Point me to a nice edition of moby dick, please

Point me to a nice edition of moby dick, please.

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Direct your attention to the south side

this is the best one hands down


Nop OP, but does anyone know if the wordsworth or dover thrift edition are basically the critical versions of the text, the same editions as any other versions of moby dick? I wanna get the book for less than 5 bucks.

Whats wrong with moby dick?

Consult this

It mostly implies that is the best edition to go for. It also suggests not to get because it has no annotations, and unless you have an expansive knowledge of ships and whales and such you'll be a little lost in parts.

That is a very good point. I was going to get the easton press edition because it's beautiful and whatnot. I should go for one with anotations though, since I've never read the book.

>tfw I have this used and abused leather bound version with the thin paper you can roll into cigarettes with

Feels like a version you'd smuggle through North Korea or something

Bobbs Merrills from the 1960's have awesome annotations but finding a reaspnably priced copy is next to impossible anymore. I was lucky to get mine for under 20 bucks US cash money.

I got this one from a used book sale for $2 and like it. It has good annotations and some pictures.

Pics of boats, whales and maps.

Just ordered a copy of the Charles Feidelson Jr. Edition. Thanks for your help guys.

How much was it?

my wordsworth has a lengthy introduction essay, which shed a lot of light on the text. it's well-written, but it's only one essay, not a few like the norton critical. it has really good endnotes on every reference or obscure definition.

get it. it's ugly but very nice all in all

>he wants dick


This one's my favorite

Not OP, but thanks user. Very helpful.

>he doesn't want his prostate stimulated


20 dollars used on ebay.

"Involution Ocean" by Bruce Sterling

Can't beat the collector's edition.