Schizoid Personality Disorder is characterized by at least four of the following criteria:

Schizoid Personality Disorder is characterized by at least four of the following criteria:

Emotional coldness, detachment or reduced affect.
Limited capacity to express either positive or negative emotions towards others.
Consistent preference for solitary activities.
Very few, if any, close friends or relationships, and a lack of desire for such.
Indifference to either praise or criticism.
Little interest in having sexual experiences with another person (taking age into account).
Taking pleasure in few, if any, activities.
Indifference to social norms and conventions.
Preoccupation with fantasy and introspection.

Other urls found in this thread:

>People with it are able to function in everyday life, but will not develop meaningful relationships with others. They are typically loners and may be prone to excessive daydreaming as well as forming attachments to animals. They may do well at solitary jobs others would find intolerable. There is evidence indicating the disorder may be the start of schizophrenia, or just a very mild form of it. People with schizoid personality disorder are in touch with reality unless they develop schizophrenia.

Veeky Forums - Literature


All of you fucks are damaged. The real difference is between who can maintain functionality

Nice art.

I used to convince myself I had this until I realized I was just being a pussy. Schizoid people are homeless and/or literally frighten people whom they speak with.

Is talking to yourself a lot a sign or is that just a meme?

I'm more of a schizotypal guy myself

>schizotypal disorder is a mental disorder characterized by severe social anxiety, paranoia, and often unconventional beliefs. People with this disorder feel extreme discomfort with maintaining close relationships with people, mainly because they think that their peers harbor negative thoughts towards them, so they avoid forming them. Peculiar speech mannerisms and odd modes of dress are also symptoms of this disorder. In some cases, people with STPD may react oddly in conversations, not respond, or talk to themselves.[1]

They frequently misinterpret situations as being strange or having unusual meaning for them; paranormal and superstitious beliefs are common.

99% people talk to themselves about all types of garbage, just not out loud

Whata the real difference?

Well then, I guess I'm a 21st century schizoid man

Do other people sorta interview themselves and simulate conversations?

Like you wouldnt believe.

Sort of check
Partial check
Major check

Am I fucked Veeky Forums?

you're a total nutter mate

Literally the only time I stop doing this is when I'm on drugs.

? I don't

Mental illnesses don't exist, but nice biopolitics you got there.
Pleb who never thinks philosophically detected.

Schizo detected

jks you're probably just boring

>Mental illnesses don't exist

Depends how you define and understand illness.

Mental abnormalities sure exist, evolutionary biologists would likely argue that it has its purpose in furthering the species. Whether it should be called illness or just being different is up to the individual.

>evolutionary biologists would likely argue that it has its purpose in furthering the species

I'm pretty sure they would consider it a "misfiring", sort of like; it's good to have anxiety e.g fear, if you live in the Serengeti as a hunter-gatherer and can be murdered by lions and tigers while out hunting, but it's not good to have anxiety when there's no threat.

That was what I was getting at, nature creates deviants to both sides (too bold and too anxious) and whichever works the best (if at all) sticks around.

This guy's working really hard for gold

Schizotypical would describe most people here better

Yup, exactly, that variation is what allows evolutionary "progress" (for lack of a better word since progress implies an ultimate end) to occur when the population is culled.

Shit song.
Yes. I talk to historical figures, myself. Tell Chingiz Khan about Veeky Forums, or Alexander about the rise of the British Empire.

>Tell Chingiz Khan about Veeky Forums

What does he think about it?

you mean schizotypal.

He's interested in its applications for communication, the social implications of anonymity and cultural mixing, and the mundanity of its treatment.

This is more of a "how do I figure this stuff out for myself" thing than a "let me just roleplay to myself" thing.

I've always been solitary, since I was a little kid. I've always been more interested in fantasy than the real world. I've always only had few friends. Psychiatry is fake science.

