Writing Advice

How do I write teenage girls?

I want a class of teenage girls to act convincingly in my story, the only problem is I've not had much experience with teenage girls.

I was sort of a creepy loner all through middle and high school, so the only interactions I had with girls were mostly negative. I've not so much as spoken to a teenager or a child in about 10 years either.

Any advice?

Other urls found in this thread:


A woman's mentality doesn't change as she ages, only her interests. Instead of sleepovers and field hockey, they move on to wine and television series.

Don't do it OP. Seriously. If you can't, don't. You'll be wasting your time.

Teenage girls only speak in metaphors and cannot move independently, they must all move simultaneously and in gear-wise rotation relative to the rotation of the Primary Teen

they're all dumb and slutty, they love the idea of college and fucking guys every weekend (in some cases to relieve stress if they are taking hard classes).

That's easy OP. Just take a teenage boy, and exchange night ejaculations with vaginal excretions, and all the man talk about pussy and tits that men do with dicks instead.

There you go.

The key is to make sure they're not monolithic. Make them distinct from each other and people won't be able to argue any particular character is unrealistic because then they're saying a teenage girl can't be a certain way.

> english girls

> not one even vaguely attractive

every single time. just fuck my shit up tbqh desu

2nd from left is pretty cute probably because she looks like she isnt British

1 is the only one fuckable here.


The correct answer is the top far right and the qts on the floor

I wonder which of these girls became slutty, you know at least one


The one making the stupid face on the far right. Classic attention-seeking behaviour.

if only you had sisters
women are like children at all ages. stupid, emotional, irrational, etc
they giggle and gossip at the littlest things, even if it doesn't interest them. they have no hobbies, no character, no passion.
so basically just write them as a black hole of narcissism wanting to be constantly entertained by media or men.

Do your version guys

Those are children.

Just write them like the adult women you know there's not too much difference. If you're talking about fashion and trends and stuff don't even try. Hire a local girl as a consultant.

He could just ask his girlfriend to do it for him

These guys got it.

every post in this thread is clearly just guys angry about not getting laid in high school, I'm however over it, little joke there for you user.

Here is how you write teenage girls, read some sort of shitty web forum for women. try to understand how women try to present themselves and figure out their specific insecurities. Now imagine you are you, exactly as you are but with those insecurities and desires to appear a certain way. Then imagine that you are you, exactly as you are but with those insecurities and desires but to a far greater degree. Now you are a teenage girl.

What web forums would you suggest?



Far right.

The unholy love child of /r9k/ and /cgl/

dunno, if you want the express route you'll have to sacrifice quality. If you go to something like reddit/r/twoxchromosomes or r/feminism I'm sure the redditness would have turned them all into a retarded hivemind whom lack any sort of distinct personality. Diversify for quality, look at those two read jezebel, read the comments to make up or ootd videos. Just google forums for girls I don't fucking know. I journeyed this path the hard way, picking up what I could as I went.

>they giggle and gossip at the littlest things, even if it doesn't interest them.

Fucking this, can someone tell me why this the fuck this is a thing? It's like they care more about appearing like they have an interest in what you say rather than being genuinely interested in it, this is all so vain and obvious. Why even bother doing it?


its honestly about your interpretation idiot

god ur already doomed


>Pointing anyone toward that cesspool of shilling and clickbait as a valuable source of information

Hope you get scabbies user

You're not a writer

"act convincingly in my story"


That said, figure out what motivates teenager girls and their common obstacles


I'd take that oddball cutie on the right!


Oh yes, that's the one I mean on the right!

I don't speak German, what am I looking at here? Seems like some clothing store is all.

>why this the fuck this is a thing?

We're the worst possible place to ask about it. Note all the /r9k/-tier posts.
Maybe try eavesdropping on conversations at a mall Starbucks?

It was a semi-sincere suggestion of mine (because I know that he most likely doesnt speak German).
It is a website about sharing your clothes but they also have a large forum about all kinds of stuff women are interested in[1], which is notorious for being full of >German Women.

[1] for example relation ship advice, styling tips, gossip

Not really.

Yeah, not even /r9k/goer. You're a naive idiot if you think that 99% of women don't have the mentality of children even through old age. They literally will never leave their childlike state.

how many women have you talked to in the last two years, and how old are you?

Who would want to write about a teen in the 21st century, that's john greenes job.

