I've had enough. I've lived with a drunk aggressive dad for 19 years, I'm done, I can't take any more fighting...

I've had enough. I've lived with a drunk aggressive dad for 19 years, I'm done, I can't take any more fighting. It's turned me suicidal, I feel broken. I need your help biz, I want to move out but I have no money saved up. I'm thinking of taking the car and moving to a new city. I'm 19, in my first year of CS, should I join the army so that I have a salary and a place to sleep in? Help a fellow funfair chad out bizbros please

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kill yourself and send me your crypto

Are you good at CS and do you have the personality for it? If not join the army and live life the chad route, otherwise just move the fuck out and get any part time job just to pay for the roof over your head. Don't waste any time, torrent latest oreilly books and read all the time, get some shit up on github in a fresh and trending space it's easy, become a javascript or rails fag and read all the fucking time, absorb knowledge and put shit on github it's that easy. You won't be a ten-x'er if you're not born like that but you'll fly way above the majority of lazy cunts and pajeets and will carve a good mid life for yourself. If crypto is not dead hopefully you'll have time to ride that too but now focus on yourself.

user, join the peace core. travel the world and shiet for free..kinda

Sell all your shit, strap in and go all in on LINK

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I did slit my wrists a little some days ago, so I'm getting there, give me your wallet.

well u only gave one option besides living with your shit father so uh yea go for it nigga

woah didn't see you were self harming sorry. listen man there are 7 billion people in the world someone else has it worse than you. make the most of life that you can ok your dad sounds like dead weight. its time to overcome and find your calling.

I'm not made to sit on a computer all day. I hit the gym daily. I feel like just getting a part time won't get me anywhere, at least by joining the army I'll be building up my curriculum.
I've thought about just enduring the abuse and finishing this degree, because my life won't be nearly as good without a college degree

you have to have a degree for the peace corps. you know, because you need gender studies to help people