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Literature #84
Dear Veeky Forums patricians, what do you consider important when just getting into philosophy?
Mentally ill authors?
What are some cliches that should be avoided for the post-apocalyptic fiction genre?
Do you use a book mark or fold your page over?
...Who's there?
Who /shortattentionspan/ here?
Becoming something else - a writer
How did you all learn latin
Writing about disadvantaged people
Just finished Oedipus tonight
Why ?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
What's on your reading queue? pic related is mine...
Comfy Books
In August of 1979, Thomas Pynchon, the critically acclaimed author of V., The Crying of Lot 49...
What's the earliest you ever gave up on a book?
Post the opening lines of your novel or short story
Who here has mystical experiences all the time?
Who among us are fans of the dick?
Itt: Veeky Forums creates a plot
What are some convictions/beliefs Veeky Forums anons held in their adolescence that they discarded later on?
Reading out loud
Mason & Dixon
Finally get around to reading Shakespeare
Hey Veeky Forums what are you doing today?
Most Veeky Forums jobs?
Nietzsche and Stirner
Tfw reading The Road right now
Going to portland this weekend. What should I buy from this place?
In writing class
What are some good novels set in Mexico?
Tfw I'm a virgin so I can't write about sex
Chart thread
He's over 25 and hasn't read the western canon
Why did they always write about aristocrats?
Any good novels on tank warfare?
ITT: Words you hate irrationally
Not drinking glass of spirit every day
What's with all the unironic Christians on this board? Not even that, but people who have a longing to be Christian...
Is this board actually smart and cultured?
Is Liège the ultimate Veeky Forums city?
Tfw not living the literary lifestyle
Was he just a poor man's Aristotle
Are you scared of death
What book did you have the most fun reading?
Who is this guy Veeky Forums and why does hes always get posted here? does he have any good books?
I'm trying to write the "Great American Novel"
I finished the edgelord trilogy, what should I read next?
Have the weeaboos gone to far this time?
Cannot read latin
Who is the best of these writers
You fuckers made my fall for a meme again
If you use a Kindle/E-Reader, you're not reading correctly
Greentext the plot of your new novel
Do you all make fun of him since he is like the lit equivelent of kurt cobain...
Robert Service
I can't find a page on the wiki or anything, my apologies if it exists and I did not look hard enough...
Are Non-Fiction readers even human
Read dune series expecting some fun pulpy scifi
ITT: books that reminds you of yourself so much it hurts
/ntg/ - No Translations General
Who is Veeky Forums voting for?
You fucking what?
What does Veeky Forums think about free will?
Any other books with similarly perfect, unforced?
Is Veeky Forums gonna help our boy out or what?
Why didn't Voldemort just turn the school itself into a Horcrux...
I just picked this up at the library but I've never read any philosophy before. Should I read it...
What is your favourite drug for reading?
Poetic Movies That Don't Suck
I want to give pynchon a shot. I have no idea whether I'll end up liking or hating him...
Ulysses/Joyce hate thread
Can someone please give me an invite? I'll PayPal you 5 bucks. Pleaaaaaseeeeee
Paper vs. Kindle vs. Nook?
/college/ general
I want to experience reading War and Peace but I don't want to read 1300 pages
(((Lionel Shriver)))
Science fiction novel where majority of society is highly intelligent, well read and educated people
What book sparked your interest/passion/obsession with literature and philosophy?
Are there any decent cyberpunk books...
Tell me how to write an original medieval fantasy novel without dragons, elves, and dwarves
And then they fuck in the sewers LMAO
Looking for best Anti-nihilist philosophy
Veeky Forums is a bunch of pseuds who hate academia because it makes them feel inferior
Must Reads
Wood drastically... Wood drastically underestimates the impact of social distinctions predicated upon wealth...
Other high quality children's novels? This the first book I'm reading my daughter but I need more recommendations
Why are all of the smart people getting STEM degrees instead of studying literature?
Book haul threda
Is there still merit to maximalism as a literary paradigm?
Has any "author" ever hated subtext more?
So why haven't you read the most important post-war European author?
Critiques only on X-rated literature
Name FIVE authors
All hope is lost, the memes have become so ascended as to reach a level of mass-produced culture...
Daily reminder
Guys i can't understand what is wrong with hedonism, please help me
Infinitely more readable than other bibles
3 days left!!!!
Anyone here like Murakami? What do you think of him?
