Theories of Intelligence Thread?

Theories of Intelligence Thread?

You're all smart folks here so what the hell is intelligence anyway? Is it a fixed, immutable quality? Are there multiple intelligences? Is it possible to substitute knowledge for smarts? What gives?

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Intelligence is defined to be the ability to have cognitive abilities, or think. The word has been defined by us, so it's safe to assume that we're what we refer to. There's a difference between instinct and intelligence, a bird flys south for the winter because it knows it has to, and a computer follows code because it's designed to. If a bird or computer want to be intelligent, they need the ability to think for themselves, in these cases, an example would be a computer being to write their own code, and follow it.

>You're all smart folks here
Not all of Veeky Forums studies either math or physics.

>what the hell is intelligence anyway?
Ability to derive new information from old information.

>Is it a fixed, immutable quality?
Pretty much. You can temporarily boost it by using creatine (blood starts to better rush into your brain) or getting mild electric shocks to your brain, but the results are not that impressive.

>Are there multiple intelligences?
Of course there are. For example people who have had brain injury may sometimes lose some of their abilities while others stay. This indicates that all intelligence is not a single entity.

>Is it possible to substitute knowledge for smarts?
If you have a lot of information in your hands, you don't need to derive so much new information. So yes.

>What the hell is intelligence?
What's intelligence for you?

For me it's the high abstration ability the human being has. You can say it's immutable, but there are different types of POV lessons that each kid have more/less difficult to understand. This cirumstance makes defining intelligence more difficult.

I think there is a innate part of inteligence, which makes it easy to associate ideas, even though your learning skill depends of your mood, physical state, goals, anti-anxiety routines, association methods, etc...
A great example are kids geniuses who got their degree at the age of 15/16.

Most people can actually do a double Math/Physics degree. It's not that difficult, but there are some requisites people don't have:
-Strong math basis
-Physics overview
-Routine stablished

I personally found time for bussiness/public relations and my "hobbies", when I was studying for my degree.

I agree it's very difficult, specially if you got autodestructive habits. But I read started to read a lot of self-improvement books and efficiency-efficacy texts which made me understand better my past depression-anxiety cycle.

>Are there multiple intelligences?
No. I think there are multiple interests that people pursuit. If you have passion for something, often you will get good with that passion of yours. But most people let their habits sabotage their dreams.

> Is it possible to substitute knowledge for smarts?
I don't understand this question.

>You're all smart folks here

wew nelly

I think intelligence is the ability to improve things.

Birds to what they do pretty well but aren't very good at thinking of way of improving what they are doing.

Computers are actually getting pretty close to intelligence I think. You don't even need a neural network for computer intelligence either since a gradient descent optimisation can just as easily improve the way something is done. I think the next step for intelligence and what human beings have achieved is the ability to design systems which can improve things.

Why did you quote me when you didn't even talk to me?

Never quote me or my imaginary wife's Korean son again.

One theory is that awareness and intelligence is actually "made" through different interactions of neurons rather than in the brain itself.

Get a trip so I can filter your useless garbage out

My dualism professor told me our brain is just the antenna to channel the intelligence dimension, so take some shrooms to expand your mind and get better reception :^)

>you're all smart folks here

>le non-material origins of consciousness debate

I was intrigued by this when I was 20 but now I'm nearly 30 and I'm not sure how well it holds up. I think we had a thread abou thtis here a few days ago.

Seems that discussion is definitely related to OP's interest though, if anyone else wants to chime in.

I've actually not seen any genuinely stupid people in my time on Veeky Forums, save for /b/. If you think the userbase is dumb I'm curious about your life experience. Note that this does not mean a person is smart because they use this site.

Does DNA have intelligence? Does DNA think?

I'm not saying DNA is aware or sentient, but does it think? On a scale of several millennia DNA attempts to improve itself and adapt itself to survive in it's environment no matter what that environment is. That process in itself can be considered an act of intelligence. An intelligence with a thought process of the most rudimentary and simple kind (process of elimination) on a time scale that's almost unfathomable.

I have to wonder if aliens will see intelligent life on Earth purely as DNA and fail to see the cognizant, self aware, but fleeting intelligence of the animal mind that created from it.

>Does DNA have intelligence? Does DNA think?

>On a scale of several millennia DNA attempts to improve itself and adapt itself to survive in it's environment
You're confused, DNA doesn't adapt to its environment. DNA adapts randomly but only the good adaptations stick around so it looks like it's improving itself.

