his attempts at fedora-tier witty dialogue and certified virgin grade relationship advice is the cringiest shit I've read in my life
can I fucking find one fucking fantasy series that doesn't seem like it was written by a 13 year old NEET?
Oliver Rogers
Tom Holt's books under his 'KJ Parker' pseudonym.
'The Hammer' is quite good.
Jack Clark
*tips katana*
Kayden Bell
The Ea Cycle, David Zindell
Gabriel Miller
Gene Wolfe-Book of the New Sun R Scott Bakker - Prince of Nothing Glen Cook - Black Company
Gabriel Kelly
I was to hate fuck denna
Michael Ramirez
The Magicians - Lev Grossman
Xavier Campbell
Ryder Harris
Your not gonna have any luck with the new stuff op
Michael Stewart
Both Cook and Bakker write like and for teeagers, how did Wolfe deserve to be put in the same basket?
David Foster
the only one that stands up completely that I've found is Book of the New Sun.
Tales of Dying Earth by Jack Vance? I can't think of anything else.
Lincoln Garcia
theyre literally the next best contenders when it comes to dark fantasy. its been a slow subgenre.
Jose Fisher
Book of the New Sun isn't "dark fantasy". Unless we count Vance and Leiber in it, but, we don't. Fritz Leiber is very similar to Vance in quality. Gormenghast, Children of Hurin and Roger Zelazny are also pretty great.
Isaac Martinez
>can I fucking find one fucking fantasy series that doesn't seem like it was written by a 13 year old NEET?
I think you just found your problem: stop reading genreshit you fucking retarded plebeian faggot. I can't stand these threads where dumb niggers complain about how bad some shitty fantasy series is. you're a drooling idiot who has just forced down a gulp of wet shit and now you're asking where you can get less shitty shit. fuck yourself and die, get the fuck off the literature board
Benjamin Myers
r u okay
Jacob Cox
He's right.
Eli Moore
Veeky Forums isn't only for literature, its for books in general, as per the rules, so go kiss a hairy donkey cock
Wyatt Allen
>implying rothfuss isn't a genius
Matthew Carter
Robert Garcia
why do you hate denna user
Jason Butler
wait I think I read this book a few years back. didn't this book have a lot of swearing and fucking?
and didn't the ending have like centaurs and shit?
holy fuck its been a while
Nathaniel Harris
>Best Science fiction and Fantasy >Diary of Anne Frank
Brody Brooks
I've really enjoyed the Powder Mage Trilogy by Brian McClellan
John Hall
Only book I've ever dropped. Can't believe this was the novel people were holding up as exemplary fantasy prose.
Isaiah Morales
She's a hallucination imo
Thomas Bennett
Thank you OP, I've been waiting for someone to say this.
Leo Gutierrez
People say this on Veeky Forums every day
Juan Martinez
I read the first two books and hated them aside from Cooking Jesus but now I can't remember why.
Carter Walker
I actually enjoyed.
Parker Cooper
Why do you like her? shes a fucking bitch and cucked Kvothe every time.
Daniel Diaz
so you blame her because he's a fucking loser?
maybe kvothe shouldn't have been a faggoty cuck in the first place and fucked some other chick instead of chasing her around like a pathetic puppy
Sebastian Myers
lol i didn't catch that
Landon Ortiz
Elijah Gonzalez
This. Devices and Desires is another good one by him.
Jace Watson
>Prince Caspian
You what m8?, over the first book of the Space Trilogy? Even tho both of them are garbage compared with he rest of the list.
Ryder Cox
i think he's meming, he literally included the diary of anne frank lol
Jordan Richardson
I liked too, no, I loved it, read it in 10 days, which its fast for the time I have for reading.
Austin Sullivan
Brandon Sanderson has a lot of good stuff
Jack Smith
Good books, rarely mentioned on here. Steph Swainton's series collected as The Castle is pretty good and also rarely mentioned.
Asher Campbell
If you're into verbal descriptions of video game designs
Kevin Reyes
>"Well," Shallan said to the captain, blushing but still eager to speak, "I was just thinking this: You say that my beauty coaxed the winds to deliver us to Kharbranth with haste. But wouldn't that imply that on other trips, my lack of beauty was to blame for us arriving late?" >"Well...er..." >"So in reality," Shallan said, "you're telling me I'm beautiful precisely one-sixth of the time." >"Nonsense! Young miss, you're like a morning sunrise, you are!" >"Like a sunrise? By that you mean entirely too crimson"-she pulled at her long red hair-"and prone to making men grouchy when they see me?" >He laughed, and several of the sailors nearby joined in. "All right then," Captain Tozbek said, "you're like a flower." >She grimaced. "I'm allergic to flowers." >He raised an eyebrow. >"No, really," she admitted. "I think they're quite captivating. But if you were to give me a bouquet, you'd soon find me in a fit so energetic that it would have you searching the walls for stray freckles I might have blown free with the force of my sneezes." >"Well, be that true, I still say you're as pretty as a flower." >"If I am, then young men my age must be afflicted with the same allergy-for they keep their distance from me noticeably." She winced. "Now, see, I told you this wasn't polite. Young women should not act in such an irritable way."