Did psychoanalysis get anything right about the human mind and nature?
Outlining your novel
Is this "novel" worth reading or is it the greatest prank in literature history?
Veeky Forums Guilty pleasures
Backlog thread
What should I read, this or 2666?
Meursault did nothing wrong
Is this book what porn is to men?
So, Veeky Forums
I really doubt it but is anyone here looking forward to this book?
How much worse is the English version than the original Spanish? What do you miss? Alternatively...
Is Hemingway overrated? I read Old Man and the Sea and it was very meh. Should I try another book?
Is reading fiction a waste of time?
Moore asked what he's currently reading
Holy shit, they're using zie and see pronouns in the new issue of Analog. What the fuck has SF become?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Hop on the latest lit meme
Can we get a Dhalgren thread going?
What software do you use to write?
ITT: post your stack; rate other anons' stacks
How robust is your vocabulary, Veeky Forums?
What was the last book you gave up on and why? Pic related, I got a hundred pages in before I stopped...
Thoughts on a hyperdimensional information construct
What is your top 3 novels of all time?
So was he a gay?
Is it possible to be well read and knowledgeable, yet exceptionally stupid?
Happy Pills
Do you know of any good books on NEETs and shut-ins?
"Thomas Pynchon looks exactly like Thomas Pynchon should look," said Rushdie. "He is tall...
Is there any hope for the underground man?
What will be seen as the defining novel of the early 21st century?
Rousseau sez
Writes an incoherent book complaining that language is too incoherent
Is there any erotica books written for men? I honestly don't know if they exist or not
Minimalist literature?
How come Philip K. Dick is so fucking boring...
Ender's Game
Best alive philosopher?
Write a poem based on the last image you saved
What was the point of the hobbit's encounter with him?
Favorite poem?
What is your local library like?
Why do the best literary minds kill themselves/suffer from mental illness and depression?
Daddy just posted a new video
Should literature be comitted to political ideologies?
Infinite Jest is finally getting translated into my language
Is there really anything better in this world than reading? I've been out of high school for 4 years...
What went right?
How many hours per day do you spend in the library Veeky Forums?
Hello, I have an English assignment due tomorrow morning
Why start with the Greeks for philosophy?
This is a Portuguese Veeky Forums thread
Yugoslav literary canon
Name one single atheist writer who didn't end up embracing at least a grudging, tentative theism before he died...
Hey Veeky Forums, rate my suicide note:
The Meditations
/QTDDTOT/ - Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Pynchon is for people who force themselves through shit in an attempt to convince themselves they are smarter than...
ITT: Novels with edgy nihilistic protagonists
Post lesser read books that are still Veeky Forumstier
Describe your last bowel movement with the title of a literary work
If Veeky Forums were to vote, who would it be for and why?
Is there anything wrong with dying sexless?
Can you be a serious ethician these days without being vegan?
Schizo books
Veeky Forums, I wanna read something really fucked up. what is a great book that is also just really fucked up...
Grab the closest book next to you and post the first sentence of the 43rd page
Veeky Forums tats
Reminder that you're not a true intellectual until you have read the complete works of both Aristotle and Plato...
Is there a book that can cure my utter disgust with society...
Is it actually good or did I get memed?
Writes a book called The Republic
Civilization on Trial, please help me find it kind Veeky Forums
Let's play a game. We take proper names and rearrange the letters to form a description of that person
Science fiction's best author
Veeky Forums, what is the most patrician literary-related name to name a cat?
How do i improve my memory? you guys know any good ways to do it or am i stuck with what i've got?
The party was like many another. Conversation began desultorily, gathered a swift but feeble energy...
Which of these states is the most Veeky Forums?
When u tryna develop detachment but develop a deep antipathy for the world instead
Are there any books out there that only women can understand? There are hundreds of them that only men can comprehend
Is Moomin Veeky Forums-core?
I close my eyes and watch some birds. This vision lasts only a second, maybe less; I don’t know how many birds I saw...
I feel like the only reason I bother with my life, is to lose my virginity. After that...
ITT: Choose the title of a book which could also be the title of your autobiography
What's you most non-Veeky Forums habit?
Why are sci-fi, fantasy and other action oriented genres considered low class in the world of literature...
Schopenhauer on women
Search on google for Vladimir Nabokov Lolita
Veeky Forums you're the first group of people I thought of for this riddle/
Veeky Forums is always saying read the Greeks this, read the Greeks that. So I am reading the Greeks...
