Why are most scientists Christians?

why are most scientists Christians?

Because they are smart?

Because they wore a fedora anyway.

>why are most scientists Catholics?

Catholics are still Christian.

You didn't fix anything.

[citation needed]

>why are most scientists Christians?
They aren't. Maybe in super-religious clapistan, but not in the world at large.

I fixed protestant barbarians trying to get credit from catholic civilization achievements.

Jesus is frowning at you.

Nah I'm pretty sure he prefers people who didn't leave his Church.

does this have any correlation with the percentage of retarded, illogical biologists that I know of, which is over 50%?

They literally aren't

Like, Protestants the Catholics been deviated from the original church of Christ.


Don't they teach you punctuation in protestant schools?

Because being autistic isn't the same as being a scientist. No number of big bang theory episodes will make up for a lack of an actual science education involving math.

Not true. Vast majority of scientists are atheists, though the smartest ones that actually contribute to their profession are ovwrwhelmingly Christian.

What are you, OP?

>Not knowing Church history

Read the Church fathers

yeah sure

>Horgan: Are you religious? Do you think science and religion are compatible?
>Witten: I consider scientific explanations to be more interesting and illuminating.

Nice try cuck.

most scientists were raised christian because its common religion among white people

>Leaving out Hinduism and Buddhism

Most working scientist aren't though. Historical maybe, and thats largely due to European dominance which you can argue about over on Veeky Forums

Catholics are only 33 years old and Atheism is 2006 years old.

HAhaha, fucking religious idiots.

Most of the population is christian.

Pretty sure Judaism is at least several thousand years older than Christianity.

>The 1st Church of Atheism est. 2006

They can pretend with the Mormons and Muhammadans that their religion is exactly the same as the ancient Hebrews but that doesn't make it true.

Protestant work ethics.

Lack of protestant work ethics detected.

Forgot shamanism including shintoism.

>Protestant work ethics.
Has there ever been a more pseudoscientific claim than the "protestant work ethics" meme?

>exactly the same as the ancient Hebrews
LOL, by that logic Catholicism is less than a few months old, since the Pope changes shit all the time.

Literally doesn't, the media just widely misinterprets what he's says because they're all conniving jews and proddyshits jump on the jewish cock carousel if it means justifying their anti-Catholicism.
Atheists just ayy imao and don't understand shit.
Because most Christians are white and white makes right