Is using amphetamines cheating?

is using amphetamines cheating?

Only if you don't have ADHD

It's a good way to fuck yourself up. I wouldn't really call it cheating though if you actually retain the information (which I guess depends on how you use them). I use coffee and that's not "cheating."

that jawline

also erdos



coffee != amphetamine

not even close. And if someone is using amphetamines in other ways besides not learning or retaining information then they're dumb


What did she mean by this?


I'll allow it

>that triangle above e = mc^2
Are people really that idiotic.

if you're not prescribed it you're a degenerate fuck

some triangles can have 20 degrees depending on how you define a triangle or a degree

>that HTML at the top

this is some hardcore shit

Obviously not. Say you have food allergies. Is not eating those foods and thus not having low blood pressure and high brain histamine levels, cheating? If you're extremely anxious to the point where you can't keep anything in working memory, your vision is going dark, and you can barely generate thoughts, is consuming an anxiolytic "cheating"? Is masturbating before a class and thus lowering your dopamine levels and elevating prolactin and phenylethylamine cheating? It's an induced state change, like going for a walk.

And what are you cheating on? Why is the arbitrary line you've drawn between cheating and not at all meaningful?

Hint, it isn't. Do what it takes, and do what you want.


It's not nootropics, fag.

Try taking an adderall one of these days. It motivates you to get things done and allows greater concentration whether you have ADHD or not. .

nootropics is way different, and in my case, not helpful at all. They don't change the brain like amphetamines do

> #
I went to a doctor for bronchitis (from a cold). We both agreed it was a virus and he gave me cough medicine so I could sleep and actually heal some and then gave me antibiotics because "that's just what we always do, maybe a friend will need it some time."
Like fuck, if you bother to make it prescription only why have the doctors hand it out like candy?

Yes, it is. They provide an unfair advantage.
Not wanting all students on stimulants is a strong reason to ban the substance. Nice list of comparisons there btw, most are blatantly unreasonable. Equating pharmacological intervention to a walk is ludicrous.
ADHD is fictional.

This an irrelevant concern raised by irrelevant people. That this question was even noticed happened by sheer accident.

so people have jobs and can control drugs.

Dopamine levels relative to performance have a distinct U shape. For some people amphetamine could negatively affect certain faculties.

I always found dextroamphetamine inhibited creativity and divergent thinking. I could interpolate, but extrapolation was limited. Couldn't move tangentially.

>Nice list of comparisons there
Glad you liked it. It shows why your mindset is nonsense.

>Equating pharmacological intervention to a walk is ludicrous.
You shouldn't see yourself fit to talk about pharmacology, to be quite honest. We're talking about extrinsic state change.

(Inverted U rather. Not quite a bell curve, but an inverted U.)

It's a double-edged sword. There's no advantage for those who get caught up in masturbation or other burning curiosities and then go through withdrawals.

>ADHD is fictional

Except that children with severe adhd can be given high doses that do nothing more than return them to baseline. Nothing controversial about acknowledging impaired executive functioning.

the bigger question is does it matter if you cheat?

idk ask Tim Bradley

I bet if you looked at those children's diet and home life, you'd find problems in at least one of them. If you performed a food allergy test, you'd also probably find their immune system was reactive to a number of common foods and possibly their digestive system was dysfunctional. You would realize that they chronically elevated histamine levels, and remembering what we know about histamine, you'd realize its role as a modulatory neurotransmitter can drive down dopamine release.

If you reconciled the core problem instead of treating it as an intrinsic strictly mechanical failure that "just is" and exists in its own magic vacuum, you might get somewhere.

Again, obviously not. You're there to learn and get a piece of paper that says some supposedly authoritative institution within your society is claiming you're allowed to get a job. That's it. It's not a competition in this sense.

i mean in an academic sense. paul erdos made great contributions to mathematics while under the influence of amphetamines. if OP's context is the competition of university and students competing for grad school, then i think they are cheating, but not in another sense

>adhd is fictional

never post

what about cognitive thinking and logic? dex good for that?

>dumbass distracted kid is bored by school
>must be a mental disorder

He's right, though.

adderall for example isnt meant to "fix" bored kids at school though. It simply allows more neurotransmitters to comminucate with receptors, allowing the person to focus better, increase memory, etc.

just...wikipedia have a lot to learn


If you take them like you're supposed to, there's really no downsides. I think everyone should take them, because they're the only drugs we have so far that are clinically proven to improve cognitive ability significantly. Modafinil will keep you alert, but it won't enhance your executive function like ritalin will.

do people even take ritalin anymore? shit came out in the 50s. I thought adderall replaced it, no?


it depends on what works for you, none of them affect everyone the same way

I take it. I think it's a superior medication to Adderall because it's not as euphoric. Ritalin is cold and mechanical, while Adderall is kind of giddy and chatty.

Practically anything is capable of inducing extrinsic state changes.
It is getting controversial when it is abused on a massive scale to attain better grades.
Thanks for the you.
Not meant perhaps, but it is definitely being used for fixing bored kids at school. You must be very naive to think otherwise. But yes yes, they do not call it kid speed for nothing.

>I always found dextroamphetamine inhibited creativity and divergent thinking. I could interpolate, but extrapolation was limited. Couldn't move tangentially.

Are you tweaking right now?

>And if someone is using amphetamines in other ways besides not learning or retaining information then they're dumb

I use amphetamine once every 3-4 weeks, both recreationally and to improve my ability at cognitive tasks. There's nothing wrong with infrequent recreational drug use.

I also take antioxidants before and after, just to reduce the damage, and only stick to low doses (< 30 mg dextroamphetamine).

I've found the same. Interestingly, caffeine makes me very creative, while dextroamphetamine makes me analytical but uncreative. They both raise dopamine (caffeine indirectly, amphetamine directly), so I wonder why. I know they change dopamine concentrations in respectively different parts of the brain, so that might play a role.

Only if you get caught.

>mfw abused amphetamines and every drug i could get my hands on for a good 5+ years

>mfw STEM now

>stay awake for 2+ days regularly, feel and function completely fine

>yfw I am an outstanding student


lmfao this cunt is off his head

sec{2(x)} tan{2(x)}

Secxx tanxx


xx is x^2 you fucking mongoloid


thats found in Adderall and other ADHD meds, right?

I didn't know that stuff was used recreationally.

Dope contribution homie

How does one acquire Adderall? Just tell my doctor I can't focus?