How do I stop my cat from reading Nietzsche?

How do I stop my cat from reading Nietzsche?

Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw your pleb cat probably hasn't even read the greeks


They often get stuck at their Egyptian glory days.

fucking hell that made me laugh


Why is it sinful to read Nietzsche (or other authors) without having read their predecessors?

when you gaze at the kitty, the kitty gazes also into you

What is some good cat friendly literature?


Is the book about cats?

Master and Margarita

is this Garfield?

>walk into the kitchen
>see odie

Cats can't read, dumbass

>his cat hasn't read Ulysses
>his dog hasn't completed it's dissertation on quantum mechanics


Just keep your dog away

So Nietzsche is Jim from Friday Night Dinner?



How can I stop laughing at Platonists?

How can I stop laughing at people who label themselves 'Nietzscheans' or 'Platonists'?

>letting dead old white men tell you how to think


Children's books by Robert Westall, especially Blitzcat and The Cats of Seroster, which was one of my favourites and incredibly based.

Pff, my cat is writing a dissertation on Tolstoy and fluent in seven languages.

He finished Nietzsche before he left the nest.

i need more cats reading books please

My cat looks dumb, everytime I put a book in front of him the only thing he does is try to chew it.


I am a cat and that is a normal phase in the cat process to learn Nietzsche, you start chewing them with your jaws and then with your mind.

>mfw I chewed Nietzsche with my mind.

Is this your fetish or something?

Dirty old man.


My Ancestor :)


Its sinful to read nietzsche pleb, if you ever read him you would know that

Since this is the cat thread I would like to say something about the poem in pic related

It's supposed to be very sad.

But when I read it I just think it's rather stupid.
Just fucking buy a second cat and everything is good

What if I whipped my cat.

I bet he thinks he's a tiger.

It should be a dog. Cats dont give a fuck about anything.

how do you know?