/sffg/ "Ring of Light' quintet edition.
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/sffg/ "Ring of Light' quintet edition.
Full story here: pastebin.com
Selected: i.imgur.com
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Flowchart: i.imgur.com
Selected: i.imgur.com
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Any other recommendations for fantasy with a girl protagonist besides Mistborn and Dragon's Daughter?
Orphans of Chaos
Un Lun Dun
First for charts!!!
For anyone new, this is a troll list of books to avoid. Pay it to further mind.
Second (are these, the one with squashed aspect ratios, and the weird "pinata" one the only charts we've got?)
Warbreaker, Elantris. Words of Radiance. Sanderson is pretty consistent with it.
>every thread posts the same thing
>doesn't make his own list to show his superior tastes
Yeah there is a troll and it is you.
It's not even that bad now, there's just a few baffling choices (mainly Jim Butcher and Breeks) and some that aren't really "modern".
Yes, and no. Some of the charts I upped to imgur and put in the OP months ago. We originally had two links, one for scifi, one for fantasy. I could have forced in my chart like I did with the rest but I couldn't be arsed. Back then (and still) people too lazy to make threads. A few months of forcing it and my original chart would have been accepted.
Everyone is too lazy to make charts, they complain, but don't want to put in time to make a chart themselves. It took me hours to make that chart , they don't want to put in the work, but they want to bitch about shit and expect others to magical make something with all their likes alone.
Let this user make some more with his superior tastes. Since he calls out this chart every time it's posted.
Hi breek user, haven't seen you (or your special abbreviation) for a while.
The fact that you made a chart and people are lazy doesn't make it any less awful.
If it so awful then why don't you make one and show us your superior tastes?
You wont though because you know there are dickheads just like you who call it shit no matter what.
Malazan book of the fallen is highly overrated on this board, I know everybody here hates ASoIaF but it's a lot better than malazan
>everybody here hates ASoIaF
People only hate it because it is popular. And to fit in on an anonymous image board you have to be edgy and hate popular things.
yea no
>If it so awful then why don't you make one and show us your superior tastes?
Are you retarded? We just confirmed that people are lazy.
>You wont though because you know there are dickheads just like you who call it shit no matter what.
I may be a dickhead, but your taste is fucking awful, read something that isn't fantasy from time to time, it may get better.
Most books people around here like are extremely popular.
Are you going to shut him down with some good books or continue with your game of I said he said?
Continue my game.
>And to fit in on an anonymous image board you have to be edgy and hate popular things.
I don't know of many obscure novels people here like, I mean Pynchon, Joyce, Dostevsky, Dick, Tolstoy and well most of the at least 200 most popular novels are quite popular.
Why don't idiotic plebs such as yourself realize that people dislike Asoiaf because it is pretty bad? Popularity has got nothing to do with it.
>but your taste is fucking awful
So if it is awful show us what these books we should be reading instead are or STFU.
You are a complete idiot who is just shitting on the list because you seem to think you need to look cool on the internet.
There is nothing wrong with any of those books, they are merely recommendations, not the definitive list of the best SFF books.
You are a fucking retard, you will continue to shit on the list and talk a load of shit because that is what retards like you do. You wont make a list of your own, or give any examples of books because you know this board is full of sad little retards just like you that will spend all day long laughing at you and calling your list shit.
>You are a fucking retard, you will continue to shit on the list and talk a load of shit because that is what retards like you do.
Your taste is incredibly bad, read a fucking book retard.
What makes it bad to a person who's never read it?
Epic m8, simply epic.
Everyone and their mother has read it.
Fuck off to reddit son
I'm not everyone and their mother.
>The “Earthsea” books are “a meditation on mortality or what it means to be alive,” Ms. Atwood says. “And also, of course, a meditation on power...[Le Guin] is at this moment the grande dame of female science fiction writers in the United States.”
>On BBC Breakfast, Atwood explained that science fiction, as opposed to what she herself wrote, was "talking squids in outer space."
so it's okay when women writers do it?
Where in any of these lists is the Kingkiller Chronicle?
I read 10 pages of Jim Butcher's bargain bin tripe
how can anyone recommend him with a plain face? It's like The Hardy Boys for adults
Atwood is fucking awful.
Her books are the squids in space she frowns upon.
Ringworld is utter shit. I know it did the big dumb space object thing first and kids who've never read it like to pretend they did so they can feel smug and superior when saying "Halo/Mass Effect ripped off Ringworld".