Nice book

What the fuck

Getting officially diagnosed as schizoid is virtually impossible. You find it impossible to open up with therapists, so you just sort of go through the motions of what you think you're supposed to talk about without ever working on anything you need help with. If you can even figure out what you need help with.

When I'm off my medications, I go crazy: running into walls, screaming in the street, extreme paranoia. At least, that's what the doctors told me because I'm unable to remember these episodes. I've been diagnosed bipolar type I with a tendency to psychosis, and ADHD. Of course, I'd already diagnosed myself with those disorders, it wasn't difficult for me to recognize the signs. It's why I'm confident about my self-diagnosis of schizoid (when I first read the wiki it was like... someone actually understands me! it was frightening), but then, it is a self-diagnosis so caveat lector.

I have friends and I socialize regularly, but I always keep people at a distance. I can't let anyone know the real me.

People say I can be empathic, but it's not really empathy, just a performance of empathy. Y'know how people talk about "performing" gender and things like that? For me, all emotions are like that, just a performance for the benefit of others.

I suspect schizoid types would tend to congregate on Veeky Forums, especially boards like Veeky Forums. So probably there's quite a few others here.

this isn't what schizoid is.

I have SPD, I was diagnosed, my therapist can write you a note if you want. I have no friends, but am totally socially functional and make accquantainces easily with people I go to school or work with. I can have deep emotional talks with people too, showing my true colors, having heart to heart conversations, etc., is all fine, no barriers there. But I never see these people outside of the settings I know them from, because I barely text or make phone calls, I don't use social media, and I flake on plans constantly because I don't have the energy to keep up with other people. Everyone else seems to have a motivation to socialize that I simply can't muster. I'm 20 and I've had sex once, but mostly it's too much work and it's not worth it. And I don't really care that I'm missing out in any way either.

Perhaps. I think my medications have altered my personality a lot, and I've also worked really hard to keep myself from becoming isolated, because I know that isolation -> depression, at least in my case.

Even so, with people it's almost like I'm just using them to further the interests of my inner world; to trade ideas, or just to provide my human subconscious with some connection and to keep it from obstructing my own goals.

Do you use any medications or self-therapy techniques?

I don't believe in mental illness.

I think that's something else, but I don't know what exactly. Sex is often the lynchpin in schizoid personality disorder: there are lots of people who think they have it, but their sex drive isn't abnormal, which is not necessarily a requisite symptom, but the lack of it is often a sign that it's not SPD.

I take medication for anxiety but mostly I just live my life. I usually lie to people who ask and pretend that I have friends even though I don't really have any. I spend a lot of time among strangers in public, I like running errands and going to movies alone, so maybe that's theraputic for me, but mostly I just do nothing about it and nothing goes wrong. The basic idea is that you have no desire to socialize, so naturally not socializing doesn't bother me.

If you're having problems though you should seek out a therapist, and one whose approaches you can be comfortable with. Almost all self-help is completely toxic, and so is a therapist who isn't compatible with you.

My sex drive is normal, so yes it might be something else.

While I don't have an individual therapist, I attend some groups regularly that are led by trained psychologists, and I've learned techniques from them (breathing, mindfulness, etc). I'm actually supposed to talk to one of them one-on-one in a couple days about finding a therapist. I'd like a therapist, but the therapists I've seen... I can't connect, y'know?

I hope things are well with you.

I have every symptom except the sex one. I am a sex addict. And the reduced affect isn't consistent. Probably not schizoid, but I don't care.

Creating lasting, damaging, and proliferating negative mental states is the the same as heckling yourself for every joke you make (paranoid schizo).

what are some books that are like this GIF?

Kafka was probably schyzotypal

That's just a facilitation of paranoia brought on by your Schizophrenia.



anyway so Veeky Forums is full of autists and schiz*es, big news

The Pale King by DFW

I don't believe in mental wellness.

pick one

This is dumb but once it starts being a thing I'll be schizoid to everyone. Then I'll have to start playing pokémon go and twiterring to gain socially-acceptable status. For now everyone thinks I'm autistic, but autism is fine since it's so heavy a word no one will dare say it in your face. It remains that mystery that functions entirely for gossip and irrelevant to me as an individual. But with this "schizoid" thing you risk being pulled aside by a Concerned Andividual for confrontation.

