Ive been memed and i loved every fucking second of it

ive been memed and i loved every fucking second of it.

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You're goddam right.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Bolano

Might as well ask in here: if I know one form of Spanish will I be able to read Chilean, Colombian, Argentinian etc literature? Because I often see people from Latin America or Spain say how they have difficulty conversing

It's as hard a chav from England communicating well with a redneck from Louisiana or a nigger from Johannesburg.

However, the Real Academia de la Lengua Española has an online dictionary, with regional slang and shit, you can use.

Thanks, that should be useful. At least I won't have to deal with differences in pronunciation

Thanks for the recommendation.

I downloaded it in spanish, as it's my first language, and I thought I wasn't enjoying it that much, but then I suddenly realized I was 100 pages in.

Why is Norton such a whore?

>Why is Norton such a whore?
shes a woman

Welp, can't refute.

Bolaño writes almost all of his characters as very promiscuous. The characters that don't get laid are usually suckers.

I see.

Well, for now, from the first 100 pages (or, more like 50. I see the paper edition has 1136 pages, but calibre shows 2310. So if I'm at around 100 pages on the epub, I should be at around 50 pages if I was reading it in paper), this book could be called "2 cucks, a whore and a cripple".

keep reading friend. youre in for a ride :D

Books 1 and 5 are the most enjoyable by far, but 4 is the best. 2 and 3 were still great.

Lalo Cura is the best character, even over Archimboldi

Loved the academia-bashing mixed with incredibly poignant stories

Blew the rest of his stuff out of the water, honestly

just curious what made lalo your favorite character? i personally liked seaweed man the best.

I skipped through part 4. It just seemed to be descriptions of dead bodies and what had been done to them for like 200 pages. Mistake?

His mannerisms, what he represented when compared to any of the others (especially the Mexican cops), but especially (for some reason) his background: it seemed very Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Also, I think I let Klaus hype King Seaweed up too much for me


Bolaño wrote a short story entitled Prefiguration of Lalo Cura. It's published in The Return and on The New Yorker. Not the same Lalo, but thematically similar. It's extremely gruesome.

Huge. Lots of major and minor characters interacting and forming out of (seemingly) nothingness. The most explanation you're going to get. Some of Bolano's most direct commentary. Most fulfilling of the Spanish tradition put down by Cervantes, imho

It's meant to wear you out.


Thanks for the tip, my man

>tfw you find out qt rosa is a FUCKING WHORE ;_;

Razones, pincharon

Spic man tries to do Delillo and Pynchon while bashing both (m-m-uh PKD!)

DFW did the same thing.

mate if you enjoyed that try 'the woes of the true policeman', one of his greatest 'minor' works

(to clarify, the novel is about amalfitano with certain differences to two six six six)

Loved the whole book but the part about Archimboldi was some next level shit. Id rank it u there with gravitys rainbow and the castle as far as favorite novels

>In 1968 he moved with his family to Mexico City, dropped out of school, worked as a journalist, and became active in left-wing political causes.[9]



so close

>Le presenté a Jean-Pierre y él me presentó al fotógrafo. Era Emilio López Lobo, el fotógrafo madrileño de la agencia Magnum, uno de los mitos vivientes del gremio. No sé si Jean-Pierre había oído hablar de él (Jean-Pierre Boisson, del Paris-Match, dijo Jean-Pierre sin inmutarse, por lo que es presumible que no lo conociera o que en las circunstancias en las que nos hallábamos le importara un rábano conocer a tan eminente figura), yo sí, yo soy fotógrafo y para nosotros López Lobo era como Don DeLillo para los escritores, un fotógrafo magnífico, un cazador de instantáneas de primera página, un aventurero, un tipo que había ganado en Europa todos los premios posibles y que había fotografiado todas las formas de la estupidez y de la desidia humanas.

Big mistake. Go back and really get in to it, see if you can solve the crimes. It's one of the most exhausting and enthralling experiences I've ever had reading.

she is a slut, but not on purpose. being the center of attention gives her power and she enjoys it, albeit subliminally. One of the themes of the book is chaos and chaotic lives, how good people can commit bad acts. but I aint no scholar, thats just MHO

I findno similarities between Delilo and Pynchon with Bolaño. you're high, m8.

>not 2666


I see thematic similarities with Pynchon and Bolaño. Not Delillo, though.

How does the english translation compare?

My man good explanation. Where are you from tho?