>I'm curious about your life experience
Well maybe I could create a reality TV show about my life if you want.

I see creationists and flat earthers routinely on this board. I think its safe to say there are genuinely stupid people here.

But, this is exactly how the brain's creative process works. It creates a bunch of random shit and cherry picks the stuff that's applicable or useful. It's called process of elimination, you can't tell me that's not thought in it's most basic form.

>but only the good adaptations stick around
You learn, and DNA learns, more from failure than their success. You can't say it's not intelligence just because it fails. Stupid maybe but not intelligent.

You're confused again, DNA isn't picking anything, the "choosing" is done by the environment.

Good adaptations stick around because the bad ones end up with the organism dying and the neutral ones don't reproduce any more than normal.

>"choosing" is done by the environment.

Your confusing intelligence with free will. Just because choices are the outcome of environmental factors doesn't make it any less intelligent. Also, you'd need to prove that all your choices aren't the outcome of environmental factors before you can use that argument.

also, please don't derail this onto a free will thread. Shouldn't have never opened that can of worms but too late now.

You seem to have a pretty loose definition of intelligence.

If I have a bunch of 3D shapes and I drop them through a filter that only lets round objects through then are the shapes choosing to become rounder?

Let me just clarify, the shapes don't change. I am just left with a load of round shapes on the other side of the filter.

>You seem to have a pretty loose definition of intelligence.
ITT: how do you define intelligence

>are the shapes choosing
Does intelligence require choice? Can intelligence simply be a algorithm or program? A slime mold can solve a maze but you can hardly say it's choosing which direction to do so. Computer AI can act intelligently but you can't say it's making choices.

I see what you're getting at

Although if you want to define some form of intelligence based around the changing of DNA over generations you'd need to consider the DNA and the environment in which its organism exists as a single system making choices, or even just the environment.

>even just the environment.
Are you saying the universe itself is intelligent?

Protip: Only autistic people have intelligence. For normal people it's just instinct. That's why we're the smartest people in the world.

Neurotypicals are basically women.

>Get a trip

>think for our self's

>Most people can actually do a double Math/Physics degree. It's not that difficult, but there are some requisites people don't have:
>-Strong math basis
>-Physics overview
>-Routine stablished

this doesn't say much about "intelligence" though. If, for example, a person seems have particular trouble with math, can that deficiency correct itself in ways we say are "extra-studious?" That is, can a person train themselves to become better at thinkign about mathematics, or will this person simply be compensating for a natural deficiency?

>math deficiency
There are some research that affirm a focus POV change can improve drastically a kid's interest in one matter. That said, he can associate mathematical/literary/any topic's concepts with something more familiar/known, so his abstract manipularion of the idea is greater. This is applied mostly on kids, though. I tried to do it with teenagers and most of them are influenced by a lot of problems in their life. Guess what happens with adult men.

We can change our POV's focus so we can "catch" that idea and associate it with more efficiency.

The state of a person also is an important factor in this process. Two simple examples:
- You are looking for something thinking(I can't find it! I won't find it even if I keep looking for it!)
A familiar of yours asks you if you found it, then he/she finds it inmediately.
- A tedious problem makes you invest 3 hours of your sleeptime; the next day your mind is "enlightened" and you(How didn't I think about this? It's so simple!)

There are some problems and thinking habits that psychology and psychiatry omit/ imply they can't change without a long trauma terapy.

It's interesting how people tend to act and how many ideas and tendencies we share.

Shake zula the master rula the old schoola, you wanna trip I'll bring it to ya

Here's a little anecdote and I don't want this to sound conceited. I have a friend who I know I am smarter than in regards to IQ. I out-debate him on every subject and he lacks the ability to think rationally when it comes to discussions and so on. He also struggles a lot with mathematics as well. Yet this guy crushes me on video games (FPS games) despite having similar amount of time spent on the games. He really does ingenious things in the games we play that I cannot sometimes comprehend. He is really good at figuring out where I will be on a map and he will predict my every move. I would say that he has a type of intellect that I don't possess. The intelligence he has is that he is very good at focusing on his enviroment, he relies a lot on his senses. I'm starting to think that this is the sort of intelligence most sportsmen have. They're not usually theoretically smart because they were born with another type of thinkning style. Thoughts?

>what is a corvid

No. Intelligence is clearly only IQ score, specifically as measured by Raven's Progressive Matrices. Intelligence is also fixed at birth and immutable. Education has no effect.

It's important that this be true so I can feel smugly superior.