Who /self-publish/ here?

Who /self-publish/ here?

Every day I force myself to write a novella between 5 - 15 thousand words which I then self-publish on Amazon.

I have been doing this for two and a half months, and at this point I am making on average $35-per-week in sales, though this has been rising steadily.

Anybody else doing something similar?

It's going to be my first time self-publishing, but I have a short 46k word SFF novel I'm publishing soon. It's a sort of 'prologue' that introduces the narrator of my planned series. Although I'm aiming towards writing all the books in this series as semi-independent sequels that can all be read on their own.

This is not so much a monetary thing as it is a building of my discipline, as these books (hopefully) won't feel like your average pulpy SFF books. Along the way I will hopefully learn the craft better.

Also OP, what publishing sites are you using? I'm using Createspace at the moment.

I've got 21 k words so far on a novel, what do I do once I finish it? Looking for 35k words, should be finished in about a month

>Every day I force myself to write a novella between 5 - 15 thousand words which I then self-publish on Amazon

>every day

Jesus are you turbo NEET? I'm calling shenanigans.

desu 35 a week for writing 15 thousand words a day doesn't sound that bad. He makes roughly 5 bucks for every day of the week and it's going up. If he brings that up to around 100$ or 200$ a week he'll basically have a part time job with none of the bullshit.

35 k words isn't a novel. A novel is 50 k minimum.

Are they actually printed books or e-books

links or it didn't happen

Novella, sorry. You get what I mean

Not posting links yet, but here's what my gmail inbox looks like pretty much every time I sign in.

All e-books

Nope work an office job, I just keep a small box open for writing and type away like a madman all morning.

I think user's pointing out that 15,000 words is a whole lot to be writing in one day. As for 'part-time', I guess it's possible with zero quality control...

OP here. My stuff is spell-checked and the grammar is all there, but I pretty much just write a mixture of cliche and whatever my subconcious tells me to write.

>15,000 words written in a morning while pretending to be working
That's even more intriguing. You're not by any chance publishing Wikipedia articles are you?

Why would I be doing that? There's no monetary reward involved as far as I'm aware.

oh thats p good. think i could manage to fit it in my schedule similarly

might give it a try

>There's no monetary reward involved
I doubt you're right about that, but I think user's meaning was that you copied wikipedia articles

It's the only way I can make sense of you being able to get that many words down. Although I guess if you're just stream-of-consciousing that would work too.

Oh ok, well no I haven't so far but I think Michel Houellebecq admitted to copying a lot of stuff from wikipedia into his work so I might start doing that also. Thanks for the suggestion.

I possess a great deal of mental stamina. Just this morning I wrote an alternative version of Stephen King's "The Body" from the perspective of Corey Feldman and his experience filming the movie Stand By Me (which is based on King's novella). I'll create a cover image tonight, edit it a little and publish by the time I go to bed.

how do you advertise?

I don't. At first I was part of a writing collective on eight-chan where we'd all self-publish books (mainly erotica) and then spam positive reviews. But since then readers have managed to find me somehow. I suppose I write so much that it's pretty hard not to find some kind of audience.

how much do you sell your pieces for?

Depends. Most are around $2.50

If you're going as high as 2.50 why not go all the way to 2.99 so you can get the 70% royalty?

I do a lot of the time, I'm still testing out the best prices to attain maximum readership.

Is self publishing difficult? Do you have to use your real name? I never want to be connected with my work, but wouldn't mind making a little extra scratch here and there.

I think it's great that your earning money publishing your work, but I don't know if I would be happy knowing I published something that I knew was simply not good (your admission that it's full of cliches tells me you know this). I'd like to get paid for writing something that did not take me much time, but I would probably hate myself for it.

My bad. You're

surely the quality of those works can't be worth the time, why not just work on a more solid piece that can gain more notoriety

>Waste a ton of time to make the minimum wage of some third world country
Just think by now you could have been published traditionally and made several thousand dollars and more people would have read your work. Self publishing is stupid as shit if you're a new writer.

