Creationwiki's Perspective on Human Origins

How wrong are they in this page?

Other urls found in this thread:


>God intentionally scattered mankind to retard their technological advancement by confusing their speech

how can you take any of this shit seriously









Their words, not mine.

>How wrong are they in this page?
exactly how wrong they are on everything else.

the teal deer is that they claim paleoanthropologists can't find any transitional forms. this is explained by saying that everything is either an ape that paleoanthropologists falsely claim has some human features or a human that they falsely claim has some ape features. of course, this line of argument sort of falls apart when you see something like early Homo erectus, which walked upright and made tools and used fire, but still had the long arms and round abdomen of an ape.

Like Turkana Boy or members of Habilis?

exactly like Turkana Boy or members of H. habilis
the creationist argument in this case is based entirely on claiming that there's nothing in the fossil record with a mix of human and ape features. and that's proven false by taking a quick look at, well, just about any early human.
(bonus: they say there are really just two genera of hominin, Homo and Australopithecus. they say this because they are ignorant swine.)

Usually they just claim habilis is a "wastebasket taxon" for "large-brained australopithecines" and "small-brained humans."
Funny part is that they can't agree which are which.
Then there was that one time AiG claimed sediba was a human. Kinda makes this comic ironic.

It's not just skulls. It's also genetics.

Apparently AiG can only speak in buzzwords and cartoons, as evidenced by this article.

Hard pill to swallow.. I know. The fact that you're just creature on a rock orbiting a star that's orbiting the center of an ordinary galaxy who wasn't created by an all loving entity. Ignorance is bliss right?

I prefer to think that He was the cause and "lawmaker," but that's just me.

Found this too. Why must my people be so rude.

If you showed as much interest in reading into the fascinating and plausible ways that a universe can come from 'nothing ' as you did in finding shitty Christian apologist comics you might learn something.

I have, actually. My main focus is hominoid evolution though. Going to college to become a Physical Anthropologist.

hey me too!

did your professor shamelessly totally shit on creationists for the first two classes too?

Nah, I just wanted to vent a little.

Oh, well, ok

god doesnt exist just fyi

>God was too incompetent to design initial conditions in a way that resulted in an universe He wanted
fucking blasphemous heretics

I feel like that red arrow was drawn by someone who doesn't know how these trees work.

>they forgot to evolve!
New même here

I think it was meant to illustrate the idea that chimpanzees have changed very little since the split and that we came from them.

>chimpanzees have changed very little since the split and that we came from them
of all the bullshit in the thread, it's somehow THIS that really grinds my gears

Notice the question mark over the arrow. They were trying to say that it doesn't make any sense that we came from a knuckle-walker, when evidence seems to point towards an orthograde arboreal climber.

The core issue is that it should be pointing from the LCA if anywhere.

Otherwise the arrow could just as well be pointing from anywhere to anywhere else.
Any number of divergent branches in these trees can be flipped and the tree will retain the same content of information (If only with slightly differing implications).
In fact in such a tree any "leaf" can be made to be adjacent to any other arbitrary "leaf".

>and that we came from them.
Just as with the tree what you are saying can be flipped and it can be said that we came from Chimpanzees because we shared a common ancestor and saying we came from a modern species is not correct.

I think this explains it better than I ever could.