Is he the Shakespeare of the 21st century?
Lovecraft General
Which language is better, French or Spanish?
Who was the greatest American philosopher of all time?
So, how is this book? Worth a read?
Walking home from gym
Anyone here published?
Do you guys know some great poems or prose excerpts about prostitution and brothels?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Don De Lillo about Freud
Is there something more important than happiness?
What books bring you back to your childhood, Veeky Forums?
Are these the 12 best books in the world?
Your favourite war related book?
Im a screenwriter who just got an agent. i read a lot, but mostly the meme stuff recommended on here...
English translation
Why do you continue to defend the narrative clusterfuck that is the KJV, when the new oxford bible waits for you?
ITT: Write out a physical description of yourself as you'd describe one of your characters
Kurt VonneKEK
Share the courses you're taking this semester. Judge each other
Does Veeky Forums prefer to read Shakespeare, or watch Shakespeare?
What is Tom Wolfes problem with Chomsky?
What's Veeky Forums's unironically favorite book? Now, I'm not talking about the best, but your favorite...
ITT: baffling things about foreign languages
Has a black ever written a masterpiece?
What's the difference between Sci Fi and Fantasy?
Who's the greatest writer of science fiction literature?
Who is Veeky Forums's waifu?
"Campus Novels"
What are the key theological differences between Islam and Christianity?
This is the source of near all current and 20th century literary genius and if you want to have the chance of being an...
Haruki Murakami
"Read Ulysses, it's the greatest novel ever written in the English language!"
Just how Veeky Forums are you?
ITT: Post an author you don't get the hype for and other anons explain
How do i get back into reading?
My mom is watching undercover boss in the next room and she refuses to turn it down, what do i do...
Of course...
Even if someone were to prove to me that the truth lay outside Christ...
What does lit think about the "Reclams Universal Bibliothek"?
Recent purchases
Literary Confession Thread
Main character is a writer
Is he, dare I say it, our guy?
Who /education/ here?
Does Veeky Forums like weeb literature?
Prose just can't measure up to poetry
What languages does Veeky Forums speak/read ?
So now that the dust has settled, what's the official Veeky Forums verdict on elliot's work?
How do marxists/communists respond to
Without meme this book
Mfw hillary clinton's favourite book is the brother's karamazov
Is Veeky Forums pure ideology? For example the Reddit vs Veeky Forums thing
Duuude A Song of Ice and Fire is so fucking deep man, it's probably the best book series of our generation
What is your favourite and least favourite Shakespeare play and why? i'll start...
Do I really need to read Aristotle's works to understand people like Descartes, Hume, Kant, etc?
Pessimism as the meaning of life
3x3 thread
Tfw I could beat up every bookworms on this board
What was the last book you enjoyed that never, not even for a single page, sentence, or word...
How many of you became Trump supporter after reading this book?
What are some books about loneliness?
Where the fuck are you reading today faggots?
Is he the best reader of Joyce's Finnegans Wake?
I was wondering if there's anywhere in the world where I could meet true intellectuals, in the flesh...
Hey, Veeky Forums! This thread will appear in my avant garde collage epic, no matter what's said or posted...
Poetry critique thread
Her videos are delightful, (mainly her Shakespeare DIY reenactments) how come I never seen her posted on here ?
"David Foster Wallace struggled with inappropriate sexual behavior."
Anybody else here a legitimate, verifiable, Good Will Hunting-esque genius?
This board is filled with neet incel outcasts and there's rarely any real literary discussions...
One can find the English translation of the Welcome to the NHK light novel online very easily...
Immanletuel Kant
Lewis caroll
Was he Veeky Forums tier?
ESL pleb here, apology for poor English, but: how do I learn when to use whom correctly? Thanks
Is it actually a good book?
What is the best book to help one work through depression and anxiety?
Im looking to become a literary patrician. Where do i start?
ITT: Post a book and get a recommended reading
Book has 2 writers
Can nonfiction be considered lit?
Why has this board become such shit? I feel like the overall quality of threads and posts has declined steeply...
Times when the film adaptation was better than the book
I'm new here, don't know what to read. Where do I go from here?
Does anyone else on Veeky Forums get terrified by conspiracy theories? About a week ago I read something on flat earth...
I'm about to drink coffee black for the first time, wish me luck Veeky Forums
Help with short short story?
TFW you read and watched, reread, and rewatched Lord of the Rings obsessively growing up...
