are there any good books about relationships and shit? not PUA shit. i'm talking about something to have a better understanding of what a girl wants.
Are there any good books about relationships and shit? not PUA shit...
Your problem is that you're looking for "what a girl wants." You're thinking that they all want the same thing. You could try maybe listening and paying attention to whomever you're interested in.
But I'm a coward.
There's no book that can change that. That's purely up to you.
Out of all the self-help garbage I've read, this book actually helped.
It's a more authentic and holistic approach. It lays out what you can do to better emulate one of the kinds of normie archetypes that women find attractive without fake posturing and other shit like that. The editing is horrible, but that's to be expected of something pulled mostly from blogposts.
There's a good poem about it, here:
What a girl wants, what a girl needs,
Whatever makes me happy and sets you free.
What a girl wants, what a girl needs,
Whatever keeps me in your arms.
And I'm thanking you for being there for me.
Like a rock you waited so patiently, while I got it together.
While I figured it out, I only looked but I never touched,
'Cause in my heart was a picture of us,
Holding hands, making plans,
And it's lucky for me, you understand.
>what a girl wants
For the guy to not be a machine. Everything else is details, even for most 10s and 9s this is the foundation.
Also you should never bend yourself out of shape to shapeshift into "what she wants". If there is no meeting halfway then it's better to drop it.
Just be urself xd
Also you shouldn't be bending over backwards to give people "what they want". Just be yourself and do what YOU want. No woman wants someone who moulds themselves to her wishes. (Well, there are women who like this, but they aren't what you want.)
This was said for the lulz, but it's actually the best advice. I don't know why people don't believe it. Women sniff out fakeness a mile away.
Read romance novels.
Just watch RSD videos, itll save you time
came here to post this
Yes, but that can be very difficult. It requires vulnerability, which can be very scary.
And now that I think of it.
Where are we ever encouraged to be vulnerable? Our parents? Schools? Advertisements? Friends? Media? Government?
To my mind society as a rule encourages people to behave certain ways.
Being Yourself is simple when it happens, but can take a lifetime to reach.
>Women sniff out fakeness a mile away.
no they don't especially how the ratio of girls having sex compared to the average guy. their bullshit detector must be broken.
anyway you're right about being yourself. guys like op can't do it because his mind is aware that he wants a gf. so everytime he comes in contact with one he finds attractive he will try to accommodate his current self to what he think "she" likes.
No, strive to be a betr version of urself xd
2 part answer:
1/ the details will vary
2/ the basic universal truths that PUA taaps into; high social status, social prooof etc
Women can sniff it. Girls can't.
I don't know where you live, which might affect this, but it doesn't seem to me that the amount of sexual partners differs that much between men and women in the western world.
>what they want
>not PUA
Have you ever even watched an RSD video? It's not like "say this line" and blablabla, it's just confidence and some basic human psychology, which is pretty much exactly what you should be wanting.
>You're thinking that they all want the same thing.
Not to mention it's kind of a dumb statement given how much of our sexual drives are biological in nature. You'd be hard-pressed to find any woman who doesn't like a guy with social status, confidence etc (the dude who's seen as the "alpha" of the group).
I think its generally the same as for plenty of other things: there are more men in both of the extreme ends (= (almost) no sex at all or massive amounts of partners) but the average man and woman don't differ too much. Works for social standing, too: there are more homeless drunkard men than women, but also more extremely rich and powerful men than women. And so on and so on.
But there aren't that many """""""alpha"""""""s and most women may be too scared to approach them anyway. Its good to have some social status (as in financial etc security for the potential family) if you're over 25 but after that there's a shitload of personal preference that can't be spelled out.
Confidence is almost always attractive, tho.
This, but don't obsessively "be yourself" for women. Be yourself first, pursue your stuff first, then you'll basically be attractive enough to some women, if your confidence is in check and so on. You can change yourself and even "pretend" a little bit: just don't do it for others, but for yourself, make your life a work of art...
You'll need exposure to new people, of course. The greatest person wouldn't find a partner if he only ever met his best old friends.
The easiest way to become socially awkward and creepy is to think about it too much, and it is incredibly hard to get out of that loop once you're in, but it will not happen by worrying more. It might be better to take a break.
If you just want to "get laid", you should simply b confident and enjoy the chase and keep on trying. Be polite: don't bother someone who already signaled that she isn't interested, just move on to the next one.
As for books, frankly you should just read some powerful philosophy or fiction. The kind of stuff that deals with "how one should live" or "what is life about" in a manner that embraces life rather than denying it. Maybe read witty aphorisms (such as Wilde's), as they may stimulate your own wit which may help you in your social pursuits.
The whole 'alpha/beta' thing is a really cringe worthy myth. You're either respectable, the girls type (interests, personality, etc), confident and good looking enough for her or you're not. It's that simple.
If you're ugly and have a shit personality then you'll have to settle for ugly women with bad personalities. If you're good looking and/or have a good personality, then you'll have your pick.
You don't need to complicate it with this pathetic 'alpha' 'beta' rubbish,
I know, I was just listing things that are pretty much universally favorable traits. One could maximize on them and have a great basis that'd let them get ANY girl, whatever her preferences, a lot easier.