Suspicous chemisty

Hey so a good friend of mine frequents her on Veeky Forums, and I am pretty sure he is doing something illegal in his universities lab or something. I visit him every couple of months and the last time I visited he had this chemistry shit on his whiteboard. When I asked him what it was he got all defensive and said it was “not important”, but the way he was acting makes me think otherwise. I am not sure if he is making drugs or a virus to kill people, but more recently he has claimed to be too busy with research to play games or watch anime, which is very out of character.
Does anyone here know what these chemicals are? Should I be worried?

mostly steroids, plenty of legit work is done in that area

Seriously that can't be legal right? he does martial arts so maybe thats why.. fuck i didn't expect this lol he's such a beta though

Do you know what steroids they are? i need to look them up and make sure he isn't poisoning himself

>Seriously that can't be legal right?
lel, I'm having trouble taking your thread seriously

generally if the materials are not schedule I drugs and are not intended for human consumption things are pretty lax

>Do you know what steroids they are?
estradiol is in the lower left,
testoserone above that,
cholesterol above that,

you could look up the others assuming XPIL, SMNT and TSKT are abbreviations for the structures

ya i get that not all steroids are illegal, but the way he is acting about it just doesn't make sense.

He has always obsessed about immortality, saying that "ageing is a disease" I am sure that whatever he is doing is related, because he is normally very eccentric and delusion of grandeur like eccentric. But ever since he started his "research" he has been completely cut off from everyone. When i see him its like now he has nothing to talk about, because the only thing that has his attention he is keeping secret. I know he is the type to get obsessed

Thanks :o

i already looked up the XPIL SMNT and TSKT shit and found nothing :(

snitches get stitches

I'm not gonna snitch on my best friend. I am gonna make sure he doesn't kill himself following some fucking delusion



>But ever since he started his "research" he has been completely cut off from everyone. When i see him its like now he has nothing to talk about

This is normal for (I'm assuming) a PhD student. He doesn't want to talk about his work during the little downtime he has because he's trying not to burn out.

you're retarded

If he has a good idea, he's not going to tell you about it and risk you blabbing about it in public. Like you're doing now. Posting a picture you know nothing about. On Veeky Forums. Geez, with friends like you, who would need enemies.

tell him his nucleic acid pairs are garbage

Oh shit dude he's making some crystal fucking weed call the popo.

That TSKT is also 17β estradiol, it might be code for 'Titty Skittles'


>virus to kill people

Your friend isnt a super cool biologist

>Titty Skittles
Time to go to bed

The XPIL is Finasteride, a common DHT inhibitor and hair loss medication

The SMNT, (i am assuming the carbon down the bottom is double bonded to an oxygen) is Cyproterone Acetate, a very potent anti-androgen.