Rendezvous with Rama was much better at capturing curiosity and was more succinct.
And that whole genetic luck bullshit was annoying, like he was going for some Hitchhiker's Guide type humor but was actually dead serious about it, but not serious enough to get into the nitty details of science underneath.
they're talking women in outerkitchen
I recall an Arthurian Legend list and a Female Authors list floating around. I need to unlazy and add more categories to the pinata.
In none because it's terrible.
Hahahaha, truly epic user. *tips hat* {| ;^)
It's better than half the shit you put in these charts. And you do realize these charts were made by one person right?
No it isn't, sorry.
Epic user, simply epic.
I only read the first book, I heard it turns to s&m vampires in space in the later books.
You know many of the authors on your dumb chart praised the book?
You can shut your eyes and scream around however much you want, won't change the fact that it's bottom barrel trash and you're a sub 100 mongrel for liking it.
The two original sf and fantasy charts were made by one person YEARS ago, selective and the other by one person, I think another did flowchart? That shit was months ago last year I can't remember.
Just know that these:
(right to arm bears user)
Are all different persons.
Simply epic m80
The fact that you have The Dresden Files in there makes me question if you can even read.
Who the fuck do you think you're talking to, retard? Both are trash.
The first book was great, but the teenage angst for denna, the friendzone, random sex goddess jaunt and escape, slow pace (which means he wouldn't be able to tell the storykeeper/historian the entire shit in 3 days), one night stand turning his dick into the magic stick(which can fuck anyone's bitch), the tangents the story took along the way, kvothe being skilled beyond belief..... although you can say since he is telling the story himself he maybe embellishing it a bit(a lot) and thinks he speaks of did happen, but maybe not in that order.
I mean if he can forget his name, why can't he forget the more important and prominent aspects of his story?
tl;dr he wasn't consistent with his story and his unlikable female character pissed everyone off
Fantasy is a bottom barrel genre kid.
everyone knows way of kings drags on without much plot, but would you say the worldbuilding/lore makes up for it?
So I apparently have a uncorrected proof copy of The Warrior Prophet, should I try and find a final version? Can anyone who has read this version say if there are any glaring errors or typos?
>Can anyone who has read this version say if there are any glaring errors or typos
If you like reading one of those encyclopedias that have characters for children to retain their attention span sure
>there is one person other than me in the entire thread
Fagget person isn't the one who made the chart, I am. I haven't even responded to you until now.
You going off the rails for people not liking your book? I didn't put kingkiller because I didn't want to subject people to what Rothfuss did to me, he lured me into a plush well furnished box to have a seat and get comfy... he then removed a slot at the top of the box and took a long and well held in shat upon my person.
There is a reason I read the new stuff, so others don't have to if it turns out to be shit.
>Vin's brother dies offscreen
That's really disappointing, I was hoping for them to be reunited.
that feel when you'll never be able to write prose like Attanasio
What do you think of this?
VanDerMeer knows his shit, I read Finch and really liked it.
>selective and the other by one person
Selected sci-fi and selected fantasy were made by two different people.
They weren't, it was the same person, who didn't read most of the fantasy so it's hence pretty bad. Pretty sure I know who made it too.
I just finished pic related and it really made me think. What about you guys?
They were made by different people. I know, because I made the selected sci-fi chart. I tried my hand at a selected fantasy as well, but it wasn't very good and was never added to the OP (and is not what is linked in the OP now).
Didn't you make this one bbrown?
Did you mean to post an image?
>have a goodreads account but people will never know who i am from my chart
Feels good
This one as the one in the op
They will, Rooster, the biggest pleb I have on gr
>This one as the one in the op
No, didn't make any of the fantasy charts in the OP. Just the selected science fiction chart.
post accounts senpaitachi
I just said it's good that no one will know, why the fuck would I post it? Do you think i am low IQ user?
Did you make the modern fantasy chart? If so, yes.
Nah, I'll see you in a gr thread.
>Do you think i am low IQ user?
and what's the worst that's gonna happen, two people call you shit taste and forget about it the next day, come on f.a.m.
So, i just finished Hyperion.
>it took me until the fucking end to realize that it's a retelling of The Wizard of Oz
Then again, i never watched or read the original story, so maybe that's why i didn't made the connection sooner. Everybody singing at the epilogue was kind of bizarre, actually, given how they viewed each throughout the journey. Also, Lamia a shit.
