A short bit of very pertinent thoughts I would like to share.
A short bit of very pertinent thoughts I would like to share
go fuck yourself
please don't do that, it's annoying.
Did you write it? It's painful to go through.
Yes, I wrote it.
Is this a troll? If so, good show
If not, then this is such a retarded mess of nonsense. Read a book OP
OP you're not original.. think more. Read more (or at all - I suspect you don't read).
And please stop posting this shit on Veeky Forums
go fuck yourself
It's uselessly obfuscated, and doesn't express anything. You keep expressing again and again the same shallow idea in each paragraph. Norms aren't objective? Are you in middle school? You should read more and stop posting here or anywhere else.
Ha, you all got trolled!
This is Marx's early work "A smattering of proles: How Commidity Fetishism is killing us and what you can do about it"
I fixed a lot of the typos
Please stop using that obnoxious tone. It's something that I struggle with day to day, and have always struggled with, the fact that all actions and judgments are as arbitrary as the consequences of those actions themselves, in society. You know there's people who argue for objective morality and objective reason.
Yes, but you'll find that most of those people at least go to the effort of clearly defining their terms and working on the basis of the scholarship that has preceded them. You attempt to do no such thing, and only make shallow and ambiguous arguments with little relationship to one another.
By all means, bearer of opinions and no ideas, tell give me something interesting and rewarding if you're going to say anything at all. You've done nothing but denounce what I say, without even addressing the writing itself, really. What do I take away from this? You don't agree with my writing, or you don't like my writing, I don't know why and I'm only annoyed that I spend any time reading what you say any ways, as a matter of fact.
Sorry to break down your harassment delusion but I'm pretty sure more or less each post comes from a different user.
It's this guy again. Go away.
How silly of me, to think that I was having a continuous conversation with one person. How utterly out of control my foolishness has become.
How about you go die, you obnoxious little apparition of a person.
It's difficult to criticise the content of someone's ideas when their biggest problem is ambiguity, I would provide a critique of your writing if I was able but unfortunately it's difficult to figure out what you're trying to argue
Well, I said that the statement pertains to the whole of all experience.
If you run into an arsehole, you run into an arsehole. If you run into arsehole's all day, you're the arsehole.
Perhaps it could be looked at, that every individual who has a problem with you, is that individual’s problem. And every group of individuals who have a problem with you, is that group of individuals, individual problem.
Or perhaps I'm running into the same arsehole over and over again. You never know on Veeky Forums.
Cultural norms change all the time. They're so arbitrary, it makes my head spin. I'm always met with conflicting messages about so called "norms" and what other people dictate as right and wrong, or how I should gauge my reaction to others, to be more precise; because that really is something that troubles me and never stops. I never seem to be able to go through the day simply, without being conflicted.
Then it's your problem that you have a problem with us. Your semantics are retarded. There are 7 unique IPs posting in this thread, that's 6 more than the amount of effort using a proxy to tell you you're shit is worth.
blah blah blah, that's what all of your talk is reducible to.
Hahah oh wow. Good comeback. You totally redeemed your bullshit from that.