OP here. No it's easy as hell, only producing the book cover can be tricky. I just completed and uploaded another book since posting this thread. Also I have published with over a dozen pseudonyms thus far.

I want to publish something "good" too but I need the money and so on to be able to quit wagecuckery and dedicate myself full-time. I'm essentially a modern day Jack London, writing masses of slush with the intention of writing something worthwhile eventually.

You have to use your real name and bank account info to get paid but the books themselves can go up under pseudonyms.

Because literary fiction doesn't pay, but strangely enough loch ness erotica and Catcher in the Rye study guides and self-help books for mothers who suspect their children are internet addicts do. I'm writing a book on the memes of 2016 right now (since a few minutes ago) which I imagine will be around 50 pages long and targeted to journalists and people trying to understand internet culture.

I already make a good wage at my full-time job.

Sounds like a goldmine

what is the genre that sells the most, OP?

OP please post something of yours so I can gauge how much effort to put into these, because it sounds like you put in none yet people will buy them.

Erotica tends to do well pretty easily in the short reads sections from what I've seen. Also manuals on stupid shit that you can literally just look up on your own. There were two bestselling ones on how to cancel kindle unlimited subscriptions when I checked a week or two ago.

>There were two bestselling ones on how to cancel kindle unlimited subscriptions when I checked a week or two ago
I have no words to add to that. I just want to greentext it for the ages.

At which you presumably do no actual work because you're pumping out words at a hilarious rate?

Pretty sweet. I can't claim I'm not jelly.

Here's an excerpt from one of my novellas. Written in about 30 minutes.

What else. Finish me off

Nope. I don't write this stuff for fun my man.

>literary fiction doesn't pay
I can tell, based on the topics you mentioned, that it doesn't pay for you because you're a hack. I mean, if it makes you feel warm inside for selling garbage then go for it.

Do you use multiple accounts/pen names?


Not OP, but can you name/link to any authors who are making money self-publishing litfic? Would be interesting.

you have written ~75 novellas in a row? Wow, quite a lot of output.

post source, maybe I'll buy one.

Not all are novellas. I've also written self-help books, psychology books, relationship advice and some poetry by people living in countries where I could find no affiliated poets.

what is your method to choosing what you're gonna write next and how do you write so fast?

How long is each book? Is the dirtier the better?

Any advice?

I really do allow my subconscious to decide such things for the most part. Right now I'm writing a book of poems by a fictional female poet from Tajikistan which I will also claim to have translated into English.

There is a thriving erotica scene on amazon but it's quite professional and people would generally prefer to spend the same amount of money on a carefully written 200-page novel than they would on a 60 page novella written by an autist. Make sure spelling is good, have a nice front cover, get your buzzwords right.

do you take inspirations from tajikistan to write the poems?

I do some minor research for the sake of having a believable name and poem titles which somewhat relate to the country.

>I'm writing a book of poems by a fictional female poet from Tajikistan which I will also claim to have translated into English.

aint that shit like...uh fraud


You just don't get it, the reader is included in the meta-narrative in which he becomes a part of a "social experiment"

>Every day I force myself to write a novella between 5 - 15 thousand words which I then self-publish on Amazon
Nope work an office job, I just keep a small box open for writing and type away like a madman all morning.
I pretty much just write a mixture of cliche and whatever my subconcious tells me to write.
I just completed and uploaded another book since posting this thread.

and this is why self-publishing is garbage and the cream will almost never rise; because of retards like you spamming the market for $35 a week. thanks, faggot.

if you're a skilled writer you wouldn't have to self publish and thus could make money

He said 5 - 15 thousand words, which is not particularly novella length; short stories are about 7000 often, and even short novellas are about 40,000 words.

Still impressive, but even novellas of comprobable length take time.

You made it. We're all gonna make it

How much poetry do you publish? Does it ever sell?

I'm appreciating this thread OP.

quads of truth

yeah ive been hoping this man is memeing us but apparently he's just a real life artless plebeian. this is aggravating and sad.

Are you the guy writing the book about the religious guy?

Not him, but that's not how it works at all. Meritocracy is a meme.

nothing wrong with making a living.

does detective/slasher stuff sell?

do people shop erotica based on genre?