>The man pulling the machine was short and dark-skinned, with a wide smile and full lips. He gestured for Shallan to sit, and she did so with the modest grace her nurses had drilled into her. The driver asked her a question in a clipped, terse-sounding language she didn't recognize. >"What was that?" she asked Yalb. >"He wants to know if you'd like to be pulled the long way or the short way." Yalb scratched his head. >"I'm not right sure what the difference is." >"I suspect one takes longer," Shallan said. >"Oh, you are a clever one." Yalb said something to the porter in that same clipped language, and the man responded. >"The long way gives a good view of the city," Yalb said. "The short way goes straight up to the Conclave. Not many good views, he says. I guess he noticed you were new to the city." >"Do I stand out that much?" Shallan asked, flushing. >"Eh, no, of course not, Brightness." >"And by that you mean that I'm as obvious as a wart on a queen's nose." >Yalb laughed.
Brandon Cruz
I fucking hate Shallan
Mason Harris
That one is the only meme. I liked it the most when I was young and didn't read the Space Trilogy. It's pretty simple.
Jonathan Barnes
This is easily worse than the dialogue in Name of the Wind. And being worse than that is quite a feat. It's so dry, boring and pointless, no wonder the novels are so long, most of it can be simply cut out.
Jonathan Green
>certified virgin grade relationship advice
What now?
Ethan Rogers
Did I hear someone say Sanderson?
Brandon "reading this shit ain't fun" Sanderson? Brandon "I'm paid to publish this trash, hun" Sanderson? Brandon "cliche-clutching Mormon" Sanderson? Brandon "quality on the run" Sanderson? Brandon "if you have any self-respect it's my books you must shun" Sanderson? Brandon "story's broken, tale's unspun" Sanderson? Brandon "one more page and you'll get a gun" Sanderson? Brandon "an affront to everyone" Sanderson? Brandon "my books disgust my own loved ones" Sanderson? Brandon "I'd sooner neck myself than read Elantris, son" Sanderson?
Aaron Fisher
I heard black company was good, but when i tried reading the tyranny of the night, it was nearly incomprehensible. still not the worst fantasy story i've read.
Brandon Rodriguez
>anne frank what the fuck?
Jackson Hall
>the complete saga of Conan the Barbarian by Robert Howard >Berserk by kentaro miura if you're ok with manga.
Josiah Johnson
The Holocaust is a lie
Elijah Reed
>tell me what you like, so i can call it shit: the thread
Every time, and people keep falling for it.
Carson Davis
or someone actually enjoys the world building of fantasy but acknowledges the inadequacies of most contemporary fantasy authors
but then again this is Veeky Forums where if someone doesn't like what I like, it must be a conspiracy
Aaron Smith
Eli Ross
Sometimes it's hard to discern between so much shit posting
Julian Perry
I know it's wrong to make fun of people for their religion, but there is something really strange about Mormons. It probably doesn't help his writing. Doesn't he never ever write sex scenes?
Samuel Barnes
So? It's a book only good if it has sex scenes?
Matthew Gutierrez
Alright, that was a bad example. I meant that doesn't he go out of his way to make sure everything is vanilla? I just think it's a let down when writers limit themselves because of outside influence, is what I meant to say.
Josiah Brooks
mormons just have shit humor
they're the kind of ppl that will legit tell you a knock knock joke
Camden Wright
So basically, "dad" jokes? That's ok actually, I have a weak spot for goofy dad jokes.
Charles Ramirez
he did. he went and fucked a fairy for a year. she was PISSED.
Denna is easy to hate because we know she's going to take kvothe's name from and that's why he breaks. She's going to get this whole world killed and she's gonna get kvothe to do it, even if she doesn't realize it.
Also she's the absolute definition of a tease.
Gavin Myers
Go read Zalazney then, you clearly want to. There's ten amber books, knock yourself out.
Not all books were written for all people. People autistic about narration will always love Rothfuss. The fun is in the telling, not in Kvothe's narration.
The Slow Regard of Silent Things is the best format for Rothfuss' writing.
Asher Johnson
So, what's the point of this snippet supposed to be? This is the opening right? In context of staging the magic in an explanatory way and the nature of the city they're in, what's the part you're offended by?
Jaxson Hernandez
I hear you. I have read Sanderson, but I haven't really notice is he tries too hard to make everything vanilla.
He's not very good, though.
Camden Collins
Name of The Wind was a fun book. It is not good, but it can be a light summer read.
The fact that Rothfuss is taking forever to come out with book 3 is a complete joke, though. It's like he knows it's shit, and he wants to milk the previous two before unleashing that turd into the world.