What are the designated suburban soccer mom foods?

What are the designated suburban soccer mom foods?
>anything casserole

Lettuce with cucumber slices and whole cherry tomatoes

A bowl of dry, pitted olives

Fondue with way too much wine, where you can still taste all of the alcohol

Muesli with soy milk and notthegood kind, the grayish brown kinds with no sugar and only added ingredients are coconut shavings and dry banana

Gluten free crackers with a quinoa salad and a full sugar rose soda. Yeah buddy


>I like meatloaf tho

A $60 order at a fast food drive thru, in a minivan

Hamburger helper

Soccer moms can't cook

Stir fry

You're thinking of trailer trash.
Soccermoms are often middle class.

A second fridge in the garage
Incrediby gimmicky shit you would be embarrassed to get caught buying like those jars of mayo and mustard together but not mixed
Big premade store salads but not those filled with cheese and dressing
Candles everywhere

Cake from a mix
Takeout pizza
Deli trays
Lots and lots of fucking soda

Latino pool boy dick

Anal beads dipped in yoghurt.

Plain white rice mixed wth cream of mushroom soup with some chunks of chicken baked for an hour at 400F.

B-b-but homecooked. When's the pool party start so I can wear my new $300 designer swimsuit? You guys just play on your 'puters while I stop by the pool party.

>cookie dough from a tube

expensive prepackaged shit you can heat up

anything with meme words on it 'fat free sugar' 'gluten free water' 'organic'

This. From the whole foods counter. And a box of wine.

The middle class cant cook.

Valium and an ironic disdain for drug abuse

They're like the neat scotch of coffees
More like
>white chocolate mocha latte

arbor mist

ceasar salads

lean cuisine

hazelnut coffee creamer

chicken salad

anything yoplait or noosa

*caesar salad

thanks a bunch you nitpicking nigger

aka, nigpicking

salted caramel anything.

Schwans home delivery

Supermarket sushi

McDonalds salads or sandwiches with grilled chicken that has been sitting in the warmer since the switch to the lunch/dinner menu

A package of Ferrero Rocher for "cheat day"

Any beverage that can be made with a Keurig

Here in Bong, anything branded Weight Watchers.

the semen of black men

Hamburger helper is good as fuck with some sweet peas.


>tfw mexican
>tfw mom used to make delicious food daily
>tfw you white people will never experience this

Joke's on you, beaner. I've had dinner at a Mexican household before.

i can just go to taco bell :^)

Tell me I'm not the only one who has a sensible chuckle at shit like a 100g cake bar with "95% FAT FREE!" emblazoned on the wrapper, like 5g of pure fat is supposed to be a good thing?

imagine that every night, good delicious food.
Something a white women cant ever cook.

conservashit detected.


Because they don't exist. Soccer moms just buy the "lo-fat" dressing in a bottle.