What is your hype level for this book
What do you think Donald Trump's favorite book is?
Was it mental illness?
I'm pretty sure I've entered nirvana mentally
How can I concentrate on my own life, about improving myself and devoting myself to learning and enjoying things...
Proofs that catholicism is the ultimate cuck religion:
Goodreads general
Is it racist?
The Nix by Nathan Hill
What do you guys think about W&P? Is it worth the effort? Also, what is the best English translation?
What is the best poetry book written in your language?
Sentences that trigger Veeky Forums
What do you want in life?
Hello, Veeky Forums; /pol/itician here (Conservative)
Was there anything this piece of shit got right?
How does Veeky Forums feel about Tom Wolfe?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
So, i FINALLY got myself a kindle so now i have so many fucking options to read for free that i don't know what to do
Books that will ACTUALLY improve your life
Scandinavian literature thread
Leftist text suggestions for a right-winger? (No Marx)
>your crush
Thoughts you hate the most
The Bell Curve
It's my 19th birthday today my dad handed me a wrapped book and when I opened it he said "you still read harry potter...
Write what's on your mind
This fucking guy or cliff? who's the better booktuber?
Ask a guy who works at Barnes and Noble anything
How to write gun descriptions without making the readers bored...
So all you wannabe writers, what do you plan on doing for money until you publish?
I've been thinking really hard and I figured out the meaning of life
Holy shit why is reddit so bad? This is from r/writing. How are these people I share the world with?
QTDDTOT -- Questions that don't deserve their own thread
How do you read when you're tired?
Mfw 1984 is literally cuck-porn
Best argument for existence of god is
So what will post-ironic humor look like on the internet and in real life? Will our society survive it?
What are the most fun books to read?
Why is it fairly easy for some of us to dismiss the merits of an idea due to the author's personal life...
Veeky Forums 101
Just read this. Was it good?
crime fiction
What do you think about Eco?
Why do cigarettes make you 10x more patrician?
What books should I read to be like my hero, Sam Hyde?
So I started reading the Veeky Forums starter kit and I started with George Orwell's 1984 but it was "meh"...
Write what's on your mind
I was watching Hillary's speech on the alt-right and I didn't really understand what the alt-right was about
First day of philosophy class
Tfw he's the best of the Big Three
What is love?
Favorite book
Claims to not know what reddit is
Oooh so scary I cant even even put into words
Self-Publishing general
Dr. Faustus
Veeky Forums tracks
Best nyrb prints?
To avoid accidental leaking of Veeky Forums idioms into my literature...
Veeky Forums considers this essential reading
Memes aside, is he really that bad? I've never read him but I have to read "Drown" for my workshop this semester
He fellow bookworms, is The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo worth picking up?
Best and worst works?
Mysticism/spirituality thread
General philosophy
Can we agree that anyone who doesnt think that pic related is one of the greats either
Well, Veeky Forums?
"Must read" philosophy books
Have you ever written a poem or story for someone AND given it to them? how did they respond? was it hard for you to do?
I'm on a mission to produce the worst book ever conceived, and I need some help doing it
Is there any thinker alive today as interesting and captivating as Nick Land...
How important is it to practice mathematical problems/mathematics overall besides reading and writing to exercise...
Is this a literary masterpiece?
My doctor who I am now not seeing claimed I may be lapsing into schizophrenia now he is absolutely fabricating this and...
Tfw just had it explained to me why Jonas knows the story of Theseus so well
Why read nonfiction histories and biographies?
Tell me flaws about penguin publishing
What is the best Hitler biography?
Into how many languages can Veeky Forums translate this line from Virgil's Aeneid?
ITT God-tier opening lines
What is that word that means when something is done because it once served a valuable purpose...
Is he still good when translated into English? How much better is the original Russian than the translation?
How do you feel about Library of America?
Tfw I will never be able to read a book while smoking a pipe...
Post Pynchon's quotes that'd convince me to read him
Opening sentence from your novel
Why do people say that his prose is so incredible? To me, his style (or styles) seems to be unique and clever...
Getting started: Economics
What is the name of your main character in your novel?
AMA Nietzsche
Today's haul. Total cost: $60 (give or take a few bucks for tax)
Was he right?
Adults who like Harry Potter
Dad likes reading
What is Veeky Forums view on Zadie Smith?
Have you degenerates read the Art of the Deal? No? Why not? Don't you want to learn about your next Potus?