Reading this thread combined with my personal experience of America saddens me. What happened for gender relations in America to be so bad? Why do American men and women hate each other so much?

>but will not develop meaningful relationships with others

what are the examples of a meaningful relationship psychology offers us?

>spouse, sexual partner
if your hormones frustrate you and make you lonely if you don't mate, is that really meaningful or is that biology?

>coworkers, friends, family
if failing to network with the tribe means starvation or ostracism, is that really meaningful or is that just biology? One wonders what the antithesis of the schizo is then, the type that milks that social octopus enthusiastically, who can make anyone feel like they're the most important person in the world, who has extreme interest in sex, and absolutely no inhibitions in regards to taking pleasures in activities...

>Little interest in having sexual experiences with another person
sex has no place in psychology outside of interpersonal diagnostics, that's Jung/Freud-tier poetics, no psychologist has the ability to make a truly analytic statement of someone's psyche based on masturbatory or asexual tendancies

>Taking pleasure in few, if any, activities.
A psychologist looks at a person starting at a wall and makes this note. Meanwhile that person might really just be enjoying their own mental world while keeping unwanted guests out of their neural system.

>Preoccupation with fantasy and introspection.
character trait, not a scientific diagnostic criteria

>Indifference to social norms and conventions
which ones and whose?

>Many fundamentally schizoid individuals display an engaging, interactive personality that contradicts the observable characteristic emphasized by the DSM-IV and ICD-10 definitions of the schizoid personality.[12] Klein classifies these individuals as "secret schizoids",[12] who present themselves as socially available, interested, engaged and involved in interacting yet remain emotionally withdrawn and sequestered within the safety of the internal world.
Guess I was meant to read this today. Thanks op.

4chin is a magnet for people who feel disconnected with the world, because they don't care or because they're socially anxious. It probably even encourages and amplifies aloofness and anxiety. Hence the normie and autism memes which create some sort of weirdly comforting us v them narrative. How many of us spend more time here (actively and mentally) than in the "real" world?

You can be even weirder and don't even fit on Veeky Forums.
You can always be weirder.

This is me.

Also to add to the first sentence, 4chin is a magnet for this type of people because it removes any sense of the self, any accountability, and any limitation present in real-world socialization. There are no social failures that can result in negative emotions. No intimacy as threads and conversations are short-lived. No energy needed. No need to put yourself out there. On the plus side, there's an actual focus on information in its purest form, without social frills.
tl;dr we're all damaged

This. I like Veeky Forums for that there's no registration, thus no user network and hierarchy that evolves thoughout time in conventional forums. No such thing as reputation and nobody disregards you because you're a newbie.

Everybody fits on Veeky Forums. People who cum in their sister's panties and shampoo are applauded here. People with good stories of them being absolute 100% fuckups are heroes. Which brings us back to the fantasy aspect of the schizoid disorder, because it doesn't matter if the story about the guy who started a war between crows is real. Or the guy being paid to install Adobe reader and Google Ultron. Or the guy with the hermit crabs that saved him from depression. Fantasy here is better than the risky real world. No intimacy

Reading the wiki article was disturbing 2bh. It's like somebody put into crystal clear words all the conclusions I've reached about why I feel disconnected.

Almost doesn't make you feel real. Like I'm some fucking wikipedia article

holding you
learn to be alone
learn to be alone
learn to be alone

loving you
learn to be alone
learn to be alone
learn to be alone

missing you
tell me i'm - alone
tell me i'm - alone
tell me i'm - alone

>not the real lyrics
>don't care

"I am apathetic

Because I never get replies,

I am insecure

Because no one laughs at my posts,"

John killed himself

Because he knew no one would do anything about it,

Such are the reasoning powers

of this our age.


