Was Schopenhauer right about Hegel being full of shit? Or was he just butthurt because Hegel got all the audience pussy?

Was Schopenhauer right about Hegel being full of shit? Or was he just butthurt because Hegel got all the audience pussy?

Hegel is my nigga. Schopenpooper is a gaygay dumb dumb sadboyyy

Schopenhauer was mostly right.

What small morsels and titbits of Hegel that were not nonsense, or ambiguous beyond parody, pertained to the apotheosis of the state and how 'Weltgeister' (Napoleon and pretty much any emperor-like ruler) were the natural and desired result of history.

Hegel most certainly gets you pussy, if understood somewhat decently. No one will really know what your talking about, but you'll sounds marvelously impressive - perhaps for that very reason. If you're able to combine this with a somewhat decent appearance, you're set for life, so I've figured out over the last years. It's an honest reason to get into philosophy.

Schopenhauer gets me loads of pussy.

I quote from 'On Women' during first dates.


Hagel is a gibberish hack.

Only Kant is worse.


Kant was wrong about almost everything, and yet he founded philosophy in its modern sense.

>he founded philosophy in its modern sense

Why? For his technicality?

Schopenhauer Misread both Kant and Hegel.

He was a pissy bastard too..

cosmic power that only intercedes in human affairs? sounds legit.

He read Kant very correctly, and his critique of Kant is spot on.

>, and yet he founded philosophy in its modern sense.
That's a shame henge modern philosophy sucks, huh?

>Was Schopenhauer right about


>Was Schopenhauer right about


You don't know much about philosophy, do you?

In what way? Kant is way more intelligible than Hegel, IMO.

The N-God said no.

If by wrong you mean right. Nice try, fa.m

Kant is wayyy easier to read than Hegel. Check out his awesome short essays on history and shit. Always really clear except when he's doing his infamously difficult (but still emulated, in both analytic and Continental phil) "transcendental arguments"

Almost German Philosopher is a hack.
Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche Heidegger, Wittgenstein...

The few exeptions are Schelling, Leibniz and Husserl.


>somewhat decent appearance

Don't even need that. pic related

Are you trolling or don't you know that Husserl was a kike?


You think Schopenhauer is right at a certain point out of a kind of intellectual laziness with regards to tackling Hegel. Schopenhauer is basically a more clarified version of Kantianism that was quite influential into the early 20th century. But once you do tackle Hegel, you realize the extent to which Hegel's philosophy literally prefigures most of the developments of 19th and 20th century thought, including modern art turning away from art and towards the artist (his aesthetic lectures), his dialectics (later the foundation of Marxism), his theological telelogy of history (Barth etc), his historical turn on the Ficthean Ego (Existentialism), his influence even on Analytic Philosophy (now being revived by the likes of Brandom but even earlier in the education of Russell and British idealists). If you are serious about western thought, there is no way to avoid Hegel. And after you confront him, it's quite difficult to not be either/or in regards to him.