Teens in the 15th-20th century are more interesting since feminist movements usually happened every few decades you could introduce as plot elements like uni for women, suitors coming to meet them, expectations with being noble or even a peasant girl.

OP, if you're wondering why this is the worst place to ask, this is it

Interestingly, most of them are probably more sexually experienced than you


It will be a an incredibly difficult feat for you to pull this off, OP, from the info you've given us.

It just depends what kind of people you hang around. I'm not really acquainted with any women like this, although I have met many.

I bet most of the men you know are equally as vapid and uninspired.

Biting bait

It really isn't.

I literally know absolutely zero women who "gossip" and "giggle"

Teenage girls do that. Adult women, at least those I know, do not.

I'm afraid you'll have to read some shitty books OP. Take what you need from them and nothing more. If you read some of that shitty YA stuff, you'll get what's attractive in it for teenage girls and be able to extrapolate.

Why would you think literal billions of women are the exact same as the ten or so you've ever talked to? That's pretty idiotic.

Hold on user, I merely said you bit the bait other user wiggled around for you. Don't bother arguing in favor of women in Veeky Forums, user will rather shave his neckbeard than concede anything on it.

Different anons.

Right, I misunderstood then. I'm not the same user as btw.

yeah, take the red pill (tm) and become a based alpha Aryan rapist.

Wait, you're user?

Write the teenage girls through the perspective of a creepy loner.

sounds like your sisters are dumb as fuck
i was the only boy in between two sisters and also had to deal with a mother. You're right about them being emotional but the most stupid and irrational ones in the house were me and my dad. They do seem to live sorely for experiences and pleasure though and are geared towards success for real selfish reasons.

OP I have the same problem but I'm writing only a single girl and she is 13 years old.
I'm writing like she is a young boy. I don't believe theres this much difference between girls and boys because I remember being stupid as possible when I was 13. Also I don't know the situation in USA but where I live girls aren't that different from boys. I spend my life at classes, study when I'm home and rest in the weekend. A girls routine coursing the same course isn't that different. To rest they can go partying or talk shit about other people. To rest I sleep and waste my life here talking shit about other people. Seriously theres no much difference.

To make it more believable avoid giving the girl some autistic hobby like face morphing in photoshop or a tendency to browse wikifeet 20 times a day. It's not impossible but it's very difficult to happen.

The differences are greater in highly sexist societies, like a good part of the US and such. I like to ignore that shit and go post.

>writing female characters
>writing teenage characters

you should only write about a lone man or small group of men out in the wilderness.

They are screaming for IT!




Do the vast majority of women in where the fuck you are saying are literally the devil while men are everything good we know or are you just baiting?

My uni is like 50% men 50% women. There's no difference between performance. To pass tests I study sometimes 8+ hours a day, if women are passing these tests means they also endure the suffering. I know men/women much harder working than me. I know men/women that are shitty humans.

The place where you live looks like hell. I'm surrounded by niggers here and I know female apes dark as the night who are hard working, go to church and are civilized. I remember once falling for one of these general Veeky Forums's bait "all women are slut", it felt like true because I was surrounding myself of shitty people (both sexes). When I started meeting decent people I saw how dumb I was.

I don't know buddhism but I remember they say the highest blessing is surrounding yourself of good friends. Once you do this, men and women don't differ that much.

You misunderstand me. In sexist societies women are often raised to fit a particular definition of «femininity» and to be interested in certain things. That's why women in said societies are not encouraged to pursue careers in engineering, science and such. This doesn't say anything about women capabilities, but rather about how society encourages them to fit certain stereotypes.

That's because femininity is inherent to the female nature and their own inclinations are such.
Women don't need to be in a "sexist" society to in a vast majority chose social over scientific and motherhood over a career.

Define femininity.
>Women don't need to be in a "sexist" society to in a vast majority chose social over scientific and motherhood over a career.

Citation needed.

I'm almost living in another dimension then. My college is engineering only, has 3000+ and something close to 1:1 men/women.

The more progressive the society the less women work in law and stem.
t. Sweden, The Netherlands, Denmark etc.
Also, the more women in a legal system the worse it is. I wish they could ban women from being judges, it would improve the situation so fucking much.

They're always trying to be funny. Always. And they're always bad at it.


Again, citation needed.

Read up, bitchboy.

