I'm looking for books about being an utter failure because you don't give a fuck about doing anything...

I'm looking for books about being an utter failure because you don't give a fuck about doing anything, nothing really matters to you.

damn... deep AF

Most Houellebecq protagonists are like that. They hold down middle or upper class jobs but are otherwise mostly dead.

Céline might also be your lad.

>damn... deep AF
It's really not deep at all, I'm just looking for something that I can relate to. Ever since I went to school, I've been the most cynical and sarcastic person, I almost feel like I live simply for the ironic pleasure of mocking things when I'm in school, or doing anything serious. No, I live for pleasure, I live for the next best musical album I listen to, and whatever interesting book I can get my hands on, or whatever form of entertainment I can find. There's never been any sort of pleasure in "noble" pursuits for me, it's all fucking fake, life is pointless. I do like being comfy though, I like just enjoying myself, but I always feel like I'm just a derelict loser, floating around in ugly nothingville and waiting for my time to come. All the other shit that people are enjoying in their lives is parallel to me, but I'm not a part of it. It really is just a very lonely world, and anything that may seem like a "noble" cause is just fucking fake. All the people you ever meet are fake, most of them just pretend to tolerate being around you, and there's really no "way to be" when you're around others. They'll sense your awkwardness, your uneasiness is sensed by them, people are sort of telepathic in that sense, they pick up ques from you and they interpret their meaning without even trying. So in a way, it's simply inescapable, to never get on the good side of someone, or to have someone really become a good friend with you, because once you know the irony of everything, it creates sort of a paradoxical barrier between you and reality. You'll never "break into" reality.

Read The Conspiracy Against the Human Race.

You'll get a taste of real pessimism.

If real pessimism is just thinking that everything sucks and you can't wait to die, then I guess I'm not a real pessimist. One thing I want, is to live past 2100. You know why? Because if you look at all the progress we've made in the past 100 years, you realize that people were dirt poor intellectually and socially back then, society was in the dark ages. I want to see how far technology and society progresses, I want to see how the world progresses as we become more knowledgeable, and most of all I want to see religion fucking die and I want to see belief and superstition fucking die. I feel so sad to have been born on such an unfortunate planet, really. When you think of things from the perspective of "aliens", you realize how utterly fucking stupid this planet is. All of our values are based out of the necessity's of this planet, which you learn from a pretty young age are bullshit if you ask "why" enough and get no direct answer, if that sort of shit annoys you to utterly no end you start to realize that everything's shit. Only shit eating cunts think that conformity and obedience to authority are virtues, only the biggest cunts, the most conscienceless mongoloids adhere to that philosophy. Hell, I wouldn't even give a fuck if a person killed and raped a hundred children, they're more honest than some moralist piece of shit, because at least they don't try to put the big delusion in front of your face. What's worse than that though, is a moralist cunt who doesn't put the delusion in front of your face, and gives you the "cold hard facts of life". Like, "life is all about hard work, it's a hard struggle" blah blah blah. Those people are also, by no lesser degree, massive fucking cunts.

My journal to be honest

>Denigrates "delusions about life"
>Unironically uses the word "progress"

Oh look, a slave.

>thinking gadgets will save you from the inherent maliciousness of existence itself

poor lad

Yes, progress. If you don't look around you and think that everything sucks, and that it could be a lot better, you're a slave. Because human beings don't really have an ultimate purpose to be here, we should be constantly striving to have a better world. Really, the only sort of thing I respect are scientists like Isaac Newton and theoretical physicists like Einstein and stephen hawking, because it's people like them that are the reason we have satellites and internet, and the medical care that we have today that we didn't have 100 years ago. THAT is progress. And you know what? I agree with everything the progressive left wing wants, I don't even disagree with the ways they go about trying to get it, because at least SOMEONE gives a fuck. There's so many things that the moralists want, when they try to impose their idea of morality on other people. People shouldn't have to worry about what someone else thinks of them as long as they're not hurting others, and if you're one of those people who thinks that gays are going to ruin the world and having a fairer and more equal society in terms of finances, you're afraid. You just want the comfort and security of your simple world, and fuck everyone who disagrees with you. That's the mentality of morons who hate "progress". It's all born out of fear and ignorance, and I'll be fucking damned if I don't say this a million more times to some jackass who says this to me, because it's the truth. You wanna go on the street and protest that god hates fags or something, that's good you go right ahead and do that.

