I was watching Hillary's speech on the alt-right and I didn't really understand what the alt-right was about.
Are there any prominent alt-right writers that can sum up the movement?
I was watching Hillary's speech on the alt-right and I didn't really understand what the alt-right was about.
Are there any prominent alt-right writers that can sum up the movement?
populist/democratic nationalism + memes
I'm alt-right and I browse /pol/. Basically we believe:
>women are inferior to men
>nonwhites are inferior to whites
>we like capitalism but not the multiculturalism, political correctness, sex in media etc. that it brings with it, which is why we toy with National Socialism
>we praise Lord KEK
>we believe in tradition/hierarchy
>we believe that women shouldn't have the vote, should be confined to the home where they can take care of domestic matters
>we believe that women should be assigned sexual partners, and not be allowed to choose themselves
>You ought to remain a virgin until marriage
>white nationalist
>white supremacist
Basically what humanity survived on over the past thousands of years
This should instead be a great realization for you. The alt-right is not a monolithic movement it is instead a banner for dissidents. Trying to pin it down is impossible as with any large political group the amount of people involved keeps it fluid.
Do you think the "establishment" ever successfully described any movement at all? Take hippies as an example.
im sorry to say this but u got memed senpai
There are thousands of books on communism, capitalism, nationalism, anarchism etc.
What would be some about the alt-right? Mein Kampf?
>t. cuck
this is just fascism with gifs
Unsourced infographics and youtube conspiracy videos
>There are thousands of books on communism, capitalism, nationalism, anarchism etc.
And all those things have been expressed in a thousand different movements.
And for books everyone has different opinions but Industrial society and its future is high on most peoples list also this desu lad i have been involved with this movement before you even posted your first frog on /pol/
its nice to see you cant understand how you got memed though, stay at it and you might find out
There are so many boards dedicated to shitposting, if you have nothing to contribute then fuck off.
>le alt right
>banner for dissidents
This is what makes it so dizzying to me. There's so many different alt-rights, that I wish the different factions had their own names or titles so that I can distinguish between them.
>>we believe that women should be assigned sexual partners, and not be allowed to choose themselves
so I there's still a chance. now this I might be interested in.
Kids pollute the internet and it makes me want to punch their stupid face. They should be banned from getting on the internet if their IQ is lower than 130
Oh god, you are loterally a controlled enemy. Please don't vocally support your movement unless you are talking about authoritarian capitalism
Literally every belief is for people gone mad. Think about it.
bro u got trolled
>buying into the iq meme
You're part of the 99% too, aren't you.
I really like this elephant friend.
I don't mean literally an IQ test. Kids should take an "asshole" test and if they fail it they can not go on the internet.
Is their an official answer the alt right gives for the question of who was behind 9/11?
I notice that a lot of them are dispossessed libertarians who have no other political outlet to turn to since both Rands closed shop. The libertarians were involved in 9/11 truth up until recently, and the whole a I immigration, anti Muslim stance kinda leaves me wondering where they stand on this. Just curious.
Alt-right was nothing but an actual internet meme. These dumbass politicians are now talking about the meme as if it's real so now people will think it's something real when it's really a bunch of autists splerging on the internet.
*Whoops both Pauls. You get the idea.
A forced lurking period would be good but it isnt pragmatically enforceable.
You sound like a Hillary supporter who wants to make the alt-right look bad.
Why bother watching candidates opinions on theur oppononets
>my challenger is literally hitler who is stupid and shit and bad
There, I just saved myself a lot of time watching any ""debates""
>Basically what humanity survived on over the past thousands of years
lol do you realise how recent most of these views are?
>non-whites are inferior to whites
only true in amerikkka, chum. belief is about 400 years old.
>we like capitalism
>but not the multiculturalism,
>political correctness
>sex in media
you niggas so salty. this is what happens when white kids cant get pussy for 20 years.
>which is why we toy with National Socialism
im sure all you alt-right are literally the personifications of the ideal aryan. 6'2, built like an Olympic god haha is there anything more ironic than a low-test beta manlet calling for eugenics?
>we praise Lord KEK
this is a joke, no?
>we believe in tradition/hierarchy
which tradition?
and m8, most of you would be bottom of any hierachy. you aint got jobs. you aint got a house. you think that if you vote trump hes gonna give you a cutey white 15yo wife?
>we believe that women shouldn't have the vote,
>should be confined to the home where they can take care of domestic matters
women as housewives is literally less than 100 years old, you uneducated memers
>we believe that women should be assigned sexual partners, and not be allowed to choose themselves
oh right, tell-tale policy. what about men? unless you want a crusty fat slug then you cant complain when women dont want you ugly ass. seriously, you guys are such dog-in-the-mangers. dont you realise that the social darwinism that you guys love so much is diametrically opposed to you complaining that alphas getting all the pussy? thats evolution bitch. its pair-bonding that has led to flabby fucks like yourself. spare the next generation your genes, famalam
>You ought to remain a virgin until marriage
AKA. I cant loose my virginity so you shouldnt either
>white nationalist
>white supremacist
"i havent achieved shit in my life so i compensate by pointing to the achievements of my race in the past"
youre also forgetting the alt-right meme that all jews are somehow part of a global 6000 year conspiracy. literally all jews are in on taking down the white man. HOWLING.
basically the alt-right started as an ironic edgy reaction against the lefty-bias on the internet (esp. reddit, thereagainst Veeky Forums defines its whole ideology). basically in the beginning it was just fun to say nigger, faggot and kike on the internet without your mum finding out.
it got infused with salty virgins (elliot roger) who feel excluded from the free sex granted by the liberal society; people falling for the "its political correctness gone mad!" meme; nostalgia for the 1950s which were shit; and insecure whites spreading stats about blacks.
also memes. lots of memes.
fucking hell, alt-right gets me riled up you dont even know famm
arigato reddit-san
>he unironically "learned" something from the debates
>he spent several hours watching them
Most accurate response so far. Trump is winning duped supporters and Hillary is scaring the public into not voting Trump.
