Is Moomin Veeky Forums-core?

Is Moomin Veeky Forums-core?

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Wow user, I completly forgot what it was called.
I have so many fond memories with this show -- one of the comfiest shows to exist.

Thank you for bringing me back into my childhood. :)

Pa papapapa pa pa pa papa pa

moomin is everywhere now, thanks for posting OP

of course, it's a patrician kids show

tfw I own a moomin bowl and multiple moomin mugs

>In the books, there are storms, comets, floods, disasters. There are psychological anxieties (Moominpappa at Sea, in which the father uproots his entire family, is about a boastful male's midlife crisis; in Moominland Midwinter, Moomintroll awakes early from hibernation, to discover that his home is become white, cold and hostile, inhabited by strangers). There's the Groke, the howling female who turns the land to ice. There are Hattifatteners, Creeps, Hemulens, Fillyjonks; the Snork Maiden, for whom Moomin has bashfully romantic feelings; timid Sniff; poetic Snufkin; Thingummy and Bob (who lave a hanguage that soes gomething thike lis); angry, indomitable Little My.

>Above all, there's the feeling of finding and losing, of losing and then finding again; of leaving home and returning, of returning but knowing it's not for ever; of winter turning to summer, but of summer being haunted by the dark and cold to come. Everything must pass. Time passes, and life.

>Jansson's last book is Moominvalley in November. It is set in a season of silence and rain and growing darkness. The beloved Moomin family do not even appear. Their friends wait for them, although they have grown hazy in their memories, like a dream. Finally a light is seen across the sea. They are coming home; but we will not see them again.

tove is a top tier writer in general.

I fucking despise Finns and all other Uralics. The whitest in appearance, but the most non-White of races. Disgusting double-dealing callous traitors. Every last man, woman, and child of their filthy nation should be be impaled a dozen sticks, shat upon, and left to rot alive.

Yes. The first Moomin books are for kids, the latest aren't. The transition happens somewhere along the Moominsummer Madness. Though all are great.

I like how it went to pure cosmic horror

What is the cosmic horror? Moominpappa at Sea?


He's a fag, so yes

I don't know which is worse, the existence of such a picture or the fact that I am aroused by it


of course, great books, great animated series (jap), the comic books are great too, from what I heard

Tove Jansson was a fenno-swede, not a finn.

>Tove Jansson was a fenno-swede
What an odd synonym of lesbian.

Too-Ticky was written from her waifu, afair

Fenno-swedes are mainly Finns who are descendants of other Finns who, back in the day, learned Swedish in order to get an education.

Who /snufkin/ here?

Currently reading the second book on my phone, got a cold and this is pretty much the only thing I'll be able to concentrate on.
Thanks for reminding me of this

Hell, yes. Tove Jansson was patrician to the core, and her books are amazing.




>tfw no Moomin - Bone crossover

Can someone help me remember a Moomin book I read when I was younger? I remember only a scene where vegetation grows inside Moomin's house and he plays around with his friends in it, the book ends with some magician visiting them, I think, and eating pancakes with them together.
Man this shit was fucking comfy, I am glad I was a bookworm since my young days, so many memories.

my life :(

Third one: Finn Family Moomintroll. But read them all from the start.

This thread made me seriously consider reading the books.
How many of them are there anyway?


Same here. Are they comics / graphic novels or actual prose lit with occasional pictures.

Also repping Tove, got me this calender for this year. It's rad.


> Finno-Swedes

Put it in the fucking garbage.

It's both. They're kids books with pics and also some comics.

Thank you my friend. I can't wait to revisit Moomin, although I've read only that third book, I plan on checking out all of them. Moomin is one of those things I can't help love even as an adult, same goes for Marry Poppins and some other stuff.