How do I into Dostoyevsky?
Do people actually like this? It was boring af and besides one or two nice quotes a total waste of time
Veeky Forums furniture?
Get idea
Map of the unknown world
Spanish and Italian tier
Book Burning
German or French?
Dear god, hold me Veeky Forums
See a qt reading on the train/tram/bus
Worth reading?
Comfy/Autumnal books
Are there any historical novels based in the ancient Near East?
Veeky Forums I need help with my English paper, what's a good word for "one who flees?"
What's a meme gift to get my non Veeky Forums inclined sister for her 18th. She'll read anything but mainly reads YA
Most Depressing Books
Can we describe books we love while making them sound terrible?
What's the probability that some hidden knowledge is located at the Vatican's library?
For a 200-pound male of average height, a 1.75x bodyweight squat, a 2x bodyweight deadlift, and a...
What are some of your favourite books on mythology and ancient symbolism?
What's even the point of reading Kirkegaard if you're an atheist...
Read the book the upcoming film Arrival is based off of
What other hobbies does Veeky Forums have, besides reading and writing literature?
Is The Ego and Its Own a good start for getting into philosophy?
Does anyone read 2 books at once?
Would you consider yourself a well read individual?
Real page turner
Rama Series
Guess the book
Do any cute girls read books, Veeky Forums?
Which philosopher is the most fun to read?
Greatest male or female characters of all time?
In "The Raven" did the protagonist kill his fair maiden Lenore in a crime of passion...
Is there a character who feels desperately alienated and isolated from the world around them...
Laugh thread
What is Veeky Forumss take on Hunter S. Thompson...
Should I learn learn French or Dutch? I want to learn a nice, easy language
How did he do it, Veeky Forums?
ITT: books where every character is unlikable
Is LOTR an anti-communist book?
What are we reading, Veeky Forums?
Philosophy vs novel
All the math/engineering people I know are right-wingers
I just spent literally an hour trying to understand the first 2 1/2 pages of the third chapter of this book...
What even is the point of reading philosophy?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
What's the Serbian Film of books??
Anyone else a big fan of Dostoyevsky despite being deeply unimpressed by his theology?
That's Beckett. Look at his eyes. Doesn't he look absurdly wise?
Who are the philosophers and literary figures who would support Donald Trump?
Finish reading a chapter
How smart is Veeky Forums really?
Have you ever dropped a book when you realised it was about a manlet
Is Epicureanism the most sensible way to live knowing that life is without meaning or purpose?
Is there any legitimate knowledge to gained from looking into occultism and other magick woo?
What is some alt-right lit?
Post em
Are there any rappers whose lyrics have literary value?
Voice of our generation
ITT: Terrible books you've had to read
ITT: words that pseuds use
Do you rank Jim Morrison as a poet?
Whos the weird frontier of literature and philosophy
Would you consider this man a "literary great"
Is this book more challenging
I think books are bad. (No, i'm not stupid, my I.Q. is 140)
Male lit professor believes in patriarchal oppression and mansplaining
Why is she just the worst?
Which language is the most advanced?
Stack thread
Any english translaton suggestions? Looking to pick it up in about a week
Nabokov general
Emma Watson
Samuel Delany sucks. He's boring and unimaginative, despite his efforts...
Descartes BTFO
Wtf I hate myself now
Why bother BUYING physical books when it's so easy to download e-books for free from the internet...
Good Graphic Novels
Pynchon editions general
Murphy Bot
Is The Wealth of Nations still relevant to economics today and worth a read?
How does Veeky Forums cope with the fact that nearly everyone is a fucking mongoloid...
Which books has a character that you sincerely admire/would ideally model yourself after, at least partially
What makes Young Adult books so popular?
ITT: non-literature that would have been fundamental classics or nobel price winners if they had been made as books...
Random creative piece review?
I want to get into philosophy. What's some good beginner's material?
Every time i make a post about reading to learn or better myself I get hit with criticism and ridicule...
Who are your personal role models Veeky Forums
Post your age and 5 favorite writers, and other anons try to decipher how much of an insufferable faggot you are
What's up with the 2010s that makes then such a cultural low point in modern history?
If you could learn either Japanese or Mandarin, which would you choose, for literary purposes...
Honest question..Why hasn't any contemporary writer been able to match him
Favourite book
Favourite Bible quotes Veeky Forums?
What do you guys read after you've read all the "high brow" literature type of books? Like all Pynchon, Joyce, etc. etc...