You're pushing the 'euphoric' bait too hard.

Next time don't try to incorporate moral nihilism with a character that sincerely believes in progress.

To define progress is to make a moral judgement as to which path leads 'upwards'.

I'm not even making up a character, I'm just being more real than most people ever are. It's really shocking to you, to see someone expressing their opinions. A lot of people don't even know it when they see it, but some people admire that about me.

>doubling down on the cognitive dissonance

In a sense it's a pretty believable character that way since a lot of people engage in "my arbitrary morality is truth while yours isn't", but on this board you need to be a bit more consistent for the bait to really work.

This character would work better on Reddit. You should make up a fitting username and build up a proper post history though.

notes from underground

you might sympathise with cynics but I wouldn't recommend it because they'd personally find you bitching on the internet about how pointless your life is like the deluded and self important loser you are, and they were the type to take their ideology very seriously

I think I’ve finally understood what nihilism means. Nihilism is to reject the necessities the world creates, because the necessities aren’t always fair. I’m not sure what the opposite of nihilism is, but I guess it’s to believe in creating some sort of order in things, to go along with the program so to speak. I guess in some ways I’m anti nihilistic, if you believe in justice as I do I guess you could say that I’m not nihilistic. In other ways, I think there’s a lot of principles I reject. Yeah, I guess that’s the opposite of nihilism, is principles. To live on principles is to have some faith in the order that you create out of the necessities the world creates, and that’s a very operative word “necessities”. A lot of the things we do are born out of necessity, or what some people perceive blindly as necessity. One example would be money, we need money because of necessity and a principled person works hard to get money and make a living. Living on principle is probably what a lot of people see as “noble”, where as the rejection of principle is to be nihilistic. It’s hard for me to tell where I really fit in, but I don’t think there would be 100% truth in it if I were to try to make that distinction, it couldn’t be done, there’s always unknowns and nuances.

You missed the point. Progress in the sense you're using it is a spook. It implies things are fundamentally changing for the better, when in actuality things are mostly staying the same for the developed world, and getting worse for the developing world. Shiny new gadgets and gay marriage are not progress, they're distractions. Our shortsighted greed and selfishness brought us to a position of dominance in the natural world, and the very same traits will destroy us. Loss of arable land and rising sea levels will reveal the fragile notion of "progress" to be the lie that it is.

The fragility of civilization coming under threat of rising sea levels isn't a good reason to dismiss progress at all. That's like kicking someone's sand castle and saying "the sand castle was a lie anyways".

Accept Jesus into your soul and you will be saved.


get stirner'd pigfuck


We aren't all that gullible here, we can see you coming if you decide to overplay it and ham it up. Work on your subtlety and you can catch more fish with less bait.


You could read Stoner through that lens, I imagine


if aliens existed they probably all killed themselves or just descended into hedonism.

You're missing the point. The point is to look at the world from a non ethnocentric perspective, which was part of my point about principles of the world being born out of necessity.

There's a difference between "failure" and "loser."

A failure is one who tries to but doesn't win.

A loser is one who was rotten to begin with and doesn't bother. So, you are a loser--according to your description.

However, my hunch is that you are not cool enough to be called a loser and have simply failed in life. Sad!

That's a bit rude and impolite of you, you don't even know me.

Then it shouldn't be taken personally, should it.

No, I'll take whatever personally I want to, I shouldn't be bullied by you and you're not the judge of my character from behind a screen. What kind of desirable person do you make yourself out to be, that you can talk down on someone else like that? I bet you're not even attractive, I bet you're ugly and have an insufferable personality. Do you really think that I'd want to fuck you, or that anyone else would for that matter?

Wow. The gifts from the gods are plentiful tonight.

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