What makes you 'go' and live life everyday?
Why bother? What are you aiming toward? Respect? Women? Steady drip of dopamine?
What makes you 'go' and live life everyday?
Why bother? What are you aiming toward? Respect? Women? Steady drip of dopamine?
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well I'm already alive. just gotta keep that ball rollin
pussy and religion
I have no fucking idea, the universe is pointless
it's not a decision, lol
it just happens
low-grade mind, you have
Also, someone has to take care of the fucking kittens.
Money, pleasure, entertainment, higher knowledge.
OP here
I have come to think this is the most honest answer
Humans exist both because and for the fact our molecular configurations reproduce throughout space and time (i.e. by fucking pussy and making new humans)
We have evolved abstract thought and delude ourselves into thinking we have other purposes as well (i.e. religious thought)
So now we recognize the things that drive us
And what now?
what's the diff
Thats for you to decide compadre. Life is what you make of it. Now get the FUCK off my board
things go on with or without you
thought is meaningless, to it
Even saying that is a statement of what the purpose of "life" is (i.e. purpose is self-fabricated, merely cognitive, and arbitrary)
Is that lukewarm shitbird answer the best you can do?
Eat more nutritious foods, drink more water, and exercise daily and questions like these will not even enter your mind.
because I want to, usually
internet tuff guy has a tiny penis
btw, how do you type with such small hands?
please. plenty of people don't, but the beat goes on.
Truth. I guess a nice consistent dopamine fix precludes these sort of morose thoughts
And so that's my usual go-to approach to quell these existential questions
But it still leaves them unanswered. Unsatisfying
You're so deep.
Atoms are a lie.
the fact that I want to is kind of a buffer against overly pessimistic thoughts, interpretations, conclusions, etcetera. It's the only reason I need to know right now.
I know.
I guess resigning my existential state to utter confusion is an answer too.
>i'm not these things that are part of me
Recognition and women.
Have you considered reading Angelus Silesius? "The Rose is without a 'wherefor'—she blooms because she blooms."
> not realizing the boundaries of individuality are arbitrary
>i get to choose what's part of me
you're misinterpreting what I'm saying.
which part of you is saying it
>not realizing the deterministic basis of individuality has empirically established stimulus input - neuroplastic output relations that are consistent and can be exploited by your executive function
Suicide is too painful. I don't mean this in a morbid way. I'm not really depressed or anything but extremely apathetic. Waking up, doing morning calisthenics, walking about, making food and musing about what life would be like if I hadn't dropped out of secondary school seems preferable to suicide because it's not painful and there's no burden really
column F, row 57 of my personality matrix
never go full nerd
My b
I aim to be happy. I go to the gym, because I feel good afterwards and I look even better the next day. I write because it makes me happy to see something I made the next day. There is no upper limit for human joy, so I keep on climbing the steps to get as happy as I can.
>There is no upper limit for human joy
So the dopamine answer.
I recently finished Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead
>in b4 plebfag
And Rand made an interesting argument (probably aped from previous philosophers, but whatever) that a man's purpose is to build and to control nature, because its part of expressing our true nature as a species, and reaching the maximum of "goodness of species expression" is ontologically good (correct me if I'm misinterpreting her reasoning)
And so she detested any comparisons of man to animals
Is this religion tier?
YOU are the problem.
I am driven by a probable psychotic hallucination of a Scythian Enaree who transformed into a talking dragon after drinking the blood of three dragons due to emotional dysfunction.
Her last standing order was to read.
I just want the stuff I have to deal with on a daily basis to work without too many problems. That's all I really need but it seems I'm already asking too much.
You're fine.
In what sense?
this is hilarious because you reposted due to having problems with your first post ha
thank you for laugh
I kinda agree with this
Yeah, I think the problem is really me.
You don't know what "you" is? Are you a secondary English speaker?
no choice
dunno, I think about suicide everyday at this point
I know what the word means, I asked if you mean that I directly cause my problems (which I agree).
with words like "quell", "morose", and "precludes" I'm sure your IQ is more than well equipped to solve the problem of existence.
The process of art is the artist's working out of his own redemption.
People can't handle this question without having fully internalized the deterministic basis of life and consciousness
Guess I'm wasting my time with 80% of you on this humanities pleb-tier board
But you guys are better than the unimaginative sciencefags who can't think outside of their little games for anything worth a shit
OP out
>What makes you 'go' and live life everyday?
I don't care much about dying. My life is not happy enough to have any desire to live, but it not sad enough to make me want to die.
>muh chemicals, muh biological determinism
How utterly drab.
Glad to see another stemfag leave
I'm already dead. I live only to see the fire consume this sick society. Then once that task is done I will finally be able to rest, and I will see her again.
Fine I'll bite
If you're seriously convinced by any metaphysical view of biological phenomena (which subsumes everything you call "life") other than that of quasi-determinism, get your pseud nose out of crusty philosophy books and stop being a slut for the bourgeoise connotations of outdated philosophers who didn't know any better
"cause" isn't a factor.
the point is they're yours.