Words only people with an IQ of 103 use
Romance (preferrably Lesbian) Literature
Any good podcasts?
ITT: Literary Annoyances
So many anons have unquestioning blind faith in Bloom
Why is it that Hamlet is widely considered the greatest character of all time?
Which world/book is better?
Wtf i hate white people now
Point me to a nice edition of moby dick, please
How do you deal with the inevitability of death, Veeky Forums?
How do you read works like Divine Comedy, Paradise Lost, or The Odyssey? It's so fucking difficult...
Where does Veeky Forums buy books?
What's the most accessible, easiest to read version of the odyssey...
Is this supposed to be fucking unreadable...
Three Kingdoms
How do I sound less pretentious when I talk about literature with people?
What does Veeky Forums think of this memer?
ITT we post class schedules and make terrible assumptions about each other. I'll start-
What's the most kafkaesque film you've ever seen?
How many of you have written a book?
Could of been shorter desu senpai
There hasn't been great Russian literature since this book
Tell a story in 12 words
ITT post only the most patrician people to have ever walk this earth and their feats
Who /self-publish/ here?
A diet that consists predominantly of rice leads to the use of opium and narcotics...
What are the truly great science fiction novels?
Tl;dr of neechee
How do i read?
Anyone else frequently consume dick?
Who is the literary equivalent of Tarkovsky?
Will this surpass everything?
Veeky Forums humor
What are the best long books (600+ pages)?
Greentext the plot of your new novel
ITT: Post your favorite passages by Joyce
Why did fascists like this play so much? Or at least the protagonist? The guy was an anti-democracy militarist, sure...
ITT: God-tier book names
Critique thread
Dubs will be the title for my summer creative writing project
Roll and then write a story about your roll, make it as entertaining as possible
Historical Fiction thread?
Where do I start with this lad?
Hey Veeky Forums, first time posting here, what can you guys tell me about Soren Kierkegaard's work
How do I stop my cat from reading Nietzsche?
Back To School
Do you read in public?
I have tried to believe in God and the Christian faith, but I cannot...
What book could help me with my lack of personality?
How to properly start with the greeks?
Moe Szyslak's definition of Postmodernism is still the best one we have?
I never went to college, did I miss on much?
Do you meditate, Veeky Forums?
Was universal literacy a mistake?
ITT:Books you need to read and write a paper on in 4 hours
ITT: /comfy/ lit
ITT: Veeky Forumserally me
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
I want to read something that may actually help me think of how to be successful and more sociable and I keep getting...
Only way to get to know "entity alone as it is", while living is through sexual intercourse. Yes? No? Discuss
Irish books
How the fuck do I write a female character
STEM fag turns into pseud: the novel
Why read a 1000-page book when you can get the same thing in 89 minutes from F for Fake?
Why bother studying philosophy, ethics and morals when nihilism is the logical conclusion?
Why do certain people kowtow before ideologies that are antithetical to the values they profess...
R. Scott Bakker: Second Apocalypse
Drugs or no drugs Veeky Forums?
The Odyssey
Why was this novel so quickly dismissed? Is there ever going to be a reappraisal?
Religion has invisible purposes beyond what the literal-minded scientistic-scientifiers identify—one of which is to...
Did anyone here "grow out of philosophy"?
Hey Veeky Forums
Image Recommendation Thread
What is Veeky Forums Writing right now? Summarize the plot
Write what's on your mind
Hate women
Was recently listening to a McKenna lecture and he reiterated a Joyce quote I found interesting
Is music important to give life meaning?
Why do we take this fat faggot's word as gospel again
Shelf thread
What is it about Marx that attracts so many posturing pseuds and obscurantists?
Why do you read Veeky Forums?
Turn in an assignment to my teacher
ITT: things pseudo-patricians (plebs) say
Paranoid literature?
What books you need to read before you die
Would Veeky Forums write articles about internet culture and anything that interests them or channers in general for...
"Whenever somebody dies, a new star appears in the sky just for them"
What 5 works of literature should a young man read?
Lads, where do I start to get into anarchism? Doesn't matter which kind of it, I just fuck my shit up
Brainstorming thread
Would he be a Trump supporter?
Has anyone read this? I don't know anything about poetry but it seems like this would be a good collection start...
Infinite Jest vs Don Quixote
Is analytical philosophy a joke...
