How many of you guys prefer erotica to porn? If so, what's your favorite erotic novel?
>hard mode: No Lolita
How many of you guys prefer erotica to porn? If so, what's your favorite erotic novel?
>hard mode: No Lolita
Male here. I much prefer reading pornographic material, than looking at images or videos. However, most of the content isn't well-written and can't establish any nuances ; most of the content is just for an easy jerk off, nothing really entertaining, uplifting or too interesting. Although, even if poorly written, some content is ''decent''. I would be in heaven if I ever found something that suited my sexual tastes and was well-written.
>putting hours into reading a book to wank you could spend trying to get a gf
Girlfriends are for plebs
>he doesn't know how pimp iceberg slim will make you feel
Novels are too long for fapping purposes, an enjoyable fap lasts between fifteen minutes and two hours and I don't want to be blue balled by not being able to read the last words of the story as I cum. Novels contain too much filler material and not enough good stuff. With all of my blood in my cock my tolerance for unsexy boring filler absolutely evaporates.
I fap to tons of short stories though. Mostly transformation and impregnation.
A couple of my favorite stories
Add asstr DOT org in front of these
Add fictionmania DOT tv in front of these
Pick one. Or ACTUALLY read the book.
Why would I waste my time trying to get a gf?
what a gent. Thanks for the links.
Worth collecting.
It was a joke.
Is it popular?
Words are too complicated when I want to fap.
How does getting a gf help me pursue an aesthetic existence?
Tbqh, I read fanfiction smut. Random OCs don't do it for me nearly as much.
Fuck it, here's some fairly popular HP smut for weirdos like me:
One favorite of mine is The Autobiography of a Flea. Quite filthy. The Pearl has some stories I like. And as mentioned above, asstr DOT org has just thousands of stories categorized by keywords, authors, and titles. I don't know if I prefer writing to video, but there's a type of story I like which usually isn't on video. It is kind of slow and involves people being seduced against their will, but then giving in and being overwhelmed. I suppose it sounds like bodice ripping romance novels, but not quite. It probably has more to do with being raised Catholic. Who knows?
I've been reading Tabico's stories on MC Stories. They're nasty as hell, but she's a capable writer.
Pierre Louÿs
>trying to get a gf
why though
Is what popular? The Scarlet Library made nice illustrated editions of a dozen classic erotic titles, including Fanny Hill, Way of a Man with a Maid, Autobiography of a Flea, Eveline, etc. I collected all 13 volumes and I love them. Hunt them up and find good prices: it took me a while, but I wasn't going to pay a bunch.
>you'll never feel Simone's urine down your legs and then piss on her naked body and smear her beautiful face with cum and think about a threesome with Marcel