>all skilled and dedicated writers get published
Yeah, nah. Outstanding digits though.

>a fictional female poet from Tajikistan
Clever. You wouldn't actually make money, but that's probably the best way of making an impact on the literary world. A fraudulent impact, but hey, we're all postmodern now.

wait a sec. you write 15,000 words a week, publish, and only make $35/wk? what? at my old copywriting job i used to write 2500 words a week or so and receive $2,000 paychecks. while i admire your work rate, i highly doubt the writing is of any quality and you may also be doing yourself a disservice. there's nothing advantageous in flooding/spamming the market with lesser quality material.

>you write 15,000 words a week
i meant a day. jeez, man. good luck to you, though. didn't mean to sound so flippant. i just can't wrap my head around someone who writes that much and gets paid so little for the effort.

OP here. Just got back from work, sorry for the delay in answering questions.

No idea. Hopefully not. I doubt anybody would take the time to sue me though.

Hey. So far I wrote one book of poetry which I advertised as having been influenced by Rupi Kaur (contemporary female poet in Canada who puts her stuff on instagram etc) and I had a bunch of sales presumably from her fanbase and by people wanting to read other women of colour such as "myself". Poetry overall doesn't sell though, which is why I picked a particular niche (female empowerment, teen empowerment) and went with it as best I could.

I don't know too much about genres to be honest, though what research I've done has told me that detective stuff is a good-seller, though whether that's only novels I don't know. A lot of sincere self-published writers tend to go for detective stuff, and in my city at least most of the advertisements for books on the subway etc are for that genre. As for erotic stuff then yes there are many specific sub-genres (tabbo incest stuff etc) and there are also a lot of romantic sub-genres which are pretty much just erotica with a few hand-holding scenes in between. Pic related are your options for that genre.

I think I might make some money on it. I mean Tajikistan has a population of 8million people and if I create a fake facebook and spam the book on some Tajiki communities etc it may pick up some traction.

It took me a while to get into the flow of things and start designing covers well and so on, and the royalties have been rising with each week. I'm not expecting to be rich but it's nice watching money coming in without having to do much to earn it after the thing is published. I also have a steady wage at the job I work at.

>selling fake Tajik poetry to actual Tajiks
That's even more impressively brazen. I was assuming you were aiming at English speakers after some exotic literature with hipster appeal.

Do you generally put effort/spend money on marketing these things, though? Or would the Tajik thing be a one-off experiment?

As for fraud, legally I'd assume you can claim it's artistic license or whatever. There's a long history of artists claiming to be someone else.

> i just can't wrap my head around someone who writes that much and gets paid so little for the effort.

Me neither. I don't know if this is because I'm jealous of the fact OP is making easy money exploiting women or that I see it as degeneracy but I wouldn't want to associate with someone who does this sort of thing. When looking at the big picture, I don't see the difference between writing erotica, selling used panties online or prostitution. It's all exploiting confused mentally retarded people. IMO, I don't see it as right, before, I wouldn't care, but now that I'm thinking about it, you need morals to align yourself to.

Honestly if this is what OP he enjoys doing then he should do it, I'm not once to talk, when I'm high on lust I entertain the thoughts of buying used panties and maybe erotica, but then I just wank to free stories on reddit so I don't believe any highly of myself.

It's a dog eat dog world, people abuse one another so I can't expect anything and hey, cam whores don't care that they are exploiting pathetic betas out of 1000's of bucks.

I mean what the fuck, OP's market and the whole internet sex audience are fucking retarded and for that reason I refuse to acknowledge them as human beings worthy of being friends with.

In conclusion; OP is exploiting retards

Good because the majority are 30 year old bored housewives

yes, but overall your way about it seems to be a weak model for income when with a little more effort and quality control, you can have a legitimate career in writing that would exponentially increase your current earnings. anyways, good luck with your writing.