Debating and philosophy
Women are more likely to be published than men
I am
Why do you guys like Stirner so much?
Aside from its meme status, what does Veeky Forums think of pic related?
Absinthe Drinking Writers
What is his name?
Can someone explain this shit to me...
Why do right-wing authors produce the best literature?
People read Sartre
Who here /notlitlifestyle/?
Veeky Forums milestones
Nietzsche 5'8"
Why is this generation(millennials) so spoiled?
Why is norwegian literature, music and film so bad?
Patrick rothfuss is garbage
What do you make of Borges?
Are there any novels about being an absolute loser? I don't mean like the novel the loser...
What are the greatest single questions asked by philosophers?
Fulfilled Authors
Who is the greatest poet of all time and why is it T.S. Eliot?
Literary tattoos
This is from a friend of mine what book should i recommend her
Roommate thinks all human behavior can be accurately predicted by statistics
Where's your favorite reading spot, Veeky Forums?
Has anyone in human history been more essentially right than this sad fuck?
Is there knowledge that should better be kept hidden?
What is the best translation or copy of The Epic of Gilgamesh to date?
Have you read any of Rupert Sheldrake's books? I picked up The Science Delusion from the library...
Post your goodreads and discuss
Are any of you not insufferable irl?
I finished reading 1984 today. What I'm about to say may seem forced and contrarian to some...
The introduction and editor's notes are longer than the actual text
I heard Clinton bring up the alt-right
Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Spenser General
Is there such a thing as too much technological advancement?
Is this really the only version of Gravity's Rainbow without misprints or smears...
I read Sappho and now I want to fuck her
What do you think of my summer reading list, Veeky Forums?
Anybody here on Veeky Forums pursue a PhD in English/any foreign language literature...
ITT: Times you forgot to hide your power level
So Veeky Forums, we're in agreement that is now the face of New Sincerity (& Meta-Irony), right...
Is there any philosopher in history that he would not eloquently eviscerate in a debate on philosophy/ethics?
Books that are red flags
How do you cope with the fact that everything is phony (inb4 dismissed for being like Holden)?
University thread
Is it worth becoming a literature teacher for college or high school?
Latin Literature Thread
Post characters that are literally you
Tfw too /woke/ for Veeky Forums
PLEASE can someone link me to past exam papers for 12th year literature questions on The Great Gatsby and The Crucible?
Whats the weirdest shit you've seen wrote by the previous owner of a used book you've purchased?
Hey Veeky Forums
Besides the obvious (pic related), what are the best novels to come out of Scotland?
If God is good and all-powerful why does evil exist?
What are your thoughts on this man?
Best covers in lit
Anyone else really excited for Alan Moore's Jerusalem...
Started this. Holy fuck that preface. What the fuck is his problem?
You decide, Veeky Forums
drank beer for breakfast and continually throughout the day
First semester at community college
Summer is over
Read some poetry
What books are you reading and how are you liking them so far?
Had had
400 books in backlog
Why does Veeky Forums hate this book again? I think that it is a good portrayal of yankee ingenuity
Can homossexualism be philosophically proven wrong?
Why the fuck does he like reading so much?
"The Chinese think, act, and feel almost exactly like us; and we soon find that we are perfectly like them...
ITT: We read our favourite piece of literature (poem, prose, lyrics, etc.) or anything that you want to read aloud...
Hi, Americans
How much prep do I need for this book? Thank you
What do you like to use for a bookmark?
Our diaries desu
Name a book with romance in it that isn't about a woman fixing all of a sad man's problems
Tfw no qt3.14 Veeky Forums or even a /mu/ gf
Are there any good books about relationships and shit? not PUA shit...
Itt: badly describe any book on philosophy and others try to guess it
/agp/ general
Can anyone recommend me any books about men who are really handsome but still virgins...
You're all well-read, balanced and thoughtful individuals
He is present-day Don Quixote
Apart from IJ, what makes DFW's books difficult? And how can someone overcome it?
Overrated bullshit general
What's the most boring book you've ever read?
Give me a purpose
Everything I pick up isn't fun to read...
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Interviewer stops phone interview after less than 10 minutes and says I failed
Meh. I don't get what all the fuss is about
Alright Veeky Forumserally, I want to increase my reading speed. How can I go about doing this?
Is this whole book just a warning against nihilism?
