How do marxists/communists respond to

the economic calculation problem

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"Math is bourgeois white male hegemony"

communists are autistic when it comes to mathematics
literally at the bottom of the page
there are also more advanced criticisms

of the problem itself I mean

Literally read the criticism section
My personal criticism in my quick reading of the Wikipedia article is that the assumption that prices accurately reflect the supply and deman factors. Markets are generally less fluid than many claim and inefficiencies an exist for a long time

>Markets are generally less fluid than many claim and inefficiencies an exist for a long time
This is true.

There's also a whole school of critique called "monopoly capitalism" about how market forces inevitably lead to a kind of virtual monopoly between competitors and settle on the least beneficial but still acceptable deal for consumers amongst other things.

>those dubs
This is also true.

I highly doubt you know more about economics more than Ludwig Von Mises

none of those critiques are from mathematicians....

Funny how you ignore the part where he tells you the obvious (criticism is included in the very article you linked) while also appealing to "authority" while failing to deny his pretty reasonable and quotidian claim.

I wasn't making a coherent critique, I haven't heard about this problem before so my entire knowledge of it comes from a wikipedia article.
But it is true that inefficiencies can exist easily in a market. They're called surplus

just because their is criticism doesn't refute it you dumbass..

there is tons of criticism of marxism too

Mises is dead and therefore knows as much as a rock.

You'll also find economists generally make really dumb assumptions at many points, and one very common one is non-sticky pricing.

and Marx is a dead Jew as well...stop sucking his cock

The "economic calculation debate" was between Austrians and Neoclassical economist, it had noting to do with Marxian economics.
If you want a summary of it in retrospect from a socialist prospective read this: &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca&client=ubuntu

Information and Economics: A Critique of Hayek
Also look into Input-Output Analysis

>“The only economic problems that matter, defy any mathematical approach” – Ludwig Von Mises
> “Now, the mathematical economist does not contribute anything to the elucidation of the market process” – Ludwig Von Mises
>“The equations formulated by mathematical economics remain a useless piece of mental gymnastics and would remain so even if they were to express much more than they really do” – Ludwig Von Mises

Mises was also a Jew, friend

An economist Jew you say? Balderdash. Next you'll tell me Mises was jewish.

OP literally asked how "Marxists" could contend with Mises.

When they do you can't just respond with an appeal to authority - that makes the whole thead useless, you trog.

>political economy
are you maybe a little bit stupid?

>Marxian economics

why not just say Marxist

Because it's a broader term and can mean anything from classical Marxism to neo-Marxist stuff