It shipped. Is Veeky Forums ready?
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Who cares about your meme shit, Jerusalem is coming out
what the fuck
Fuck outta here
Hipster CUNT
should I drop the 50 on it brother?
Do I invest in this or Jerusalem? Maybe both?
Why would anyone buy a "new" book when there are undoubtedly so many older books of higher quality?
If you haven't read V., or Tristam Shandy, or Middlemarch, or The Invention of Morel, or the Tale of Genji, or The Ambassadors, or Train, Whistle, Guitar, or even Bluets or the Infinite Lightness of Being, then what are you doing even considering buying:
A) a book centered on wordplay which will always therefore resist translation, or
B) some hackneyed libertarian allegory by a literal comic man?
Sometimes, Veeky Forums, you don't know what's good for you.
>Tristam Shandy
>trying to namedrop but you can't even spell the titles correctly
fuck off pseud
>Very interesting points, user, but instead of addressing them might I call your attention to THIS TYPO?
The post.
You also mistitled The Unbearable Lightness of Being and
>Tale of Genji
is really off the wall.
>Zettel's Traum Original
curious how they translated all the weird stuff Schmidt did by using german idioms and vernaculars etc.
thanks, schmidt!
I'm so fucking ready
I want this
They're both shit t b h. Read Finnegans Wake or Ulysses.
That's a big book.
>buying a bulky $50 book you're never going to read just to get hipster cred
>literal comic man
Imagine OPM done by Moore
for sure
>Infinite Lightness of Being
>Not mentioning David F. Kundera's "The Unbearable Jest"
What a pleb.
This is exactly how I imagined Bottom's Dream buyers to look like.
He is obviously not going to read it.
You're a fucking tryhard retard if you start reading Schmidt with Bottoms Dream. At least start with school for atheists and maybe his earlier novellas.
Also all of these are in English already translated woods. You have no fucking excuse to be a tryhard faghot
El em ayy oh
Bump. Calling all true patricians, biggest release of the last decade
You may as well read the Voynich manuscript
> man guys look at this big german door=stopper nobody has read yet hahaha! I have it!
>what do you mean, have I read it? No, that's why I'm excited!
>what do you mean, have I read Arno Schmidt before? hahaha no that's why I'm excited!
>what do you mean, the only reason I'm reading it was because it was on a meme chart that called it "difficult"? No retard, I'm reading it because it's very long and experimental...
>now to take a picture of me holding it next to some other long book I've never read but brag about, before I put it on the bookshelf forever haha
It wasn't on a chart and I'm German you filthy pseud
Buttblasted pseud detected
> I posted another picture of how BIG this book is haha!
> of course I can't say anything else about it. But did you see how BIG and EXPERIMENTAL it is?
> No really, please stop asking me what the book is about. It's big and experimental. See this picture of how big it is.
assblasted poorfag pleb alert
Damn grampa what are you doing on a website for 18-25 yearolds?
>mom, mom, look at me rising above the memes
based orthofer
How come you never review any well-known classics like The Odyssey or The Brothers Karamazov?
Well, I'm jealous.
>Bottoms Dream
>Finnegans Wake is full of farts
>Gravity's Rainbow is about gas based propulsion
>Infinite Jest - toilet humour is always funny
>also Infinity Jets
What's going on here?
You are a master baiter. Now resist that wordplay, faggot.
How much of it was deliberate?
It might not even be him. There are a couple of shares on goodreads. I might have posted some that weren't mine.
Why the FUCK is no one reasponding to me when I have the smartest fucking post in the thread.
Fucking kill yourselves of you poseur faggots.
we can't fucking accept it user we're as much of a pleb as you seeking validation fucking kill yourself too
I'm not one of those retards who says it's gay to read in public. I always read on the bus or subway. but I will not fucking bust that book out in public. I refuse to read such a monster in public. I'll add that to my list of books i will not read in public, along side a little life. walking around d sucking a cock is less gay than that cover.
Biggest retarded meme I have seen in a long time.
Is this about a bottom guy dreaming about gay Chad?
Walpurgis Night is one of the best chapters in that book. Have fun with the French though.
gayest title ever
>An opulent mythology for those without a pot to piss in, through the labyrinthine streets and pages of Jerusalem tread ghosts that sing of wealth, poverty, and our threadbare millennium
It's from Shakespeare, you yutz.
Cool that Bono digs it
>not 对你来说
I definitely won't read it but I'll attach straps to it and carry it like a backpack.
