Which world/book is better?

Which world/book is better?

Both are garbage.

They are both far more derivative and far less innovative than either of their fan bases would like to admit

Eddison was better.

Tolkien because he actually finished his fucking series.

lotr, its less "mechanical" than got

J.R.R. Rolling

G.R.R. Peake


why is boromir on the wrong side?

You can't possibly think a fat fuck who writes about murder incest and sharting is going to compare to a fucking Oxford professor who invented a fucking language for his series.


who's the qt?

>no boromir fighting ned stark


One is meticulously planned and has a rich back story, almost mythological, folklore-ish, spanning not just ancestry but the creation of their world.

The other is a fat man making it up as he goes along, hiding behind his idea of realism.

The one that doesnt just have porn shoved in for views probably, sadly warner bros a shit.
Edgy, I remember what 8th grade was like too, you'll get through it eventually little buddy >:^)


There were like 3 women in LotR.

At least in ASoIaF you could get laid.


So glad Mr Jackson recognized this flaw



anyone has a knight of seven kingdoms ebook?


is dere a love story in lord of the rings?

is dere one between aragon and arwen?