Well, Veeky Forums?

Well, Veeky Forums?

Leopard Stripes

A Printer Cartridge for Little Becky

Dr. Alimony; or, The Absolvement of a Cuck

Venus Trench

Ancient Greek fable or paradox of Xeno

Midway Sunset

Tennessee Williams play

Judy Blume


>trying not to say "book about a whore"
Novel about Ancient astronomers and their struggles with scientific discoveries going against the church with some narrative parallel between that and observations of Venus.

Postmodern book about a little girl who's lower class single father works as a printer technician. She romanticizes her mundane life into a comic-diary that she makes at home. It doesn't gain popularity until she's in her 70's

A misguided redpill diatribe of a novel with a ham-fisted message about a guy that sticks it to his ex

Finnegans Drift

>printer one
close; actually that might be some of the details of

Absurdist novella
Deconstruction of modern internet culture
Sci-fi epic/housewife erotica

Latex boys of Afghanistan.

Boiled Carrots

cloying fanboy acronym for The Hemiptera Is Cthulhu's Clubhouse Child by Lovecraft

The Hangin' Tree

Geopolitical analysis of the lack of child labor regulations in Afghani rubber factories
Healthy but """fun""" cookbook
Historical fiction about life as a slave in the Confederate South

Reign of Glass

An Assortment of Yellow-White Tiles

multilingual car-themed fever dream about societal decay


Psychadelic adventure fiction (Lewis Caroll-esque)

Harry Potter and the Enchanted Mobility Scooter

Jawbreakers of Dune

Generic fantasy.

Generic cyberpunk.

Counter gift book.

Sci-fi themed cookbook.

The Last Word Is Highlighted.

Shel Silverstein's racist aborted first draft of The Giving Tree, published posthumously by his agent

Infinite Storefronts

Sluglord Stories

children's finger book about a career in hairstyling

Veeky Forums's next collaborative no never mind disregard that

Don Quikong

ITT: Make a Fake School and People Assign Federal Education Loans to It

Morning's Black Sun

Chris Cornell's Autobiography.


One off. I commend you for your effort nonetheless.

Flashing My Penis At Schoolchildren

The song of the void

An edgy twilight fanfic.

some japanese modern novel.

Woman Scum

No Owls Will Come

a divisive dromedy about 60 year old lesbians who go around to colleges to corrupt young women with drugs.

Ha, Meme

a Veeky Forums exclusive remake of I, Claudius.

Sunrise on Lese Tong

The Realmpoint

Deconstruction/guide to House of Leaves

A delusional, philandering martial arts master fights demons both real and imaginary while seducing many women

Can Pipes and Desperation

Autobiography of an upper class Brit

An in-depth look at reproductive issues in a dying species of owls

the illicit opium trade seen through the eyes of a child

I am waiting for you on the other side, for I do not know how to cross the line to you.

YA novel about teenage girl who wants to be a chef

Gay fetish erotica about a mand getting gang banged by ISIS members in latex gimp suits and then becoming their wife.

Man thinks he is King Kong

>would read

I Hate Gay Hitler

A Totalitarian Love Story

Dank Memes & Broken Dreams

I Have No Friends, Im a White Nationalist, I believe We Should Have Government Mandated GFs I'm So Alone Woe Is Me



biography of Josef Goebbels

/r9k/-/pol/ fiction

feels vs reals

Soon Got, Soon Gone

Buddha of the Nest

24 Uses for a Toothpick and Several Laundry Baskets.

The Ironically Unironic

My Descended Ovaries and Elongated Clitoris

Trump: Meme Magical Propechy Women Are Inferior Why Don't Women Like Me They Shouldn't Have A Choice Why Don't They Like Me

anacletus AKA our bodies draped in velvet

coming of age
satirical doorstopper
a short story about rape
a pseudobiblion about mosters living inside fat people
coming of age
gay romance
gay romance
gay romance
kafkaesque novella
pomo poetry
hhh's book about his mythopoeia
gay romance
drug fiction
heroic fantasy
a book of cut-up poetry
a depressing novella about a deaf man
a blake ripoff
gay romance
black metal theory essay
gay romance
quirky coming of age
gay romance

Bane of my existence

The odds of death

I've got two

>Pancake Batter on California Concrete

>Yellow Heart

Some of these replies are hilarious. Good thread.

Syn88 and Always Fodder

FUCK yeah

Sounds like a big book.

The colour behind my eyelids

Mokson Space

Names to the Nameless

La Phénoménologie De miroirs: Un Regard Sur Nos Yeux, Sont-ils Réels?

Skim Rilke


Manifesti; or, the selfsame

Alt lit poetry collection

Now how about this one:

Shapes of Grief

For you.

Fucking kek

Noir crime novel about a minimalist assassin who also attempts to hide his homosexuality

For sale; Baby, never worn.

Pop science marketed to the reddit demographic

A small pamphlet tract about drug addiction handed to me by a christfag while I was walking down the street.

The posthumous memoirs of Chyna

The collected excerpts of reddit posts

Poppy's Day In

Confessions of a Turkish Oil Wrestler

A book discussing the differences between continental and analytical philosophy.

A morbid parody of children's books set during the opium wars

Entomology textbook

A pop-sci book looking into the pseudo-scientific origins of the alt-right. Expect it to be about two to three hundred pages long, sold at airports and available for download. Its cover will have "feels" and "reals" in different fonts.

Big Bill Berkowitz' Big Boy Bris

The dwarf is precious.

Follow the Dawn Stream

Ivory Christ

That Unconquered Soul
A travelogue about some middle-class postgrad's life-changing experience in Africa.
A gritty not-western revolving around a poaching deal gone wrong. Think McCarthy in Africa. Expect ethnic cleansing.

Not exactly what I had in mind but cheers. I want it to be the title of a philosophical novel I'll write once I've done my MA.

Lubricated Dreams of Condolence