Most philosophy seems to channel confusion instead of understandment
Phenomenology of Spirit
Argentine Authors/Writers
If any of you assholes read this book maybe you'd be decent writers
Start reading Cicero and Tacitus
That amazing part in an otherwise shitty novel
What are some jobs you can get with a degree in english or comparative literature...
Favorite play? Favorite lines?
Wow stirnerfags btfo
Remember, form of a question
Why is Walt Whitman considered America's leading poet again? What about him appeals to the American psyche...
How does Veeky Forums feel about listening to books vs reading them?
Mfw i just now understood the opening of Gravity's Rainbow from an Amazon editorial review
The voice of out generation. the greatest poet of the 21st century
Black Veeky Forums
How many of you guys prefer erotica to porn? If so, what's your favorite erotic novel?
Old thread picture
Why didnt you tell me Baldwin is a major American novelist?
Im 18
Which of them better captured the themes of American life?
H.P. Lovecraft
How would a video game be made that is on par with literature?
Post the best book from your nation
What's the best book to read while suffering from the consequences of a Xanax addiction because you're on eight...
Retarded tropes in fiction
Hello Veeky Forums...
You have read the Summa, right Veeky Forums? Don't tell me you skipped the greatest theological work to ever exist...
Works that help with manhood
How does Veeky Forums manage to read so many books at a time? Is there trick/method, or do you all just have no lives?
“In his extreme youth Stoner had thought of love as an absolute state of being to which, if one were lucky...
Lynch influences
Oxford World's Classics
Is this guy a hack?
So what classes are we taking this semester?
How'd your state do?
Be 25
What is the most "literary" food/drink?
What was the best Harry Potter novel?
Be me, bored on Veeky Forums
Stephen King books to read?
ITT: characters that remind you of yourself
Recent purchases
What light novels can lit recommend?
How harmful is self-suffocation as a long-term habbit...
Is this the most entry level book of all time?
Have you read it? What do you think?
How did this book change your life?
Nietzsche secondary lit/Nietzsche general
Is atheist materialism the end of philosophy
Did this fucking spic every write anything insightful...
So, how 'bout those articles, huh?
I first read The Catcher in the Rye in seventh grade, and since then...
Is it even possible to understand The Human Condition as a virgin who's never been in an intimate relationship...
Was he Elliot Rodger if he was actually smart?
“But the Koran cannot be ignored, as it is a work of genius we badly need to study.”
Who are the best prose writers in English?
Do you agree?
Holy shit this was absolutely based. Why didn't you tell me Veeky Forums?
Hey guys, I need to read Siddhartha before the end of next week, so not much time at all
Just finished this, what did you guys take from it?
What is Veeky Forums's take on Lolita?
Is he, dare I say it, our guy?
What do you think of her books?
The only three books a post-sincere alt-nigga needs
What will you read to your future children and why?
Lord of the Flies discussion
What book should a person read who is utterly disappointed with the age they live in? Technological utopia...
What would you add to this list?
Yfw philosophy and biography go hand in hand in every fucking philosopher ever
What is cutting edge in Literary Theory right now. If nothing is cutting edge, why not...
Is eternal recurrence real?
As you're reaching into your bag...
The celebrated academic Harold Bloom is a lightning fast reader; blink and he's probably turned the page – twice...
Reading the stranger
What is your favorite philosopher and whats your favorite book by him or her?
It takes years to understand Plato's thought. what kind of farce is this?I'd probably reserve that title for aristotle...
How is this book?
Post what characters look like in your mind
New fag here, I've been trying to get into literature and I'm finding it really hard
Well, Veeky Forums?
Tfw hate communism but have no good arguments against it
I was talking with my non Veeky Forums gf about books (more like me telling her shit that I read) and she seemed...
Books you are eagerly waiting for
Barth and The Sot-Weed Factor
I bought a king james bible on the cheap
Recommend novels written from the perspective of someone looking back over their life
No pol itt
Recommend me novels which are structured more like a group of connected short stories
Mfw the word 'obfuscate' obfuscates the word hide
Did I get memed or what? Stirner can be adequately reduced to "can't tell me what to do, *"...
What are some good books on democracy?
No Religious Board
Nigga was literal chad, played sports, tall, fucked grupies, blazed it, wife, etc
What is the book that you most regret spending your time on?
Novella roll thread nearly at capacity, keeping it alive because a lot of people seem interested
Why doesn't this memer get into politics in Slovenia?
Veeky Forums Tier comedians
Let's settle it once and for all. Is it genius, garbage or something else entirely?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games