Lim of X as X goes to of (X(sin(erf(x)))
I'm bored as fuck, Veeky Forums. Give me some math problems
A is 70 B is 60
>Lim of X as X goes to of
lol epic fail!!! XDDDD
I know the answer to my question I just asked but how can it be true for one solution if it's a quadratic equation
(x-a)^2 has one real solution a=0
the vertex is at (a,0)
Using the nth term test, determine the convergence or divergence of the sequence. If the sequence converges, find its limit.
By definition, it diverges because it doesn't =0 right? The answer key says it converges. Can someone explain this to me? I know it =1, so that means it converges onto that point..?
yes, I am retarded.
in fact isn't it true even for two complex solutions (assuming real coefficients on the polynomial)?
it converges because its just a constant sequence of 1s, every cos(2pi*n) is equal to 1 for integer n
it's not because it doesnt equal 0
Go to Project Euler and do some programmin.
>do some programming