Is it worth learning Russian just to read classic Russian literature? Cпacибo

Is it worth learning Russian just to read classic Russian literature? Cпacибo

read a translation you fuck

A lot of Tolstoy hasn't been translated

> learning a whole language to read some books
Who actually does this? There are just too many flaws to this.

Someone with free time I guess. Which I have a lot of at the moment.

And what about idioms, places, history? You don't learn them when you are learning the language.
Anyway, I shouldn't really be talking you out of this. Learning a language is great investment in your life.

Why the fuck did you think Joyce did so?

Learning Russian ATM for shits and giggles and because I bought a waifu with 10/10 face and 11/10 body from the Motherland.

>Everything is hard.
>The alphabet confuses you
>NO ARTICLES (the Reason Ivan's always sound stupid in English.)
>Listening is even harder.

Mail order brides are still a thing?


And nowadays you can even select for education etc..

You can actually learn those things when learning a language, though.

I just learned about the Russian "No matter how many chairs you have, you're still a shit musician." Or something like that.

Learning a language is worth it in itself. It's even better if you wish to put it to use, especially if it's as beneficial a use as reading some of the best books ever written.

t. Slav

I was literally just on this /int/ thread where they were calling all slavs cucks to Russia.

The initial name of Serbia in the Middle Ages was Rascia. Literally Rascia. Can't be more cucked.

I guess it depends on the way you learn. I was learning Russian for 5 years in school. It was like 2-3 lessons in a week, so I even after 5 years I can just write and say most basic things, nothing fancy. And I don't know a single idiom. I can find out, sure, but I don't think I would understand it's meaning immediately.

Did you read at all? I imagine reading children's books would be a good thing to do and then upgrading to Magic School Bus level Russian books, then Goosebumps level, etc.

Wait... Not Magic School Bus. What were those books where there was a brother and sister and they would do shit like go back in time?

Very little. While in school I was never interested in Russian literature. And all we were ''forced'' to read were just some usual stuff from textbooks like ''How Russian celebrate Maslenica'' and stuff like that.
Though we did much grammar. Even though I have barely used Russian for 4 years, I still remember all verb conjugation (I guess this is the right time, because you don't do that in English) for all genders.

Ummm... Is this legal?...

Raška is named after Ras and is only one area of Serbia, medieval or otherwise. I can't blame the Western historians for getting a bit mixed up tho: at the time they had no real empire of their own and were trying to get back by fellating Germanic Holy Empire cock.

Why wouldn't it be?

She is off age.

Even tho he can "buy" her, she would be under no real obligation to stay with him or sleep with him or anything outside of a wedding ceremony p much.

So quite quite a lot of people buy a wife who then moves out and divorces them.

That's borderline, if not actually, life ruining stuff. I may be forever alone, but even I would think that it's a bad idea from the start.


Totally not similar.

You got to think that the reality of this was to help pretty gold diggers find big ol gold mines that wanted digging. But you have pretty poor people now saving up to buy one of these girls and misselling the lifestyle they can give them. You know what I mean? Like if you're some pos postman or checkout guy or something you are kidding yourself if you think this is even a vaguely good idea because why would anyone want to stay with you for money?

Itt: дeбилы, кoтopыe читaли Дocтoeвcкoгo тoлькo в пepeвoдe и дyмaют, чтo oни eгo пoняли.

a kak tbi emu chital? Mne netu ruskie bukvi, izvinji.

Raš is an ancient fort. Russ is the name of the vikingy tribe thing. They might be related but p much you'd be saying all that Viking shit is p directly down to Serbs.

I'm an M.D., I can afford her and the lifestyle she has always longed for.
Also my home has never been cleaner despite the fact that I've always had a maid.

Ha pyccкoм, ёпт. Bыyчил pyccкий и читaл.

Probably alright then 2bh famalam.

How difficult is it to get to the reading of level of Tolstoy, assuming you don't care at all about speaking the language?

He's not a very difficult writer stylistically, but how is Russian grammar?

Lots of declensions.

Grammar is a pretty difficult, takes some time to learn it. Reading is easier than speaking though, obviously.

You aren't going to do this OP, so why ask?

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