Can someone tell me the name of the author of that Jerusalem book you've all been going on about?
No, it's a wet dream of a bottom fuccboi longing for a hard prick in his arse.
Comic book man
I remember shitposting Arno when no one else did, and now he has become a fucking meme. I cannot believe I live to see this day.
>Have fun with the French though.
My version was in two volumes with all the footnotes, including the translated French, in the second volume.
The publisher must have been the spawn of Satan.
He looks more like a bottom himself desu.
This whole fucking thread is the absolute rock bottom
It's fine. Shitposting happens. At least we got some good talk from it.
The difference is a I've actually read his other shit, which is fantastic for the record, which has been translated by woods for over a decade, and is obviously an ideal place to start.
Anyone jumping straight into Finnegans Wake here would be considered a pseud of the highest caliber but this is somehow ok.
Well this is actually good to know.
Arno recs?
is this just a zeno's conscience level of memery?
>the tunnel
>bottoms dream
is dalkey shilling on Veeky Forums?
>Walpurgis Night is one of the best chapters in that book. Have fun with the French though.
the john woods translation (the one pictured) actually translates the french to english.
this is a re-read and the ht lowe porter left the french as is. it wasn't ideal since i had forgotten most of my french but i struggled through it well enough. the john woods one definitely made for easier reading
walpurgis is one of my fav chapters too but i prefer Snow, A good Soldier/A soldier and brave depending on translation, and of course the sections with peeperkorn
magic mountain is just so good n_n
Dalkey is just based AF
dalkey publishes a few hundred more books that aren't shilled here so -shrug-
also penguin publishes(d) recognitions too
dalkey just generlaly has good taste and a small subsection of dalkey's impressive catalog happened to become memes.
Anyone know how many of these English editions they are printing?
Dalkey has some good stuff but 90% of their material is failed experimental garbage. For every The Recognitions they have nine Joshua Cohen wank books.
I mean, Gaddis is wank as well, but he's good wank.
i mean sure. when you go for the type of book that dalkey goes for you're invariably getting a lot of garbage and prosaic experimentation
it's a noble endeavour and i do not fault them one bit for it. it's not like dalkey is printing money
Agreed, but they seem to jump on board with nobodies faster than other high-end publishers like, say, NYRB. As an even better comparison, New Directions, which is incredibly picky and often veers experimental.
If I won the lottery, I would have no trouble buying every New Directions or NYRB series, because I knew they are very well curated. Dalkey would have to cut their selection drastically for it not to be a waste of money.
That's Molloy
NYRB plays it a lot "safer" than dalkey. a handful of experimental and novel publications, a lot of generally acceptable and unoffensive titles, veers middlbrow at times. i think they occupy slightly different "levels"
if i won the lottery i'd happily buy every book by all three publishers.
im also at the point where to some extent im willing to stomach a LOT of flaws as long as the book offers at least one interesting/novel/intriguing/insightful tidbit, and dalkey publications deliver on that fairly consistently. nyrb delivers less on that aspect, but more consistently on a basic level of proficiency.
I'm so glad I stumbled upon the completereview. Some of my absolute favorite books came from otherfer's recommendations.
what is this? link?
Cosa? Chi è lui?
Grazie - this is a good site
A school for atheists at least.
this web design is quaint as fuck and i love it
You should see the most Veeky Forums site of all time:
The Infinite Lightness of Being is a closer approximation of the original Czech.
The Tale of Genji is literally the first novel. How can anyone serious about novels not read it? Borges put it in his top ten.
It's really sad when plebs rise to the occasion thinking that, finally, they can one-up an even lowlier pleb, only to be cut down and cast even farther into the pit of irrelevance. Please see the above post for the actual title of Kundera's novel:Don't make the mistake again.
Problem with School for Atheists is the cost/rarity. If Schmidt's really gonna be the next Veeky Forums meme, then we'll soon be talking like $75-100 for a paperback, which is pretty fucking stiff.
There are at least 50 great Dalkeys that are never mentioned here.
But seriously though why the fuck is it so big?
Christ. What a waste. Cant believe people fell for this goddamn nonsensical meme. Have fun trying to decipher the mad rantings of a Finnegans Wake rip off.
wtf i was drinking milk
that's the joke. it cant possibly be done without altering the hell out of it.
The Infinitable Jestness of Being on Time
By David Kundeggers.
Pleb. Embrace the glorious new meme.
What the fuck is this book?
The greatest story ever told, friend