Bacteria transfers

I'm a science noob but I'm going to ask anyway.

I want to get easily accessible bacteria like salmonella and campylobacter and be able to then transfer it to a food target and whoever eats the food target then becomes ill.

So for that to happen, how do bacteria spread from the [say] Chicken to the swab or agar dish? And then from that to the food item? What will ensure that the item is properly contaminated and will result in food poisoning for the consumer?

>and whoever eats the food target then becomes ill

Drink bleach.

Kill yourself you psycho


Just give them h. pylori.

>ensure properly contaminated
you can't

you can grow that shit yourself and put it solution, though.

im writing a paper on campy and find this thread very unsettling

to transfer bacteria from chicken to agar:

take a sample (in a clean and sterile environment), put some on the agar. let it set for a couple of days in a cool, dry and dark place.
after a few days (3-7 days should be enough), you need to analyze the agar plate. there should be more then one culture there.
using a microscope and good vision, you keep taking samples from the agar plates and putting them on different agar plates until you isolate the wanted bacteria.

So you want to commit bioterrorism, and get help to do so?

>making hundreds to millions of people so sick they risk death
It's just a prank bro.

>hospitalizing people with potentially life threatening food poisoning
>just a prank

Luckily it's not that easy to do as time is working against you in this case. That said, I hope your shit gets fucked trying it, asswipe.

Prank that'll get you in jail for a long time.

Seeing as you're a kid, why not do kiddy pranks?

Over 100 deaths from Salmonella a year in the US, prank boy.

Only a 100? Thought America contained many more incompetent imbeciles.

>Aggravated assault = prank

Incompetence has little to do with whether Salmonella kills you, rather than just making you ill, you massive retard.

Kinda does because if someone can prepare and cook food right then teh bacteria's enzymes properly denature and the toxins break down.

Why are you mistaking salmonella illness with the proportion of salmonella poisoning that results in death?

Genuinely curious, are you retarded?

Woah guys I'm not intending to harm anyone in real life. I'm just writing a story and I want it to be realistic because if it's wrong people complain. I actually wanted to understand the scientific processes behind how bacteria spread and make people feel ill and it's not serious. For one I don't have the money or time to get agar dishes and shit ...

1) Take a shit. Take 25g of it and put it in 225mL of sterilized lactose broth. Homogenize. Incubate 24h in 35°C.

2) Take 1mL of it, and put it in 10mL of tetrathionate brilliant green broth (add 0.2mL of iodine - iodinated solution and 0.1mL of bright green aqueous solution of 0.1 %, in that order). Take 1mL again and put it in 10mL of selenite cystine broth. Incubate the first at 43°C, 18-24hs and the second at 37°C, 24hs.

3) With an inoculation loop, streak the previous cultures each one in different plate; one with bright green agar (incubate at 35°C, 24h), and other in bismuth sulfite agar (incubate at 35°C, 48h).

4) Look for pink colonies with bright red halo in the bright green agar, and brown to black colonies with metallic sheen in the bismuth sulfite agar. Put them in any volume of broth nutrient agar, and let them grow at 35°C for at least 24h.

Done this, it's really probable that you have isolated Salmonella spp. Congratulations.
Now you can have fun.

Don't forget to do the inoculations near to a Bunsen burner to avoid contaminating the cultures like a massive faggot.

why is microbio so boring


why is qualityposting most frequent on Veeky Forums in the more nefarious threads

Holy shit nice Trips-dubs. That's like a 1/100 chance.