7,10,11 (10 and 11 are the sitting ones)



As a 18 yo whose circle of close friends is mostly female I will try my best.
A lot of how a person is depends on their social environment wich is at that age their school/class. So there's basically the trend better school --> better developement of personality. Sure, this is just a rule of thumb, but I also know a lot of girls from "worse" schools and they are on averangre more shallow, less sensible and have less understanding of themselfes.
Independently from their education level girls at this age have a very strong sense of group, never doing anything alone when in a social environment, to the point where they only go to the toilet at school when at least someone comes with them. No matter how intelligent a specimen may be, at this age women have a great concern for their appereance. When a girl is say ugly or fat she will almost always be neurotic about it. Nontheless they make better partners for meaningfull conversation than men at this age. If you're friends with another guy you mostly talk about uninteressting shit at the beginnig and play some kind of sport before you can have deep, personal conversation with him. With women this process of getting them to know first is greatly shortened or at times even almost nonexistent.
When you create this group of girls there will probably be the archetypes like for example the smarthead, the slut etc. Keep in mind that no matter how questionable a character may be they have to be able to morally expain their behavior infront of themselves. For every how there has to be a why.

Why don't you write from the perspective of a creepy loner teenage girl?

Make her tomboyish or something so you can relate a little more to her, thus making her easier to write.

He said another dimension.

>girls at this age have a very strong sense of group, never doing anything alone when in a social environment, to the point where they only go to the toilet at school when at least someone comes with them
Holy fuck, I am being a student at a university and there are some guys like this.
Some time, I really wanna question them: What the fuck is the problem when sometime, you do something alone?

The contemporary, american teenage girl is transitioning from a world of (1) static parts to a world of (2) dynamic entirety.


The (1)-world is the "women come in legs, trunks, and faces" world stemming from industrialism. It is linked to photography, cinema based culture. Appearance and attractiveness is in the (1)-sense detached from "personality", itself a non-visual trait. Personality, for her, is not behavorial or contextual but immediately and pictorially stated through physical appearance. Though she is fragmentary and static in her view of attractiveness, she obsessively and sometimes self-consciously is engaged in “balancing” her various parts in organic unity, as if she were not only an architect, but architecture. The (1)-girl is typically "conservative" and seen as slutty because of the natural aggressiveness stemming from industrialism and fragmentary outlooks. However, she is more prone to view men as goals and is more of a settler.


The (2)-world girl is not so much a girl whose charms depend on visual stress, but tactile involvement. She is more “physical” about everything, though she might appear less visually concerned about her look. She has to be “in touch” with everything: be it the most recent trends, or your dick. Whereas the (1)-girl is pleased to achieve elaborate preconceived dreams, as in consumerism, the (2)-girl is electrically awaiting surprises and impulses—to her the thrill of the ad is the product itself.

The (2)-world outlook is entirely communal and presentist. This girl does not dream about men: she fantasises about them (dreams are of the future: fantasy is of the now). And the collective, consciously unconscious fantasy is that of total (“dyonisian”, if you will) sexual explosion and climax-logic. Though the fantasy isn’t in a 1:1 ratio with the surface due to what they perceive as cultural jet lag, the emphasis on dynamism and gesture is very indicative. The emphasis is on jest, not play. Movement, not instant. Showing-that-you-want, not showing-what-you-want. So the view of personality is here not visual, but dependent on impulse and gesture. The whole point of “being hot” in the (1)-world, static sense is obsolesced. And sluts are no longer of the aggressive, but the cool, down-for-whatever type. The slut of the (2)-world girl is the girl of total acceptation of others’ impulses: a puppet. Ready to go with the flow and make a sport out of it.

...but see, I'm not implying it's their fault...

It depends on the flavor of teenager you want to represent. You can either go with the ones who are angry and moody for often incoherent reasons, more normal/sane ones, serious ones, party girls, or anti-social ones who aren't quite angry but don't really relate to their peers.

Some points to keep in mind are cliques, peer pressure leading to poor decisions, and experimentation with various things. Teenage girls often want to be taken seriously or seen as more mature than they really are and may do things like fuck older men as a means to this end.

Quads don't lie.

OP don't fall for those clichés.

8 is the best.

The same you write teenage boys plus periods.

>I've not so much as spoken to a teenager or a child in about 10 years either.
Sounds like the whole thing is bound to fail in the first place.

Also this.

As her thinking about things that are naive or what you know to be factually inaccurate.