Arabic Literature

Where do I start?

Start with the Greeks

No such thing

You mean the Arabic translations of the Greek texts, which are the closest we have to original versions?

OP, start with the Qur'an

>closest we have to original versions?
You know, besides the Greek versions.

Start here.

and then stop :(

Start with wikipedia. Realize that only thing worth reading is Averroes and persian sufi poetry. Averroes was spanish. At this point you realize that arabic culture was made rigid by it's own rigid religion that was only inseminated by foreign thoughts by greek/european origin. Stop studying arabic. Study arabic history to realize you always wanted to study Persia instead.

You are welcome.

Ashes in the wind

Just as one starts with Western literature at the beginning (Ancient Greeks!), start Near Eastern literature at the beginning, then work your way into the dawn of the Arabs. Find whatever books you can that summarize Ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, and Akkadian mythology and literature, anything similar to Edith Hamilton's Mythology should do. From there, read the Book of Genesis (Ishmael splits off and founds the proto-Arab tribes early on, so don't bother reading the rest of the Bible) and, if you feel the need, whatever full texts of Ancient Egypt, Sumer, Akkad, and Babylon you can actually find.
From there, read the Koran, 1001 Arabian Nights, Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor, and whatever you can find on Sayf the knight of Yemen. Beyond the medieval period, Arab literature kinda went to shit and the Turks and Persians made better stuff like the Shahnameh and Dede Korkut Kitabı. You're on your own from there.

I guarantee that most of the people on this board will be unfamiliar with anything that isn't Western Literature; take any contribution of theirs with a grain of salt. The Quaran seems like a logical starting point.

The Biography of Muhammad.

I read Naguib Mahfouz's Journey of Ibn Fattouma, it was pretty pleb tier, but his Cairo trilogy is supposed to be very good.

Kateb Yacine's Nedjma is like an Algerian Faulkner novel, didn't love it but it's an interesting work of literature.


Came to post this

>tfw Iran doesn't rule the world

Arabic =/= Muslim.

I don't think a Christian Lebanese would recommend reading the Quran.

Arabic literature begins with the Qur'an though.

Ibn Khaldun

Jalim Al-Muqalib. How is this even a question?

Is pic related what you mean/a good starting point? I don't know much about it, but it piqued my interest when I read a few selections in a much broader book about the middle east.

Start with the Greeks. You always start with the Greeks. Most Arabic philosophy is a development of Greek ideas.

What are some good books by Arab Christians?

Yes then The book of examples. Though be advised that these aren't easy reads "out of the blue", usually people come to him with quite an anthropological and philosophical background. Anyway you can always try and see if you like.

Thanks for the heads up and the follow-up recommendation. Much obliged!


Came to post this, too.

>an atheist european wouldnt recommend reading the bible to be familiar with western lit

who is this woman
i am going to jack off to pictures of her face and or body

You're welcome, good luck !

There is no such thing as Arabic literature. Arabs were cave dwellers who had no culture. They killed off almost real indigenous peoples in the middle east and destroyed 99 percent of all their literature and monuments. They then stole the remaining 1 percent of indigenous middle easterners culture, food and music and now call it their own.

here's a funny story, or at least the start of one.

>a jew meets another arab

Is this so that you can appease your new Muslim overlords?

I want to cum on her face.

>Golden Age

Ibn Arabi
Mustafa Mahmoud

Nagib Mahfouz