Why atheists deny the existance of God while knowing that the universe has a cause ?!


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Because adding God is just a whole extra unnecessary layer of complexity

>knowing that the universe has a cause
Sure kid.

The figure of god is an anthropocentric act.
The humans are not important in the universe buddy.

What caused god? Now, whatever answer you come up with, apply to the universe.

ITT: OP conflates "cause" with "beginning".

Because, we can't for sure disprove him, nor can you prove him. So, he is a non-issue, until someone can actually prove either.


>Implying you know what you are talking about
This is a bait.

impressive 6 separate good arguments.

For those who asked ( who caused God ? ) :
In Theology, God is by definition uncreated ! and cannot be bound into the time / space that we are bound to ! so, God is the cause of this universe because we couldn't prove that he isn't !

I know, it's a bit hard to imagine ! but he doesn't have a beginning by definition !
The creator cannot be bound to the same laws of his creation ! for example : if you created a computer can I ask what is your size in Bytes ?!! of course I can't ! so yeah !

If you apply that logic to god you must apply that to the universe also.

You're arguing emotions cause you "feel" like god doesn't need a creator. Well I "feel" the universe also doesn't need a creator.

to whom? oh wait, you mean to the universe, like the universe has values, is somehow sentient

gtfo religion boy

God - the ultimate shitposter

The causal universe with a necessity to be created doesn't follow the same logic as an infinite intelligence that is simultaneously the alpha and omega that just decided to parse itself by perspective for posterity.

I'm not religious, I'm a logical person like you all are and I just want to know the truth :)
The universe has a beginning that's what the big bang theory is all about ! and if God is caused by someone else ! we are going to enter an endless loop and we would never exist and think about it :) so it must be a first cause existed before the time / space ;)

Why theists deny existence is a simulation while knowing that the universe was created ?!

The big bang theory is wrong ?! no ! it is mathematically proven that the universe is expanding ! and if we think about the start of this expansion we will find that it began with an explosion ! from the absolute nothing !

Besides, there is another terrifying fact !
the big bang theory is mentionned in the Qur'an ( Muslim's Holy Book ) more than 1400 years back !
" Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe? " 21:30
Can anyone explain this to me ?

Where does it say big bang there ?

Then who created god? :-))))))))))))))

God with a necessity to be created doesn't follow the same logic as an infinite universe that is simultaneously the alpha and omega that just decided to parse itself by perspective for posterity.

nice fancy words though

the explanation of the theory is there ! humans called it the big bang theory !
who created God is a wrong question like I just explained ! because God is uncreated by definition ! like asking " in integers, what is the predecessor of 1 ? " - 1 doesn't have a predecessor in the integers set !

* predecessor of 0 ? - I meant lol :D

>I am a part of this system in which everything has a cause
>ergo, the system itself must have had a cause, even though it doesn't exist within the system's laws
>I know this because my limited experience can define all

This is your logic.

>an infinite universe that is simultaneously the alpha and omega that just decided to parse itself by perspective for posterity.
So you don't believe in cause and effect and the physical sciences' consensus; you live in a universe where anything and everything always happens in the same moment?

Why do atheists love semantics so much?

Not an argument.

>Can anyone explain this to me ?

yes. you are stupid. what part of that drivel sounded like a description of the big bang to you?

" ... the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them ... "
You are the only stupid here ! lol

I'll start believing in your gods when you can prove they exist.

Let's suppose that God doesn't exist, In this case, how and why we are here ?!

Genuine atheists reject the big bang hypothesis.

Look up ancient Greek texts they were theorizing it long before any of the abrahamics

Again, Let's suppose that the big bang theory is wrong ! can you give a better one ?!

this thoery cannot be wrong ! the universe is expanding and we cannot deny this because it's proven mathematically ! so if we play the tape backwards it's shrinking !
the expansion is caused by a big quantity of energy ! so, the universe started with an explosion , we cannot deny this !

It doesn't have a cause. It happened randomly.

Woah almost cut myself on that edge

Back to /b and never come back

randomly ! a complex and fine-tunned universe is created randomly ! no way ! with all these miracles ! it must be a creator behind all this !

it must be a cause behing all of this, read about the cosmological argument and the philosophy of religion !
1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
2. The Universe began to exist.
3. Therefore, the Universe had a cause.

The best I've seen from Veeky Forums in a while.

He's pointing out the flaw that all atheists have with religion.

The Philosophy of religion is a very important and interresting subject to speak about ;)

>1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
I refute this.

how ? can you prove it otherwise ?

So which religion is real?

>1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
Unproven assertion.

>2. The Universe began to exist.
Unproven assertion.

>3. Therefore, the Universe had a cause.
Unjustified conclusion.

What one views as common sense or "feels" to be correct is not a sufficient basis for metaphysical, or indeed physical, claims. Daily reminder that quantum mechanics throw the logical absolutes into the garbage bin.

>tfw went from being religious, to edgy atheist, to religious

The big bang describes the expansion of the universe, not the beginning of the universe.

OP has no cause, argument invalid

this is more than commen sense, read about it ! big-headed philosophers dealt about this issue !
for the question which religion is real ? I made some researchs and I found that there is a whole science called comparative religion where students study this philosophy of religion and they found that there is only one religion but its practises changed with time the proof of that is the fact that all religions had a common basis that God is one !

Zoroastrians ( Parsis )
He is One, He is without an Origin or end.
He has no father or mother, wife or son.
( Dasatir, Ahura Mazda )

There exists but One God. Who is called The True, The Creator.
( Sri Guru Granth Sahib, vol : 1, Japji verse : 1 )

He is One without a second.
( Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1 )

Christianity & Judaism
Hear, O Israel, The Lord, Our God, is one Lord.
( The Bible, Mark 12:29; Deutronomy 6:4 )

Say : He is Allah, the One and Only. ( 112:1 ) Qur'an

>TFW fell for the epic fedora memes

You'll never convince a scientifically minded person with these kind of arguments.

