>"two or three books of essays — “Consider the Lobster,” “A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again” and “Both Flesh and Not” — by my recent infatuation, the late David Foster Wallace, whom I’m currently gorging on indiscriminately in a manner that I’m told betrays my standing as a poorly disciplined autodidact. I’ll try not to burden this volley of questions and answers with too many mentions of David Foster Wallace."
This is the third thread in the upper half of the catalog about Moore digging DFW.
Hunter Perez
his book comes out in 4 days...
whose getting it launch day
im hyped
Ayden Allen
Holding out for Christmas personally, though I did enter that shitty giveaway on Goodreads
Isaiah Ramirez
Jacob Morris
If Jerusalem ends up being a classic will Moore have a solidified place in the canon?
Sebastian Rodriguez
I think he already does...Watchmen is arguably the most influential comic book of all time...it completely revolutionized the industry
Christian Hughes
I know he has a place in the comics canon, that's inarguable (he's probably the greatest writer-only the western side of the medium has ever seen), I meant in the "proper" literary canon. Comics still aren't taken that seriously by quite a few academics.
Justin Adams
From what i have heard..Jerusalem looks like its going to be a masterpiece
Ryder Baker
>Watchmen >even approaching the heights of Joyce, Shakespeare, and Woolf
No one who actually reads good books can believe this.
I read the Watchman and it entertained me, but to think some edgelord hurr durr is humanity even worth it plotfest is comparable to the formal and philosophical complexities of actual works of literature is what you expect to hear from the dumbest most insufferable prick in your intro to English studies class.
Tyler Bennett
Plot and character development is only part of what makes Watchmen great. The use of panel to panel imagery is what makes Watchmen the classic that it is and to suggest otherwise to is to ignore what makes the comics medium what it is. I agree with you to a certain extent that it doesn't match the works of Shakespeare or Joyce but at the same time it's working within a very different medium.
Kevin Martin
next your going to say 2001: a Space Odyssey is a good movie, but it doesn't reach the philosophical heights of Dhalgren...so therefore its trash
different mediums bro
Jose Johnson
James Joyce is trash..all he did was copy The Odyssey and throw a bunch of allusions in there
Oliver Thomas
It could be much more in-depth but here's a fairly nice annotation of Watchmen:
Read Dhalgren...most critics consider it to be a superior work to Ulysses
Lucas Edwards
Hardcover or slipcase edition?
Aaron Jones
Weird. you don't consider the fact that "Shakespeare and Joyce" also worked in different mediums but know instinctively they deserve to be compared...
There is an intellectual level that artists like Joyce and Shakespeare and Picasso worked on that guarantee them a place in whatever the Western Canon is.
The cartoons that go along with the dialogue in Moore's comic book do not exist within the same dimension. It's entertaining. An enjoyable consumer product. That's all.
Kubrick is a greater artist than Delany, yes.
Ryder Powell
Im saying Dhalgren is a greater book than Ulysses
Jaxon Wright
I'm saying that's a forced meme.
Julian Ramirez
>Weird. you don't consider the fact that "Shakespeare and Joyce" also worked in different mediums but know instinctively they deserve to be compared... You were the one who brought them up and I continued the discussion with the figures you mentioned. I was going to bring up how Mozart wrote lyrics for some of his pieces but they since they weren't meant to be read on a page the same way Blake or Rimbaud are, they shouldn't be compared in the same way.
The cartoons do not "go along" with Moore's dialogue, they're as important to the story as the dialogue, arguably more so at times.
Thomas Morgan
well do you agree?
Elijah Bell
Sebastian Bennett
well obviously >his medium is the essential "I only read books with pictures" >takes drugs >le epic anarchist intellectual >made great legion maymay mask Veeky Forums as fuck
Ian Gray
Who gives a shit about academia? If he's still around in 50 years, he's canon, simple as that. The academia is a leftist shithole which cares more about postmodern African writers than about Moore or Wolfe or whoever is deserving of assessment.
Jacob Bailey
Alan Moore is pretentious edgy hack who would smugly drink his own piss if it had the chance to piss off Margret Thatcher's ghost.
Thomas Harris
It's good to know the /r9k/ crossover on Veeky Forums also has terrible taste.
Fucking lol. Drop the e, add an o. Then we'll talk about literature.
Michael Allen
sadly...this is true
Dylan Wood
the dude is arguably the greatest comic writer of all time..
