Let's face it Veeky Forums, man was never meant to explore the universe due to the massive distances between everything

let's face it Veeky Forums, man was never meant to explore the universe due to the massive distances between everything.

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my BBC can easily reach.

whitey mad his dick small as fuck lmao

it is true, we must create a new form of life, robust and immortal like our machines yet with brains like our own to ensure they are sapient like us

Exactly, which is that money should go towards helping developing nations.

You just forgot the fusion reactor. When this technology will become more common it will allow to travel at 0.1c (or more)

OP is not thinking with portals

Man should learn to fully utilise the resources close to us first before even trying to explore the universe. Build a dyson sphere or even consume the sun to build a giant habitat. Then who even needs to explore the universe when you don't even have to time to explore your own habitat.



>Man was never meant to fly due to the massive distance between them and the sky.
>Man was never meant to go to the moon due to the massive distance between the earth and it.
>Man was never meant to cross the sea to different continents due to the massive distance between them and it.

I may not be a Veeky Forumsentist. I may not know anything about biology, physics, advance mathematics, technology or science, but you sound like a faggot who needs to kill themselves.

Excellent false analogy

>man was never meant

why do you assume there is supposed to be a meaning
man was never "meant" to build automobiles and make chicken soup but he does anyway

natural selection isnt intelligent design

And we go back to the ancient problem of the humanity. We don't know what we realy want

ftl travel fag.

Not possible fag

Even if its false and the two things aren't comparable it still has its merit.

If anything's false, it's your logic.

I know what i want. I want to explore.

> I may not know anything about biology, physics, advance mathematics, technology or science

never would have guessed

There are universes within simple algorithms to explore right now. You just need a computer and time to make the calculations.

We weren't inherently meant to do anything outside of pass along our genes, but not being specifically designed to carry out a task hasn't stopped us in the past. We have yet to know if such a thing is impossible because we've never tried, but we will eventually. Until then I'd reserve judgment.

>We weren't inherently meant to do anything outside of pass along our genes
And why were we "inherently" meant to do that?

nigga, we still have a good thousand years of dicking around in our own solar system before we even think about going interstellar.

Not true. The closer you get to the speed of light, the slower time gets. We could get close enough to travel to other planets and solar systems within a lifespan. Watch Cosmos man, you learn :)

We have so much to explore... even right here on earth.

That takes shitloads of energy though and is incredibly inefficient.

Mistake on my part, I really should have said we weren't intentionally designed to do anything because there's no evidence to indicate any form of intention or for that matter design.

most of our machines are crazy inefficient.

Yeah but that's limited by engineering, not laws of physics.

>that's limited by engineering, not laws of physics.

i really want you to think about what you just said.

Sounds like a challenge to me.

You can't lower the energy needed to accelerate a mass to .99999c with engineering

no, but we can hamfistedly throw more energy at it till we get a 'good enough' output. just we like we do with every other machine.

So we'll just consume a sun or two on the way, it'll be just like pulling over for gas except we'll be destroying solar systems.

Yeah and that's incredibly inefficient compared to sending out AI at .3c instead.

>wasting the energy from perfectly good stars just to get to further distant stars

and thats incredibly inefficient compared to just building fuckhuge telescopes if all we want to do is look.

colonization my man, thats the end goal.

How incredibly narrow minded

not even. they would be building sized satellites spread AU distances apart. we could do it right now with current technology and wouldn't have to wait for AI to be developed.

with an arrayed telescope we could analyze nearby exoplanets in extremely high detail. very little need to send a probe.

I meant
>colonization my man, thats the end goal.

>meant to

>explore the universe due to the massive distances between everything

So what? There is more than enough to see, explore, and colonize within 20 light years, hell probably within our own solar system. Fuck the universe.

>BTW I am well aware that even with Star Trek technology reaching another galaxy is impossible, but who cares? There's plenty right here. How about worrying about reaching our neigboring worlds before getting butthurt about far out shit like astronatus going to Andromeda or the edge of the universe? We can still start entire new civilizations on Mars or around Epsilon Eridani and you're going on about this shit? Idiot.

why else engage in extra solar activities? you can learn about the rest of the universe from well within our own oort cloud.