If you are so gullible as to believe these politicians care about anything besides power and money, not your beliefs, your race, your sex, your arguments, your needs, anything, then you must be new to politics. These things, for the politician, are only a means to an end, and people fall for it all the time.
Can you shut the fuck up with your infantile understanding of politics and post some alt-right books.
That's just wrong, alt-right is a very real thing. Remember neoconservatism was considered fringe until a bunch of ex-trotskyites intellectuals took over control of the republican party and got Regan elected. Some force successfully has placed Donald Trump at the head of the GOP which shows that neoconservatives don't have a cadre of intellectuals that can maintain hegemony any more.
Here's an old Breitbart article from 6 [!] years ago laying out how conservative intellectuals could utilize Veeky Forums to further their political cause.
>Alright, you may be wondering, but so what? Even if a bunch of rabid anarchy-mongering internet crazies turned out for Paul, what does that have to do with the GOP’s power on the internet? The answer is that, even if you accept the framing of such sites as hotbeds of craziness and rabid disorder, there is a method to their madness. As for what that madness is, once you get past the persistent ironic glorifications of perversity and take a look at how the people who frequent these sites actually behave, and more importantly, who they target, it becomes abundantly clear that not only are the values of such sites fundamentally conservative, but that their communications strategies, even if toned down for a mainstream audience, are nothing less than the perfect weapons for disassembling the Obama Presidency.
>If this seems strange, it shouldn’t. In fact, much as the highly controversial and obscene Comedy Central show South Park gave rise to a populist, pro-National Security, anti-political correctness breed of young Republican in the early 2000s, I would argue that the new decade could see a similar rise of iconoclastic, libertarian, anti-political correctness sentiment among what I would term “Veeky Forums Republicans.” There are three reasons why this could easily happen, which I will explore in detail below.
>some alt-right books
Honestly, just go to /pol/, and then keep going there, everyday. That will give you everything you need.
What you don't realize is that the "alt-rigtht" shit was just trolling in the first place, it's always been a meme until some retards started acting like it's a philosophy.
Except that that's actually what the alt-right believes.
Vox Day - SJWs always lie
Then see what amazon recommends as similar.
>Vox Day - SJWs always lie
>Then see what amazon recommends as similar.
Wow I'm sold it must be true
All this "alt-right" shit is, is being politically incorrect and just shitting out however you feel in the worst ways on the internet because you think you're anonymous. It's not a fucking philosophy to be a douchebag, that's all being "alt-right" is, being a jackass and memeing it on the internet to other jackasses.
I'm all about free speech, but these retards are no starting to act like this is legitimate, when it's all just memes.
Is this anything besides giving the GOP a facelift for the incoming class of Republican voters?
There is a philosophy building up around it though, right? I mean, who are these people neoreactionaries and anarchists are always posting and going on about?
>there is no political movement behind trump
uh huh, half of America would disagree with you and the other half just gave a speech on it
people with zero credibility
What you don't realize is that what you dismiss as trolling/memes was actively engineered, Veeky Forums is one of the biggest websites on the internet that showed it could manipulate polls and be a useful asset for building a cadre of young intellectuals. Special interest groups began to have a heavy activity on Veeky Forums after 2008
>I met Steve Bannon—the executive director of Breitbart.com who’s now become the chief executive of the Trump campaign, replacing the newly resigned Paul Manafort—at a book party held in his Capitol Hill townhouse in early 2014. We were standing next to a picture of his daughter, a West Point graduate, who at the time was a lieutenant in the 101 Airborne Division serving in Iraq. The picture was notable because she was sitting on what was once Saddam Hussein’s gold throne with a machine gun on her lap. “I’m very proud of her,” Bannon said.
>Then we had a long talk about his approach to politics. He never called himself a “populist” or an “American nationalist,” as so many think of him today. “I’m a Leninist,” Bannon proudly proclaimed.
>Shocked, I asked him what he meant.
>“Lenin,” he answered, “wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.” Bannon was employing Lenin’s strategy for Tea Party populist goals. He included in that group the Republican and Democratic Parties, as well as the traditional conservative press.
/pol/ weebs actually think they are on the level of white men from 100 years ago. Gl conquering Africa with a Dorito gut.
They're called newfags. These "reactionaries" are all the retarded autists who saw the racism being spouted on Veeky Forums pre-2007 and thought they were in good company when it was really about free speech and lulz, not politics. While the real oldfags like in 2006, the newfags stayed around to breed more morons with the racist meme. The oldfags left in 2006 and some became the "Anonymous" meme, while the newfags continued with the alt-right memes.
Anonymous is against the alt-right bullshit memes, remember that. The Anonymous meme has always been the most powerful meme, which is why Anonymous is against the trump cocksucking shills.
>we r legi0n
That should be a pic of a scrawny pale white 16 year old with a National Socialist t-shirt. Not a guy fawkes mask. Where's your representatives of this supposed alt-right movement, you jackasses are retarded.
shit he just destroyed my claims
alt right : jews 1-0
What you also will never fully understand is that non-whites even participated in spouting the racist memes pre-2007, for free speech and the lulz. I know you couldn't possibly understand this because you newfags are so attached to your offline identity that you try to keep it online. But this also shows, how new you are, since the beginning it's always been about being ANONYMOUS, not attached to your identity politics. You alt-right newfags are just as bad as the sjws.