I see.
>there is no other possible view except my own
Only physical determinism is true determinism. Biological determinism is a weak enough position it can be made compatible with free will in almost every philosophical form.
hi Catholic.
Go easy on him. He's probably like 16.
Love, Passion, and Competition. These are the things I live for.
I'm alive because I know no matter what point in time I visit this board I will always find twiggy shitposting
like seriously what the fuck is wrong with you I haven't been on lit since I met my girlfriend over a year ago or some shit now we just broke up and you're still here probably having monthly walden discussions with nobody
Hey, somebody got it right!
Great response man.
I'll concede that. But speaking in terms of the probabilities that are reasonable to us and scales that are relevant to life, biological determinism is determinism.
and you're right atoms are a lie; matter is an emergent property of confined energy
For a second I thought I saw "Compassion" in there.
Ayn Rand's explanation of the purpose of man is the exact opposite of Heidegger's.
>The mode of revealing characteristic of modern technology understands phenomena in general—including the non-biological natural world, plants, animals, and indeed human beings—to be no more than what Heidegger calls standing-reserve, that is, resources to be exploited as means to ends.
>By revealing beings as no more than the measurable and the manipulable, technology ultimately reduces beings to not-beings
>The notion of a not-being signals two things: (i) technological revealing drives out any sense of awe and wonder in the presence of beings, obliterating the secularized sense of what is sacred that is exemplified by the poetic habitation of the natural environment of the Rhine; (ii) we are essentially indifferent to the loss. Heidegger calls this indifference “the hidden distress of no-distress-at-all”. Indeed, on Heidegger's diagnosis, our response to the loss of any feeling of sacredness or awe in the face of beings is to find a technological substitute for that feeling, in the form of “lived-experience”, a drive for entertainment and information, “exaggeration and uproar”.
they're just words
sorry your dick shrivels up at the hard ones
If you think quell and morose are "hard words," I pray to god you actually are just an adolescent, because otherwise you are a straight up dumb motherfucker.
Oh good, so you're not totally clueless
Why so defensive over these things? hit a nerve hearkening back to your fedora days?
Glad you're so authentic in dictional usage now man
stop whining
So, minus all the big words that you wanted to use, why make this thread?
You're convinced it's deterministic.
That doesn't leave a lot of space in the margins for any "why", just the "how".
Like others have suggested in this thread, if you stop asking the question and focus on Life itself, you may find that your angst about knowing fades away.
Life is more various and complex than your scientific phenomena can encapsulate. It would be a shame if you took the beauty out of the clockwork with such a reductive stance.
Clockwork can be beautiful
So rather than categorize every life-affirming expression as dopamine, try softening your desire to find "reasons" and take joy in the mechanism itself
Maybe read some Taoist lit. And if you're not convinced, just be reminded that nobody in this thread can answer the question for you.
Especially not determinism, unless you're into that ascetic renunciation of spirit. Then read Schopenhauer.
>Clockwork can be beautiful
You spelled 'boring' wrong.
Random user here, thank you for that.
I'm jazzed up to read some Heidegger now
Why are you SUPER-jazzed???
>23 posters
>still 23 posters
good ol' Twiggy
Not a stemfag here, and I disagree.
Music is beautiful, and it's a form of clockwork.
But what I'm saying that a deterministic approach can be guided away from "why do anything at all" by a sense of wonder/awe at the clockwork
Because he writes words that jive with me hombre.
I'm this faggot. Already posting in the thread
Gotta do sometime while ı wait for death. If my memes/genes get to be passed on as a result, good for them.
I posted more than once, too.
Low odds, I know. Especially with multiple convos.
Who said "boring" was bad?
You don't have to do anything.
I meant why aren't you.
do you like Emerson?
that's the connotation hombre
It's not exactly titillating
Why is titillating necessarily good?
What is good user?
What is "what is", user?
I work alone.
Someone told me I get to decide.
I smoke marijuana regularly and do other drugs occasionally to dull my senses and to be able to live relatively comfortably. That and reading+ film in my spare time for some escapism.
Everything is escapism.
Escape me.
I disagree. Humans exist to break shit. We break up the constraints of chaos by building civilization, and when civilization becomes too confining, we break that for chaos.
Find a reason for living like a job that has fulfilling purpose for you or a hobby or get a family. Life is awesome and crazy new things happen every second and you get to observe it and be a part of it. You also have the ability to think and live in fantasy land whenever you want. Respect,Women and dopamine aren't reasons that make life worth living though just being is enough in this world...Observing change in the world and physically and mentally changing are my reasons for living. Life is beautiful if you're not stupid. DFW was stupid so he hung himself if you're too stupid to find anything in this world worth living for then my advice would be to enrich your mind read more and learn more and figure it out. Cultivating your worldview should be reason enough for living now.
Beliefs, such as yours, are stupid.