ITT pseudo-intellectuals trip over each other to see who can be the most edgy

>pragmatism = edgy

it has to be controversial to be edgy. nobody gives enough of a shit about space for it to be controversial.

>nobody gives enough of a shit about space for it to be controversial
My experience on reddit and pop-sci youtube channels begs to differ.

Try suggesting to space nerds that Mars colonization and manned spaceflight is a waste of time.

Maybe now, but in the future? He said ever, meaning all of human existence.

What's wrong with wanting to explore other things?

Your post is so fucking stupid it hurts.

All that matters is what the universe affords via its laws. Things are only "meant" via their intrinsic properties.

Shouldn't the first goal before space exploration for a race be mastering their own biological mortality and diseases so they have an indefinite lifespan, and x-unlimited time to do anything including mastering the universe?

Try suggesting to space nerds that people sent to colonize Mars would have too much brain damage to be useful by the time they got there.

Unpleasant truths that break the old sci-fi you were raised on can hurt.

Probably not physically. It's not close to being viable. More like our creations are meant to explore the universe while we sit on our shithole planet.

The mortal vessel is bound to Earth, just as the cell is bound to the body. We may be able to survive in a petrie dish for a while but without the overall system we are nothing.

AI is what will conquer the cosmos:
>time is relative as AI can speed up or go to sleep at will
>hardened to radiation, vacuum, cold and heat of space
>hardened to acceleration
>powered directly by same energy as vessel
>vessels aren't hindered by having to carry living space, food, water, facilities and meatbags

Face it humans are stuck on Earth yet we shit this place up like we're leaving tomorrow. The UFOs are likely just watching us to see if some of us are smart enough to give birth to the true cosmic kin. If they wanted us we'd already know about it.

>pretentious supposition™: the post

Why dont we just build virtual reality machines so we dont have efficiently space travel to get the same results as an virtual reality machine. Space travel is a waste of time. Fixed your problem OP.

so we dont have to*

Thanks for conceding, you have met your superior.

>no, but we can hamfistedly throw more energy at it till we get a 'good enough' output.
No we can't because we can't put the energy of the sun into our spaceship's glove compartment. And no amount of throwing more energy at it will solve the problem. The hard limit of energy utilization is direct matter-to-energy conversion at 100% efficiency, which is not good enough to travel at speeds close to c. Other hard limits you can't violate are the rocket equation and conservation of momentum.

as you can see, everyone does not agree with your view of the world.

> Man was never meant to travel across the seas
> Man was never meant to go faster than five miles per hour
> Man was never meant to fly
> Man was never meant to go to space

Tell me, how is this any different?

Extrapolation is less reliable than interpolation.

I don't know about interstellar travel but there are certain things we will never reach due to hard physical limits. For example, even if we travel at 0.99c we will never reach any object outside our local group because the expansion of space is too fast.

All human achievements are technology. Without technology, humans can't even survive in many of their current settlements on Earth. Humans weren't meant for space (both because humans aren't meant for anything and because space doesn't offer conditions that aid the development of life) but humans can create something that is meant for space. But that something won't be humans. Sentient machines no doubt, maybe even made in the image of humans but not actual humans.

Also, SCALE. Dumb motherfuckers don't care about scale: a person can circle the Earth within their lifetime, even with primitive vessels. The closest neighboring solar system is already piles upon piles of lifetimes away unless you're moving at speeds that require more energy than global civilisation consumes annually. It's like trying to go from throwing a rock to throwing the moon in one step.

There could well be loopholes to travel at FTL speed.

Alternatively, we embrace relativity; we simply work on a system-scale. A star system should be more than enough.