>bes different


pomo masterpiece

well there's not much else to be said here I believe we're done


–user. 28 July 2016

I'm a 27 year old vigin neet.
I was diagnosed with indifirentiated schizophrenia.
I was literally the weird guy in my elementary school and high school, was usually the target of the entire class bullies.

Girls never interested me until like 5 years ago.
I suffered from social anxiety until I started to force myself to get friends.

I'm literally the perfect example of a r9k loser.
I still don't feel very empathic, most of the time I'm like a cold person.

But I'm extroverted and I try to be funny or make some shit to gain symphaty of people.
I'm mostly an intelectual and I love to read non fiction books and documentaries on youtube.

I've forced myself to socialized (mainly through Veeky Forums) and I've improved my mentality, going from dumb weeb, to average Veeky Forums or /pol/ poster.
I not longer like anime or games.

I now usually enjoy to socialize, even if it's just to spend time talking about anything, because i love to talk and even if it's just to have some memories and avoid to die before even having nice memories around people (being alone is not cool, even while I enjoy being alone).

I've overcomed my beta status and I'm waiting to enter college.
I worked hard to get to this point and I'm willing to get gud more and improve.
I just started to go to Veeky Forums to have a chance to pick up girls.

I keep daydreaming about being a genius or something because I'm smart and everyone since elementary school keeps telling me how smart I am.
I keep daydreaming some day I'll be a genius in history.
Maybe I'm a deluded idiot with megalomaniac dreams, but I'm aware of my own fucked up.
I'll try to become a writer I guess.

Ask anything.

this may be a lot to take in at once. it's disorganized. it may put you off. but if you're the right type of person and willing to stick with it this resource will change your life, truthfully:
the rabbit hole is deep and not all its corners are worth exploring

good luck. I hope you find what you're looking for

You could print this on a blank canvas and sell it

Ye, I can walk in circles for hours doing just that.

This sounds a lot like me. Can you elucidate a bit more? Lately, I've been thinking I'm insane. Like you, I'm a great at socializing, but literally the only person I've texted in 6 months is my mother. Oftentimes I'll even get the number of a girl I like or an acquaintance but the moment I'm by myself I just feel like being around other people isn't worth it and end up never contacting them.

I study for school, read fiction, and browse Veeky Forums during all of my free time outside of work/class. Socializing doesn't scare me, I've just convinced myself I am better off doing the activities I like and that others aren't worth my time. I've done this for so long that I don't feel "normal" emotions anymore. How long did it take you to start making progress with a therapist?

I honestly hate evolutionary psychology. They never say anything interesting.

Remember that you're quoting a diagnostic manual. It gives guidance to psychiatrists and other medical professionals in giving you a better (not quite the right word but w/e) diagnosis. It makes no sense to go use it as a personal tick box.

I can't say I know you; all I can do is wonder. I can't say I miss you; we've never been together. Now, fuck you, I won't finish writing what I had in mind, cause I fucking can't. Can one write about kissing, if he has never kissed someone? Shall we just finish this?

Anyone ever look in the mirror and think "woah this is me" (not like "woah I'm a pretty fucking cool guy" but instead have a dissociation with the physical you)

yeah, I'll tend to do that shit also.

generally when I'm idle.

I generally start talking alone when I'm walking on the street.

I usually listen music or some audiobook to avoid that.

>I generally start talking alone when I'm walking on the street.

I talk to myself alone in the gym, bit weird when I realise someone else has came in.

Yep. Whenever I look in the mirror it is with a sense of curiosity.

Incidentally a lot of my memories are in 3rd person.

Nah I just imagine conversations. Some of them get me quite worked up and it seems a bit ridiculous.

I do talk when I'm alone, but it's not directed towards myself, just a hypothetical observer.