Veeky Forums really has a sort of elitist smug to it
- hates all genre fiction - thinks comics is a childish inferior medium
Jackson James
Tell me which is the arbitrary line for something to become literature for you, enlightened one?
Juan Garcia
dont bother
lit elite smug that guy is
Dylan Anderson
Moore is shit.
> Watchmen Garbage rip-off of parts of Gravity's Rainbow. > From Hell Pretentious shit. Doesn't even have the balls to really commit to a theory.
Jerusalem will be overrated by every type of useful idiot Pitchfork-writer critic.
Zachary Green
He's asking you if you think Dhalgren is better than Ulysses.
Why are you on Veeky Forums with such poor reading comprehension?
Gabriel Torres
I am :), I'm hyped not gonna lie. People can hate all they want but this looks to be the most interesting book to come out this year (save for The Nix if it actually lives up to the hype and Bottom's Dream). It has potential to be so great.
Henry Evans
kill urself kid
Benjamin Gray
No, that's Grant Morrison you're thinking of
Jose Watson
There is a thread up right now about how great Moomin is, so it could be that Veeky Forums is just tired of faggots from tv tropes getting pissy because comic books simply haven't done as much as literature, not that Veeky Forums hates comics in their entirety.
Colton Miller
What's the source on this
Sebastian Thompson
Matthew James
Jordan Perry
St. Swithin's Day, it was a "partly autobiographical" one-shot from '89
Eli Ramirez
But comics are an inferior medium. You can have excuses like age and audience being mostly mongoloids, but the best comic is compatible to a decent novel at best in terms of story, writing, characters etc.
Justin James
Technically speaking they are a more modern medium than literature so its understandable that they haven't reached the level of maturity that say the novel has. That being said have you seen what people have been doing with graphic novels? Because some people are doing very interesting things. I'm personally a big fan of Jim wooding and his Frank comics, they are completely without dialogue and explore various philosophical and biblical themes. I don't believe his work could be created in the novel format. Pic related.
David Reed
No, Grant Morrison would give an interview about it and make two of his punk self-inserts do it in separate comic series, then grow old and commission a seance to kiss Thatcher's ecoplasmic rectum
Michael Morgan
>There is a thread up right now about how great Moomin is, so it could be that Veeky Forums is just tired of faggots from tv tropes getting pissy because comic books simply haven't done as much as literature, not that Veeky Forums hates comics in their entirety. Moomins is not only literature it's also always been liked by Veeky Forums. It's like elite Pippi Långstrump.
Caleb Stewart
I'd just like to read the part about Joyce's daughter
Brayden Jackson
>inferior medium when will this meme die?
Dominic Lopez
When it finally produces a work of art as great as the greats of literature. Pretty simple.
Christopher Campbell
Jerusalem confirmed for surpassing even the likes of Dhalgren (which has already surpassed Ulysses)
Daniel Lee
Not that user but I bet you don't know shit about comics and would probably criticize Prince Valiant for its cliched story.
Jace Sanchez
never, because it's not a meme why aren't all these retards on /co/ or /a/?
Gavin Morgan
comcis and animation are seen as childrens mediums because they are marketed to children. You take away the marketing and they are just new forms of art in which to convey stories. Why do cartoons always have to be comedies or aimed towards kids? The Japanese know better, anime can be mature, it can be childish, it can be deep, it can be stupid. In america you get the simpsons or tom and jerry.
I used to read comics when i as younger but in its current form of hyper commodity aimed at liberal shitheads im not interested in it. American comics themselves used to explore regular people and different genres but it got wittled down to just capeshit after the comics code. Smart, or interesting comics had to go underground or find obscure publishers that werent marvel or DC.
Thomas Flores
But I love Prince Valiant. The fact that they are as a whole inferior to literature doesn't mean there aren't any nice comics out there.
Christian Lewis
Plebs and manchildren of both stripes, please quit shitting up Moore threads with your spooky misconceptions, resp. insecurities, as to comic books - this is a literature board
Brandon Gomez
Noah Campbell
>story, writing, characters etc. Only one half of what makes a comic a comic.
Ayden Brooks
And yet the most crucial parts.
Jace Lopez
To someone who doesn't have an understanding of the medium.
Jason Torres
Comics haven't really been marketed to children in over a quarter century. They still have the perception of being for kids but the people who buy comics nowadays are more likely to be between 18 and 30 than a kid.