>There could well be loopholes to travel at FTL speed.
That's pure speculation at the moment

>Alternatively, we embrace relativity; we simply work on a system-scale. A star system should be more than enough.
This is slightly less far fetched

I think you underestimate exponential growth (humans fucking and making babies)

>man was never meant to eat cooked food
>becoz no stove in throat
fgt pls

10,000 years ago
>let's face it Maka-Kegga, man was never meant to explore the lands due to the massive distances between everything.

5,000 years ago
>let's face it Uruk, man was never meant to explore the oceans due to the massive distances between everything.

2,000 years ago
>let's face it Archias, man was never meant to explore the skys due to the massive distances between everything.

now on a Lebanese flavored ramen comparison imageboard
>let's face it Veeky Forums, man was never meant to explore the universe due to the massive distances between everything.

None of those other distances are massive though.


>AI is what will conquer the cosmos:
Why is all this transhumanism/singularity schtick taken seriously by anyone?

the thing is that this time we're fighting against the fundamental laws of the universe rather than
>how the fuck did you get to the americas without getting scurvy
i hope sci-fi stuff like warping is possible, but i'm not holding my breath

Walk to a different country.

>People should do things my way otherwise - they should fuck off.

Thatd take from a week to whole months. Its a lot of time but definitely manageable, tons of people have done it.

>None of those other distances are massive though.
The distances are massive relative to the time period discussed.

Crossing the world's lands 10,000 years ago in a single lifetime would have been impossible.

Crossing the world's oceans 5,000 years ago in a single lifetime would have been impossible.

Crossing the world's skys 2,000 years ago in a single lifetime would have been impossible.

>distances are massive relative to the time

Didn't know the speed of light changed over time.
Huh, TIL

OP, you might have gotten better responses if you'd posted this a few weeks back.
you know, before humanity discovered a rocky planet around a star that could be traveled to in mere decades by a probe.

man was never meant to do anything except maybe procreate

Man never means to procreate.

Can I get some sauce or math to back that up?

Except humanity has already spread all over the world 20,000 years ago.


The unknowable is terrifying, anons.

That’s why humanity explores. To shine a light on the frightening dark that surrounds us.

>That’s why humanity explores
No. It's actually new resources, not some poetic crap.

You are both wrong.
The real reason for human space exploration is purely geopolitical. America must have the ultimate high ground when it comes to space.

>let's take the big ass clump of ordinary matter that is a spaceship and make it go FTL
Even if something like FTL exists you'd have to be the biggest fucking retard to believe it can be achieved by macroscopic objects.

>meant to

The longest distance you can cover by walking is about 13 600 km.
The lowest point of the ocean is about 11 km deep.
Earth's circumference is just 40 000 km and the highest altitude where normal planes can fly tops out somewhere at 30 km

Meanwhile the moon is already 380 000 km away and we've made very few successful attempts at landing a manned craft there, it's not something we can do casually.

The closest neighboring star is 4.243 light years away. Next to that all Earth-related distances do not even register. And space is a much more hostile environment than Earth's surface is.


It's feasible to inhabit our solar system, though.

Moon bases
Mars colonies
Various space stations in orbit of planets/moons
Commercial mining between them all

This is all realistic and will probably be done

>even if we travel at 0.99c we will never reach any object outside our local group because the expansion of space is too fast

if that was what you were asking about here's where i learned that from



Why would God create a universe so gigantic if there wasn't a way we could explore it, I'm sure we'll find a way, someday. (I legitimately believe this.)

lets face it our species is ready to step down and let machines do evolution

Not with that attitude.

el mayo

Reading comprehension: 6/10

These guys are right tho. Why waste time researching the current place we live in when we could have a completely new planet? We would just need to wear spacesuits all time and live in air tight houses and make sure none of these things break down due to natural wear and tear and discover how to make crops and figure out what to do in case of natural disasters. We've already explored this small earth enough amirite guys

Kek. Me neither. He sounds like a smart guy with a reasonable point though

Mostly just sounds completely clueless about the scale of the universe.

>tfw humans will never HaaH WaaW

wow someone had a bad day lol