I grew up with the books, and collected the translation/reprints of her awesome picture books, and my lovely wife bought me the 450-page deluxe slipcase hardcover collection of all the comics Tove wrote (the ones she drew 1954-60, and then she wrote while her son drew, before he took over writing as well):
Moomin: The Deluxe Anniversary Edition (which collects Drawn and Quarterly's Moomin Vol.1-5)
Lars wrote and drew the comic for alone from 1960-75: D&Q is putting those out, vols 6.-10 so far go up to 1964).
The nine books in the novel series, in order, are:
1. The Moomins and the Great Flood (Småtrollen och den stora översvämningen) newly transalted/re-published, the first Moomin appearance and a great prequel.
2. Comet in Moominland (Kometjakten/Kometen kommer) .
3. Finn Family Moomintroll, (Originally: Trollkarlens hatt)
4. The Exploits of Moominpappa, or Moominpappa's Memoirs (Muminpappans bravader)
5. Moominsummer Madness (Farlig midsommar).
6. Moominland Midwinter (Trollvinter)
7. Tales from Moominvalley ( Det osynliga barnet) (Short stories).
8. Moominpappa at Sea (Pappan och havet).
9. Moominvalley in November (Sent i november)

The REAL picture books (not those modern adaptations pieced together for kids from the real books) are:
1. The Book about Moomin, Mymble and Little My (Originally: Hur gick det sen?) – 1952.
2. Who Will Comfort Toffle? (Originally: Vem ska trösta knyttet?) – 1960.
3. The Dangerous Journey (Originally: Den farliga resan) – 1977.
4. Skurken i Muminhuset (English: An Unwanted Guest) – 1980 (No English translation published)*
5. Visor från Mumindalen (English: Songs from Moominvalley) – 1993 (No English translation published)**

*Unwanted Guest doesn't use drawings, but photographs taken by Tove's brother using the awesome small replica of Moomin House that Tove Jansson, her partner Tuulikki Pietilä, and Pentti Eistola made. A fan once made an unofficial web translation of it, which is now down, but I have the pdf somewhere. It's not a great book in any way.
**Songs from the Moominvalley is a songbook from 1993 of songs inspired by the characters in the Moomin World. The lyrics were written by Tove and Lars Jansson while the music was composed by Erna Tauro. Not something to worry about.

A native Finn here, I've never read the books, should I?

Yes, but only if you know swedish.

Does one have to read the stories chronologically? Not all books are available in my country, but I'd like to have some. Which ones do you recommend?

>while her son drew, before he took over writing as well
It was her brother.



Muminpappan and the sea is amazing, at least in the original swedish.

Looks like its time to get into Moomins

Can you give a short summary of it? What makes it so better than the other Moomin books?

Chronology isn't important, if you can roll without character intros. The best are perhaps Finn Family, Comet, and Moominpappa at Sea, but they're all great.

Jesus, total brain fart. Of course Lars was her brother: Tove was a lesbian* and had no kids. Sorry. BTW, her adult fiction is also beautifully done with that psychological realism and deft darkness.
*More or less:

Saging this thread because moomins gave me nightmares. Fuck you

Fug I knew I was gonna need Swedish at one point. I wish I learned it while I had the opportunity but now it's too late.

Do you ever wonder where he went during the winter?

It may not be lit related, but there's a record called Muminröster, Muumilauluja in Finnish, and the lyrics are written by Jansson, if not all.

Here's the Swedish version

And here's the Finnish one



>dem mongoloid eyes

I haven't read the books but can there really be that much lost in translation for someone who still has the cultural background?

Yes, there can. But you should read them anyways, the drawings are gorgeous. And Tove is lit af.

>That comment
>On a literature board
>On a classic children's book thread

/pol/acks really are sad, depraved people.

I'm actually Swedish I was just curious.

>There are Hattifatteners, Creeps, Hemulens, Fillyjonks; the Snork Maiden
>; timid Sniff; poetic Snufkin; Thingummy and Bob

Holy shit I had no idea the names were translated differently to english


What's this?

>Those pictures
Holy shit I remember that edition of the Hobbit

I have it somewhere, My father used to read it to me as a bedtime story when I was a kid and everytime there was picture I'd stare at it while he read it
I'll go and find it now

Found it, the cover is in a bit of a rough state but still intact

Tove's Gollum was scary as fuck


Smaug was scary too

It seems that Tiuhti and Viuhti have been translated as Thingummy and Bob

What the fuck man