Tyler Hernandez
I'm probably one of the youngest guys who regularly shops at my LCS and I'm 23
Kevin Perry
I love Moore but these shill threads are becoming an annoyance
Lucas Brooks
To everyone who understands its crucial to any form of storytelling. No pretty pictures can make a bad story a good one.
Matthew Adams
You wouldn't be saying the same thing about a film, which has much more in common with a comic than a novel does and there's more to the work then just the story it's presenting.
also >when it's a medium that Veeky Forums doesn't like Veeky Forums suddenly reads for the plot instead of how the plot is told
Jackson Garcia
Which good movie has a shitty plot, bad characters, awful dialogue etc?
Jayden Reyes
Which good comic has all of those elements? All or most of them isn't an answer.
Noah Parker
That's because all comics are shit mate
Jack Butler
You seem to understand story and writing in terms of "muh plot".
Kayden Thomas
How is story and writing different from plot?
Connor Kelly
Why do you retards keep feeding
Owen Cox
Because comic fans are pretty thick
Blake Peterson
I don't even like comics but Alan is muh homeboy dawg.
Angel Davis
cringe post
Alexander Sanchez
isnt it a red flag that he hasnt read wallace yet?
Ryan Brooks
better late than never
Benjamin Collins
Julian Edwards
>a poorly disciplined autodidact
Boy does he think he's 'unique'. Fucking insufferable considering his picks are college freshman level Veeky Forums level.
Camden Bennett
Oh awesome. His only other novel, Voice of the Fire, was one of the best things I've ever read. I'll definitely be down for this.
Joshua Bennett
Julian Walker
Get the fuck out and read about literature before you fill this already shitty board with your ignorant shitposts. You claim to know about what makes literature so great yet it is clear you have no idea, thinking story is the most important aspect of it. Protip: it isn't, and neither it is of film.
Brandon Rodriguez
What's wrong with that description? It's totally humble and honest. I'm sure he knows a lot of other people are also lazy/poorly disciplined autodidacts, like you for example.
Julian Perry
>being this humanities-american
Juan Hughes
I ordered both, I will return one.
Gabriel Walker
Caleb James
Honestly I'm disappointed that he likes dfw
Xavier Scott
He obviously disagrees ya nincompoop
Brandon Rodriguez
Actually you're the only one, and you keep creating those threads following the principle that a lie told a thousand times becomes truth
Easton Roberts
You don't understand contrarians and 'hipsters' in the modern age.
Angel Cox
>> Watchmen >Garbage rip-off of parts of Gravity's Rainbow. explain
Asher Baker
wtf? rip off of GR
Aaron Smith
If anybody on this planet gave two tugs of a dead dogs cock for truth, none of this would be happening.
Matthew Sanchez
>Bearing in mind that it’s been almost a decade since I commenced work on “Jerusalem,” I’d have to say that I read very little fiction while I was writing it. I think I read Mike Moorcock’s “The Vengeance of Rome >I also read a whole stack of books by Slavoj Zizek, like “The Year of Dreaming Dangerously” and “Living in the End Times,” Absolutely_Patrician.jpg
Gavin Torres
I've already decided I'm gonna preorder it. Which should I get the hardcover or paperback set?
Which are you getting Veeky Forums?
Thomas Robinson
Don't know, why don't you ask in the other thread?
James Jenkins
hehe ebin! :^)
Justin Ortiz
I am so hyped by all this shitposting i gonna buy physical Watchmen. Shame comic books are so fucking expensive
Juan Parker
>"two or three books of essays — “Consider the Lobster,” “A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again” and “Both Flesh and Not” — by my recent infatuation, the late David Foster Wallace, whom I’m currently gorging on indiscriminately in a manner that I’m told betrays my standing as a poorly disciplined autodidact. I’ll try not to burden this volley of questions and answers with too many mentions of David Foster Wallace." Jesus Christ, who the fuck even talks like that?
Gabriel Bennett
Can we just be done with this meme intellectual? Thanks.
Jonathan Hernandez
The more you complain, the more fuel you add to the meme ;^)
Jackson Foster
Dolor you mom pain, the morpheme you add to the lel D;
Josiah Nelson
I'm getting it but giving it to my best friend for his birthday. It seems really up his alley, but also selfishly I want someone else to tackle it before I do (tfw painfully slow reader)