I have several facebook profiles and around 50 email addresses and one of the facebook profiles is of a middle-aged woman who is writing erotic fiction. She has around 75 friends on there and also belongs to a bunch of erotic fiction writing and reading groups. There's a sense of community on there and people are sometimes willing to buy your books if they are short and cater for a specific fetish or theme. Bored midwestern housewife is a demographic I seem to be doing particularly well with. Non-white female authors are doing pretty well right now in terms of exposure so I might write some stuff about escaping ISIS or something like that in the near future.

I'm open to any advice or guidance my man. I realize putting more effort into advertising etc would probably help out and I might look into it soon. I also realize longer and more serious works tend to sell better and spread more easily among readers who recommend it to each other, but I really don't care enough to write 100,000 words with plots and character arcs and the rest of it and risk only selling a few more copies than I would writing about a woman from Sheboygan getting raped by a Yeti.

>I really don't care enough to write 100,000 words with plots and character arcs and the rest of it
after reading this entire thread, something tells me maybe you're simply incapable of such a feat and are passing off barely comprehensible first drafts as finished products. ciao.

Yeah, it does seem like he got so used to churning out crap that he can't do anything else.

OP here. I should point out that I am also writing a novel that I hope to publish via traditional means and which would be classified as "literary" and / or "highbrow". As I have mentioned, I am little more than the modern equivalent of someone like Jack London, Upton Sinclair and all those other writers who published masses of what might be considered "crap" while lending their actual talents and skills to their main novel.

i see no value in reading this, but if it works for you and you feel like your writing improves i wish you all the best.
you seem to strive to be a high performing shitposter.

Post a paragraph from your "main novel".

yeah post some writing babby i wanna see what a "modern Jack London" autist shitkid is writing

I won't post a paragraph, but I'll post the first line to give you a flavour, so to speak:

>"Medgar realized, with a sort of laugh, that every joke he had recently heard had been told by himself, to himself, and at his own expense"

How much do you charge per book?

>tfw you realise, with a sort of laugh, that OP may have been memeing you at your own expense

Given that I was expecting literal gibberish, that's... better than expected. But it looks like about 400 words- at that pace, to get above 5000 would be a full day's work.

This is that 100 post user again.
Newfags, there is a poster who constantly creates really elaborate schemes to mess with people by getting them to feel sympathy for his character and then slowly dissolve into autism, it usually always begins with calling himself a genius (I've noticed this pattern) he used to joke about his 6 volume memoir or this time that he paid a publisher to publish his book and he scheduled a book signing at a barnes and noble where only his mom came and bought 3 copies of the book. He does this because he's admitted he has nothing else in life and gets some sort of pleasure out of it, anyway, he had me going for a little bit until I saw him descend into cunty autism but the nail in the coffin is this quote that he always uses when people ask to see his writing in these threads (because it's pretty good but it comes from an archived post from years ago back when warosu was up, someone else found that one out, he usually takes any written material from past critique threads but almost always this one):
>"Magnus realized, with a sort of laugh, that every joke he had recently heard had been told by himself, to himself, and at his own expense."
Anyway OP, you should really find something else to occupy your time if this is all you really have.

John Green has been doing this for years.

I've seen this exact post before. Whether it's true or not, one thing is clear: WE ARE STILL INSIDE THE MEME

How do you make the covers?

MS paint + stock images

yeah, the more this thread continues the more i realize it's all bait. well done, OP. you had me fooled for a while there, kid.

help me understand the psychology behind these posts without resorting to the general blanket term tossed around here: autism. what pleasure is there to be had from this type of ruse? not only is it submoronic and juvenile, there's no real reward to be gained. is all he really after the brief satisfaction of having pulled one over in a medium/forum where that is easily done? i mean, this isn't even a clever ruse.

If you search "buy original ebook covers" you will find graphic designers making $$ from churning out fantasy and fiction covers. The prices seem decent enough.

Personally I was entertained by OP's tales, so it doesn't seem a stretch that OP found it fun too. Isn't that why people read and write fiction?

nah, this entire thread is just dumb. a handful of posts in and it was obvious this poster has issues if this is his creative outlet. this goes beyond duncehood into masturbatory, self-gratification territory, the hallmark of a true imbecile.

Thanks for your opinion!
