I want to try and eat a 1kg schnitzel + sides in a single sitting (within an hour) tomorrow

I want to try and eat a 1kg schnitzel + sides in a single sitting (within an hour) tomorrow.

I have no experience eating such a large dish.

How can I best prepare myself for this?

How about eating as long as you are enjoying your meal instead of forcing yourself when your full for no reason at all

By stopping being a wuss. 1 kg of meat + sides totaling to something around what your picture shows is something I could eat in an hour without straining myself much provided I didn't stuff myself earlier. And I am hardly a landwhale - 22 or so BMI.

Because it's a challenge and I want to have a little fun. It's $100 normally and if you finish it it's free.

I'm not used to eating such a significant amount of food in one sitting, but then I suppose I usually eat my meals within 15 minutes. I'm slightly skinnier, with a BMI of 20

It's certainly viable I suppose.

Not being fat is much more fun

Are you listening to yourself?

It's a single meal

You won't get used to it by tomorrow though. Aside from just developing appetite and being hungry enough to go through it while keeping some no-prescription meds for helping digestion there's no way for you to be ready.

Your approach toward food may indeed be a factor here. I don't eat very often but the main meal is usually something like what you speak about. And while I was a skinny, rarely eating kid now I've got stomach big enough that I can gulp that down and feel merely satisfied rather than bloated.

Why do you have to do this anyway, OP? Some dare/bet? Cannot you eat just enough to be full and then keep the rest as a takeout/for later? No point in forcing a tasty meal when you can enjoy the rest of it a bit later.

looks like cleveland schnitz

Was just looking over the menu and saw the challenge.

I would normally just have my smaller schnitzel + slaw serve, but this seemed interesting. By all means I would not normally gorge myself.

Smoke a bunch of weed, preferably a heavy indica that numbs your ability to feel full.

Don't stop eating, just keep shoveling it in. Maybe even cut the meat into bit size pieces first. The minute you stop stuffing your face is when the fullness kicks in. Be a machine.

So it's just like long distance running

all this time i thought schnitzel was a pastry, like a crueller.

its just breaded meat? is it really tough and hard to chew?

op's pic looks like fish and chips since it has lemon on it too.

Get a m8 to shoot you in the back of the head should you give up.

Fear ensures loyalty!

It's just a porkchop hammered town to like half a centimeter.

The thinness makes it easy to chew.

Sounds effective desu

just smoke weed. i did that for a food challenge once and was still hungry enough for an actual meal after.

Try not to eat it. Try to forget how delicious it is. Remind yourself of how much people hate you for being a fatty and how much you hate yourself for the same reason.

Celebrate in triumph when somehow all the good reasons not to be a fatass conspire to make you able to easily eat such a massive plate of food.

I weigh 68 kilos at 6'2 man, lighten up

>How can I best prepare myself for this?
By not waiting for the day before. People do this with even bigger shit like 80 ounce steaks. What you do is for a week before hand stuff yourself with light shit like puffed rice cakes to stretch your stomach.

Get the gravy with it and use it for fries and the meat and only drink water with it. There's no way I could eat over 2 pounds of food though. Why is it $100? That seems pretty steep even for a kilo of fried meat.

>It's $100 normally
Hmm.. Here schnitzel are sold 12-14 euro a plate with potatoes and salad on the side and the schnitzel are around 200-250g ...

Practice every day user

Eat the schnitzel first and then the sides
When you are full sides will go down easier than meat
I have eaten bigger meals, I grew up with my dad's massive barbecues where 1.5 kg of meat per person was average

don't make shit up faggot

I don't but maybe a salad is more suited for you

>I have no experience eating such a large dish.
>1kg + sides
>large dish
>How can I best prepare myself for this?
Not be a 6 year old helps, lmao.

Competitive eating is for stupid entitled Westerners. Kill yourself.

I could eat OP pic for an afternoon snack and have room for dessert. Man up pansy.

enjoy your kilogram of breading

cool post Ahmed, wanna take it to the white house?

Well it's rather four meals condensed in one. And it's all deep fried stuff. Eh, it's your fucking cholesterol.

On a side note, food challenges are dumb and the culture revolving around it is part of what's wrong with this world.

One trick is to stuff yourself with lettuce the day prior the big meal.
I suppose it is too late now though

>not understanding the concept of competition
I'm sorry you were raised by a single mother

Eat a dick load of lettuce or grapes in the morning drink a fuck ton of water (maybe with some salt afterwards, as you may be drinking a couple of litres) at least 4-5 hours before the event. These will stretch the stomach and warm it up. Chew gum (not with artificial sweeteners unless you want to shit yourself) all day to stimulate appetite, make sure you don't chew so much that you tire out your jaw. Eat something small but not particularily satiating. Go lift some heavy weights (attempting max heavy) if you lift, if not go for a swim or something. Moderate your bites, you want to eat methodical but relatively rapid bites that don't need to be chewed much and can be swallowed easily. Make sure there's water ready before you start. Try focus on the meat first, if that gets cold it's gonna be a dick to eat, use sides to lube up the fries. Use the delayed response to fullness to your advantage, then when you feel full stand up, it'll create more room.

t 4kg burrito pro


>food challenges are dumb and the culture revolving around it is part of what's wrong with this world.
I would suggest that food nazis like yourself are what's wrong with the world


aren't chicken nuggets just small chicken schnitzels?

Why is there Home Alone shit in every thread?

I got banned for trolling once after asking this.


I got banned once for asking this.

It's Christmas time, give it a week bro and it will be done


the janitor/mod on this bored is r.eddit tier retarded

s/he knows whats funny, and home alone shitposting is funny.


it is