What do you think about Eco?
What do you think about Eco?
one of the GOATs
was really hoping he'd nab a nobel :|
I think the only reason he wrote was to show off,
he's unbearable.
>he wrote to show off
be that as it may, the books were generally quite a ride.
>it's the "everyone whos smarter than me is pretentious" argument
sorry you're too much of a brainlet for umberto-sama.
Eco is a fucking god. Read everything you can find.
great novelist
his semiotics stuff is outdated
Baudolino is boring and weird as hell
What do you think about Eco?
I was very young, I was up late dreading tomorrows school-day, there was a book-program on one of the three channels I could get on my small TV in my room, there was an interview with Umberto Eco, at some point in the interview they were in a library, he picked up a book by Heidegger, and called it rubbish, and said how wrong he was.
At the time I was young, and hadn't read anything of either authors. In subsequent years as I matured, I learned.
I was very happy to hear when Umberto died. Good riddance.
...because he didn't like Heidegger? Did I miss something? Have you read any of his nonfiction work on interpretative semiotics and hermeneutic phenomenology? I'd bet very good money Eco knows a lot more about Marty than we do.
pleb shit. as good as dan brown
youre a retard.
>le pretend its satire so its better face
no u
I admire Eco. He can come across as pedantic to likewise pedantic readers, but I'm not as much angered by people who insult him, than I pity them.
Umberto Eco, Gene Wolfe, Charles Stross, and Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz are the same sly person.
I think he's up there with Borges and Calvino, hell, he's probably drinking some cheap wine with them.
Anyone here read Book of Legendary Lands? Seems to be one of his least talked about books, but I think it's one of his best.
What do you think about Eco?
Dude had an impressive library.
Love Name of the Rose. Like Foucault's Pendulum. Don't really care for the others I've tried.
Some of his more aesthetics directed stuff still stands, namely Open Work and Appocalyptics and Integrated (is that he english name? On phone right now, can't bother to look it up)
That's a stretch, there. Baudolino was a piece of shit.
A lot of good philosophers dislike Heidegger and tend to either ignore him or sail around his work, tbqh
instant erection
Such as? Genuinely curious.
I wish I could buy it all.
>his semiotics stuff is outdated
in what way?
legit asking, I was about to pick some up
Fight me irl
>a book is bad because it is weird
popped a vein
I quite enjoyed Foucault's Pendulum. I've been meaning to pick up The Name of the Rose for quite some time now.