I thought you might say that, but I don't think that's the case. Women have a similar level of desire, but face a certain consequence they should not. When you remove that, like say for example something like tinder, it becomes entirely about whether you find each other attractive enough to continue talking, meet and either continue to date or have sex.
When are equal terms everyone acts entitled, and everyone wants some, and a certain equilibrium is established.
If anything women should have some slight advantage socially since men generally have the physical advantage. But in reality it's slanted more toward the men's favor. Again, in my experience.