I think books are bad. (No, i'm not stupid, my I.Q. is 140)
•i am not dyslexic, i learnt to read when i was 4 and mostly alone. I have no memories of me reading slow, and i remember at 6 i read at full speed. But still i'm so slow at reading books it's ridiculous. I timed once and i read 10 pages(ex: from page 1 to 10) in one hour... i always think about something else while reading, so i have to re-read. It's not rare i read a page 3 times cause I'm thinking about something else.
•they always told me that the difference between reading books and watching a movie is immagination. Reading a book requires you to use your own imagination, while in a movie you see characters, places, situations etc. Created by other peolple. What so special? People's immagination is nothing special. Everytime i read a book the characters and places pictured in my mind were average and boring. While in some movies they spent hours creating places, chosing actors etc.
•books don't give much emotions. I'm not a big fan of movies but they are an example of something that gives more emotions.
Let's confront a situation on a screen and on a book. A death of a person. In a book you can imagine the voice of the dying man, but you can't hear it. You can imagine his face while he's leaving this world, but your eyes won't see it. No music will make the situation more tragic. You're not feeling a man dying. You're imagining it.
•books are forgettable to me. I don't know if it's my issue but every reading session i used to forget the things i read previous reading sessions. So i always got inconsistent stories because i coildn't remember names, or what happened.
What do you think? What could i do to read more?
I think books are bad. (No, i'm not stupid, my I.Q. is 140)
>no I'm not stupid, my IQ is 140
The fact that you're lacking in imagination and the basic understanding of what makes literature an effective medium speaks to the contrary
really low quality bait, man. you can do better than this with your 140 iq, i believe in you.
>No, I'm not stupid, my IQ is ___
You need a faux-objective test to prove your intelligence, as if it's linear?
Dropped immediately, you need to go to the doctors and get your autism checked
>You're not feeling a man dying. You're imagining it.
you're not feeling a man dying when you watch a film, either. you're just looking at a man who's pretending to die, and if you feel anything it's only because you're imagining that he is actually dying.
The 140 Iq thing, although it's true, it was ironical. Calling me autist for that and not understanding it's not serious makes you more likely to be autist... Nice projecting
If he's a decent actor it won't look like he's faking it. Your brain still sees an image of a man dying, You're giving to much importance to your consciousness.
By the way i've Never been here. I thought this was the serious board of Veeky Forums, where you could be "serious", but it's not. A lit board that's not serious and where people shitpost is so ridiculous, you're being a parody of a loser, let me get back to /b/.
>it was ironical
Oh I forgot that you don't understand how reading works so you can't understand that subtle sarcasm is impossible to detect in writing
Also, both involve a suspense of disbelief, only thing is that the reading requires a bit more of a barrier, at the reward of perhaps being able to go far more into detail than a movie usually practically could
Finally, a board where no one shitposts is a ridiculous notion to begin with, but saying you hate their medium (packaged with a nice description of your prodigious fucking intelligence) is no way to provoke serious conversation either
Oh haha never mind this was all a ruse
Your prose is autistic
>...Nice projecting
On par with *grabs you by the throat* Back the FUCK off?!?!?
It's like you don't know how humans speak.
I didn't explain it well... It wasn't just sarcasm. I said "books are bad", a sentences that could bring you to the conclusion that i am stupid, cause it's a stereotype that stupid people don't like books. So i wrote that iq thing. IQ is not considered an indicator of intelligence by a lot of people here and on the internet in general and in an anonymous board how can i prove i actually have 140 IQ and why would i? To me It seems a sentence that shouln't be taken seriously even if you exclude sarcasm... It could be provocatory maybe. Definetely not an indicator of autism. Also going to /b/ doesn't mean anything
I don't even think 10 pages an hour is that bad. I'll take 30 mins with 10 pages if a book's really hard going.
My native language is not english, I'm actually didn't understand what you said.
If i sound autistic in general is because of literal translation maybe? Cause I'm not autistic but i have doubt about you
>you're being a parody of a loser,
>although it's true, it was ironical.
That's some clumsy ass syntax man, sure you're smart? Also your analysis of stuff seems dumb to me.
>Let's confront a situation on a screen and on a book
> on a book
Wait are you reading these books in your a non-native language? If so problem solved, you're writing is clearly that of someone without a refined grasp of English - not insulting; I'm not bi-lingual - so that would entirely explain your issue.
LOL I made so many errors in that post
>my I.Q. is 140
Way to go user, you're good at recognizing patterns!
Though unfortunately you lack the necessary drive and creativity to be able to apply your intelligence so that you can use it to pick up knowledge and create.
What a shame
I don't read books in english and my english is not that bad as it seems. The reason i do a lot of mistakes is because i almost never speak or write in english, i understand it better.
("i'm actually didn't understand" was because i rewrote part of the sentence)
Ehm, maybe i'm not native? Also never studied english neither at school(i stopped at middle school English) nor alone. And in my country people are very bad at speaking english.
>wah I have ADD and memory problems and i cant read a book, so books must be bad
>also i need to tell internet strangers my IQ as if it means anything and im not just lying about it
where are you from?
I can be creative if i put time and effort, and please explain why i can't pick up knowledge. Am i missing something?
I knew i have ADD but it isn't diagnosed, thank you for confirming it ;). Also you said the two reasons why the IQ thing was not a serious sentence, why are you taking it seriously?
>But still i'm so slow at reading books it's ridiculous.
thats not a problem, reading isn't supposed to be a race against time
>they always told me that the difference between reading books and watching a movie is immagination.
this is pure nonsense, they are totally difference from eachother, the biggest difference is that, as a reader, you can't never be a passive consumer
>books don't give much emotions
stop reading YA and try something actually good like Tolstoy and Kafka
>books are forgettable to me
throw you stephen king collection away
For emotion read Stoner
I actually forget what i read, sometimes i read a page and after 5 minutes i have no idea what it talked about. how can i not forget pages after hours or days?
It sounds like you just have a small attention span. Spend less time on the computer (and especially on /b/ for fucksake). How much and how long have you been reading anyway? Honestly, your speed and ability to take in what you read should improve with practice. Good luck
>I knew i have ADD but it isn't diagnosed, thank you for confirming it ;)
>Also you said the two reasons why the IQ thing was not a serious sentence, why are you taking it seriously?