What would happen if you drank a sufficient volume of 0.1M NaOH to neutralise your stomach acid?

What would happen if you drank a sufficient volume of 0.1M NaOH to neutralise your stomach acid?

Your stomach would be full of neutral liquid then you die

>neutral liquid
But why would you die? It's just neutral liquid

And why would you die?

your stomach would compensate by expressing more acid

desperate bump


But there's a valid answer in this thread.

you'd damage your throat.

well, assuming that's not a problem and enough of it reaches your stomach without you vomiting or anything

You wouldn't be able to digest food anymore, but assuming you give it enough time for your stomach to replenish the acid, you should be fine

You would increase the probability of an unwanted bacteria or virus making it into your gut and potentially infecting you.

Your blood pH would go up. You'd probably be fine long term. Don't cite me on that though

Yes you killed the man by pulling the lever

>just take a sufficient number of antacids over the counter
>neutralize stomach acid momentarily
>feel nothing, or relief if you have ulcerations in your stomach

no, the trolley engineers did because they replaced the trolley motor after they removed it

Because it would be extremely painful

>blood pH would go up


Most of the bacterial flora in your throat and stomach would die and you'd get very little fat out of anything you ate. Beyond that I have no idea.

You need the acid to break down the food you eat. If you don't have the acid, how does the food in your stomach get turned to poop and pee?

4 U

Ever heard of water and salt crackers?

>neutral liqud