What is your favorite philosopher and whats your favorite book by him or her?
>T.W. Adorno
>Negative Dialectics
What is your favorite philosopher and whats your favorite book by him or her?
>T.W. Adorno
>Negative Dialectics
>being this delusional
who is
>Lou Salome
>Judith Butler
>Sonja Buckel
>Marta Nussbaum
>Simone de Beauvoir
>Hannah Arendt
>who is
Yeah, exactly ;P
Simone Weil is my philosofu tho
>literally who is
Inb4 poltards start shouting
in fact he was very pro-american
>The Divine Wisdom of God
>Julius Evola
>Introduction to Magic
He promoted ideas that hastened its destruction though
nice choice
i read the first pages of the Ethics by Spinoza and an introduction by Deleuze. It just donĀ“t get his logical conclusion. Nature is God as there cannot be a basis that is dividable, so all is part of a allmighty one, or am i totally wrong?
How bout you actually try reading it instead of lumping it into preconceived conceptual categories?
PS: The God stuff is hardly the full extent of his musings.
yeah, i always tried, but after a few pages i found it really boring to go through that logical approach
Critical Theory
>Nassim Taleb
Who #Taleb-ani here
if you don't know the last two you have no business being on this board
>Everything he wrote. There's virtue and truth in silence.
>who is ... ???
>de beuvoir
>serious philosophers
kek. arendt even disavowed the appellation of 'philosopher'
best female philosophers ive ever read are rosa luxemburg and ruth barcan marcus.
On the Genealogy of Morals.
No why do you have to prove the bourgeois stereotype of the brocialist is true
Delete your account.
N/A (didn't write anything)
>why do you have to prove the bourgeois stereotype of the brocialist is true
i proved nothing of the kind fuck off
You literally kek'd Simone de Beuvoir.
I can understand a Leftist disliking Arendt, that's fine. But dismissing a cornerstone of feminist thought without even feeling the need to defend your choice is like the alpha and omega of sexism.
You need to go back to Engels' writing on the family and understand you're reproducing bourgeois ideology. Very disappointed in you, comradechan.
Cioran, any book will do.
Plato, Benjamin, Althusser and Zizek.
Fuck, forgot favorite books:
>"The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction"
>"Machiavelli and Us"
>N/A (didn't write anything)
so why is it your favorite then?
>The Quran