There is a lot of scientific facts in the holy scriptures, mind you !
The last holy scripture ( The Qur'an ) is the most amazing and mind-blowing one of them all ! because it has numerous informations that became facts recently while this book is revealed more than 1400 years ago !

This lecture contains all the details :

you belong in the desert, fucking towelhead

Excuse me ?! lol, you think I'm an arab because I was empressed with the Qur'an ?!! hhh
never seen the movie V for vendetta ?!! you don't have to be arab or muslim to be impressed with this book ! read more, ignorant !

so what? you're in a science board, go to LGBT if you wanna spread your faggotry

I was speaking scientifically from the beginning ;)
You broke the rule ! I'm not trying to spread anything ! I'm seeking the truth that's all :) I hope you respect that ! otherwise, you don't have to read this thread !

seek the truth somewhere else and quit your evangelizing
nobody gives a fuck about your fucking quran

I have told you kid ! I am not an arab ! all what I wanted is a positive conversation and I choose to put it here in the science and maths subject to avoid ignorants like you !

wrong board towelhead. try /b/ or lgbt

philosophy is not a science ?!! ignorant !

>from the absolute nothing !
Yeah, no. Not from nothing. From something we as yet don't know or understand.

All of this is very simple, really. Nothing can come out of nothing. Therefore, there was always something. The very basic nature of not just the universe, but of existence itself, of whatever preceded the universe, whatever preceded the thing that preceded the universe, etc, is "something", not "nothing".

So logically we have two ways of explaining off our existence here:

1. We assume that a being of extreme complexity, a God, just popped in, came up with us humans, and made a ridiculously vast, ordered universe for just us to play in. That he's been sending messages to people containing information that over the past thousands of years have been proven wrong over and over and over again and all he has left are the few childish notions that can't be proven either way.

2. We assume that at its core, all of existence is some kind of potential. A philosophist could perhaps say something like that there is no "nothing", without "something". Therefore, at its core, reality even beyond our universe is "something". What, then, is the simplest form of information we know? It's binary. Literally something, or nothing. That's all. To be, or not to be. And yet, just an infinite number of chimps mashing typewriters for an infinite amount of time would eventually, inexorably produce all the works of Shakespeare in the correct order... an infinity of "something" and "nothing" would ultimately produce the most complex, beautifully coded software ever written.

Thus, with the simplest tools imaginable, just a random pattern of 1's and 0's, "somethings" and "nothings", eventually a simple pattern will emerge describing the fundamental laws of physics, describing an immense amount of energy, describing the variables that can propagate to multiply in a pattern building up to ever more complex structures over and over and over. And thus, here we are.

I am not the guy you are replying but Philosophy isnt a science.And bu the way quran is made up by using arab mythology.Thats why their flag is moon.They believed that moon was sacred.And you still think its scientific?

because the whole doctrine of god has not contributed one bit in figuring out the universe has a cause.

you christ fags suffer from a terrible confirmation bias

Dont waste ur time on that guy user. his head is stuck so far up Allah's ass, I doubt he can differentiate religion from science

>The humans are not important in the universe buddy.

I never understood how this is an argument for or against the existence of God.

>God made this massive universe, and cares for every little bit of it, including (You)!
>If God made this massive universe, why would he care about (You)?

it's exactly the same thing as glass half-full vs glass half-empty

I have some muslim netpals, and they told me about their religion : this story of moon God is not true ! this is one of the numerous misconceptions about Islam !
Islam is the most logical religion on earth and it is based on strict monotheism ! their God doesn't look like anything we know ! not a moon, not a person ! not a bearded man on a cloud ! you can't make a mental image of their God, thus, this is the most legitimate definition of a god !

I remember when Christfags first proposed the big bang theory and atheist scientists flipped their shit and wildly accused it as "baseless creationism"


Behind all of the major, most well known religions is a philosophy that is fundamentally flawed. It's based on belief, rather than evidence or experimentation.

The scientific method is self-correcting. It tests itself rigorously over and over until it the best explanation possible, one that is methodically experimented on and verified repeatedly through the use of means *designed* to tear the theories apart, designed to find any and every flaw imaginable. Pure science has no ego, it does not fear being proven wrong, of being questioned, of being advised and corrected and developed ever further. It strives to be the very best it can be without any human vanities hindering its way. Science thrives on change, and adapts to anything thrown at it.

Religions are opposite to this. They are based on authority, zero experimentation, zero self corrective methods. They actively oppose any signs of criticism, violently lashing out against those who would question the people in power, or the words of ancient books written in a time with a fraction of the knowledge or wisdom we now have. Religions thrive on status quo, and the very last thing they want is to change.

Thus, the comparison is this: Science is the kid who spent 20 years traveling the world, learning everything he could about everything. Testing, discussing and sharing his ideas and furiously improving himself on anything he could, without ego or worry of how he might look doing it, or if someone else had better ideas or more experience than he did.

Religion is the kid who had a single dream when he was 4 years old. So he closed himself in a room and spent the next 20 years fantasizing about that dream, knowing nothing else.

Now, statistically speaking... which one of the two kids do you believe knows more of what's going on in the world? Which one has had more opportunities to get their ideas right, or to even know whether they did?

God having no beginning but being an intelligent designer of the universe would explain why there's so much entropy in the system to begin with. Doesnt work when you try to apply the timeless argument to the universe. The universe is far too orderly and there's no good reason for it.