Fookin ell

fookin ell

I buy that there is shit going on that we can't experience.

2 people that think they are way smarter than they actually are.

Yeah, it's something I was always annoyed at when people freak out over more complex color vision systems, it is so much larger to think there are entire senses, dimensions, feelings that we cannot perceive.


I like his anti-scientistic radical openness to ideas about the nature of the world. At least on the epistemological level of rejecting scientism as a conceptual blinder, it's pretty well in line with non-positivistic, antifoundationalist contemporary/continental philosophy.

In terms of consciousness, he's a strong dualist who seems to like idealism and emanationism. Nothing wrong with dualism. Seems to be pretty typical mystic, takes LSD and is suspicious of materialism.

Seems like an interesting guy.

I've met so many mystics that were simultaneously materialists. Lots of those hippies are just hungry to have ideas about things.

Mystic materialists? What the hell?

and a third one

You mean /board

Why should we care about these senses and dimensions that we can't perceive, given that they are physical and universal? Our perceptions are based on our bodily ability to sense things. Through the theory of evolution, we can assess that there is no need for them to survive. Neither do we see any evidence of abnormal senses in other organisms, so there must be no biological benefit for us to interact with phenomena not currently known to us. Vague concepts in which individuals interact with unknown dimensions, such as spirituality and enlightenment, are strictly personal and not universally experienced, and do not result in feelings or senses in the individual that are not of the material world, but only come from the immaterial.

I read his booky wook in high school and it was alright desu, especially as far as celebrity memoirs go. Wouldn't be too surprised if he was actually a Veeky Forumsizen

I'd be surprised

I don't agree with rationalism, but I also don't really believe his meme spirituality bullshit is a logical conclusion to draw from that. Just because you leave the Church of STEM doesn't mean you have to devote yourself to vague spiritual memery designed to appeal to pseudo-intellectual hipsters, and it certainly doesn't mean that you have to commit to some political cause

>Why should we care about these senses and dimensions that we can't perceive
We can perceive/sense them. That's how we """know""" they're there. We just can't do it as readily as perceiving chairs and rocks and so on.

don't flatter yourself matey


you gotta do what you gotta do right?

>it is so much larger to thinik there are entire senses, dimensions, feelings that we cannot perceive
>'we can perceive/sense them. That's how we 'know' they're there'.
what exactly are you talking about then

It's important to realize that negative materialism exists as well. An example of this is that a man who renounces all comforts and rejects even the slightest of luxuries isn't FREE from the material world. If anything, he has to pay more attention to rejecting the material world than he does to freeing his mind. See: the Buddhist philosophy of the middle path.

He's a person who is able to make a lot of very little

anyone get extremely annoyed by this russel brand faggot


I can't take anyone who discourages people to vote in democratic elections seriously.


mate yes mate