Pls tell me that Fall of Hyperion delivers after all the hype that this builded.
>thinks I'm a Klapistani who is easily pressured
>Did you make the modern fantasy chart? If so, yes.
Why yes I did, but I am not the low IQ user.
I want to give The Dresden Files a shot, despite the fact that I am not a big fan of modern day setting in novels with supernatural aspects.
What I want to ask is - can I skip books 1 and 2?
Most reviews say that the series gets good at book 4, and book 2 is the low point and apparently the long plot arc of the series starts in book 3. I am just not sure that i can last through 2 mediocre books waiting for the writing to get better.
So which option is less likely going to cause me to drop the series?
>1. Missing important background info from books 1 & 2.
>2. Me giving up before I reach writing representative of the quality of the series.
slog through it. If you make it through book 3 you get addicted
>Black Sun Rising
I read this a while back and thought it was pretty good, certainly better than Pern as far as "fantasy world is actually space colonists who got fucked up" stories go.
As I recall, Butcher suggests that new readers skip 1 and 2 and start with 3.
If you really want to read them, I'd suggest just picking a weekend and reading through them really quick with a bottle of wiskey to dull the pain.
Why not just read something that's good from the start? That's a bad series.
>Butcher suggests
Are you serious?
Well if the actual author suggests it, that is good enough of an answer for me.
It's not bad, just not really good either. What it is, though, is damn good and pulpy fun. The latter books get crazy in scope and power creep, while maintaining a balance of forces. One thing that he's done really well.
It's fun. Don't you like fun, user?
It's not really fun. The protag is a literal fedora personality, and the "plot" is pretty mindless as well.
Please sir, give us examples of this "good".
Can someone recommend me something feel-good and fun? As in with fanservice, wind-up and pay-off revenge plots, the hero mistreated just for him to end-up in a position of power over their tormentors, haughty bitches changing their minds and pining over the hero once he succeeds, that kind of stuff. But written by someone who doesn't use pulpy themes as an excuse to write dumbed down crap.
Now, I don't mean comedy exactly as that tends to take the hero down a peg whenever he's flying high and is frankly too politically correct for proper fanservice most of the time. I would prefer bildungsroman elements with the guy starting off as an underdog (which is hard to find in these kind of things). I consider Gor, Richard Blade and John Carter of Mars good examples of series that's simple and fun without being dumb or trashy (well Richard Blade straddles that line if I'm perfectly honest).
I bet you believe harry actually wears a fedora in the books because it's on the cover.
Show me where it says he isn't wearing a fedora.
If you actually read the books you would know that Harry doesn't wear hates and that he actually hates hats(butcher put that in because the publisher continuously puts a fedora on Dresden's head). He just wears the trench coat, and staff, not the hat.
I cannot take anybody with the name "Harry Dresden" seriously.
Sleeping Giants is a good, fun read.
Fall of Hyperion lacks polish and doesn't flow. Mind you, Hyperion was Very Good.
>i did not have sexual relations with that woman
Great stuff. Ender's a cuck, Miro is moe. Piggy genocide best day of my life, for Quim and Christ.
Ship Breaker, Paolo Bacigalupi. Starts out as a preachy climate change dystopia and turns into a pirate story.
Are there any sci-fi stories from before the 70s that describe what are essentially video games?
It's pretty embarassing to have somebody come up and ask if you know about the Dresden Files because you're wearing a oilskin duster because it's raining.
#notallcowboys #notyournerdculture
Uuh... did you read my post? That book sounds OK, but you can hardly go any further from the type of books I was asking for without going away from the adventure genre. Basically, I want to read about a kid adventure, grow muscles, see boobs, develop skills and achieve success by carving himself out a kingdom or achieving legendary hero status. (Possibly space) Conan, but less classy, with a less reserved hero and more feedback/reaction from the world at large on his adventures.
My mind boggles at Copperfield
Did he really think that would help his readers to immerse in the story?
I meant it in a mocking / tongue in cheek way.
As my picture might hint at.
He's got "Blackstone" in there somewhere too, hasn't he?
That means you should read more stuff that isn't super popular. In genre fiction even more so than elsewhere, popular =/= good.
Any fantasy books with super purple prose -- convoluted sentence structure, arcane diction, or just otherwise mechanically difficult to read, and not because of some basic incompetence?
Clark Ashton Smith and Jack Vance