Does knowing the ethnicity of the author color your opinion of a book?

Does knowing the ethnicity of the author color your opinion of a book?

nice pun


The second I find out the author has any hint of non-white ancestry, I put the book in the bin.

Not even joking.

only if they are anglo

Who is this handsome man? He looks like a real gentleman, and not just your average gentleman. He seems to be something more: a supreme gentleman, if you will.

Then you don't read, as everyone has non-white ancestry

What about russians

*rubs palms*
They're white.

I spent most of my teen years assuming that Flannery O'Connor and Shirley Jackson and all the authors from the 'southern gothic' set were black, and I read them as if the characters were black. Reading We Have Always Lived in the Castle with a racial tinge to it affected it positively, but it's the only book I can think of where the change was so drastic and yet fitting.

whats your ethnicity, my dude? if it's not 100% cockmeat anglo, you're as good as nog.

I just cant read black or brown authors.
white, Jewish , asian , russian ,proto-finish, Italian, latin, south american etc etc are okay with me

I never post here, but now I just cannot help myself. I feel the need to ask who is that person, OP's, of such refined nature and grace? He stands with an elegance never seen before. His eyes, dark in colour like the deep water of though, seem stare into your soul. He sees what we are, yet he stoically remains unperturbed at the face of human wretchedness, like a wise old man, understanding the course of nature and human life.
Look, look at the table. The cake, untouched. The cup, half-full. He is a gentleman who knows moderation is virtue, and he covers the cake with his body, and the cup with his hand, to not show-off his virtue, even though it is all evident with just the wisdom deep in his eyes.

Anglo reporting in.

kek, is this copypasta



well meme'd my friend

If you read anything that wasn't written by a straight North European male then your a fucking cuck.

It subconsciously lowers my standards. That's probably why I find Gabriel Garcia Marquez to be so impressive


Wow, you must be really stupid.