I see this book on this thread a lot. Is it any good, or is it just a meme?

I see this book on this thread a lot. Is it any good, or is it just a meme?

Why even bother reading it yourself when you can receive an easily digestible opinion from a complete stranger you'll never meet.

It's the only book I see in this thread

I feel like it's just slightly too unknown a title to really spark a good discussion here.

Veeky Forums has become really dreadful for discussing specific obscure works. The general pleb tier audience is too busy with their Game of Thrones shit. Same with reddit.

Goodreads is the only place left for a satisfying discussion.

Pessoa is hardly obscure.

Init. He's in Blooms western canon mate.

>I feel like it's just slightly too unknown a title to really spark a good discussion here.
This is practically Veeky Forumss favorite book. Shut the fuck up. Lurk before you post.
Oh nvm you were just trolling. Try less.

a. Pessoa is one out the most famous Portuguese language writers

b. Game of Thrones is hated by even fantasy anons.

worst book i have encountered in a long time. had to put it down about 1/3 of the way through. reads like a 500 page /r9k/ post

people who claim to read pessoa are awfully silent when it comes to discussion.

jajaja speakers pretend he's a notable writer, but when it comes to talking about him, they can offer nothing except how stupid they are and incapable of critical thought.

It's good but I started reading this book with the intention of reading a little bit each day. I was 150 pages in 2 months ago, still there..

In fairness to quiet readers of Pessoa, much of the book of disquiet is an encomium for silence and passivity.

Wonder how many people on Veeky Forums have actually finished it. I'll freely admit that I didn't.

I downloaded it from libgen and liked what little I read, but it's not the kind of thing I can read in ebook format.

Why not?

It's the perfect toilet book.

I've read about 2/5ths of it, best book I haven't finished nor ever will finish.

I don't think he would want me to finish it either.

I read it pretty much in the same way I do poetry, opening to a page at random and diving right in. Beautiful fucking prose too.

What does \lit do about being overwhelmed by books. How do I not obsess over finishing all these books and stick too one?

if you have time to ask Veeky Forums, you have twice the time to read it

kek. Hashtag his name on Instagram. Every fucking blonde bimbo with huge plastic frames has him on their feed, along with shit YA hauls.

I finished it. It's just.. hard to discuss. It's really promoting silence and discrediting the ways of discussing it on a board like this.

I found his way of thinking really hard to refute. It seemingly made speaking uneccesary and vapid.
I think some other anons who finished it would rather shut up instead of spewing memes.

Btw: reminder that if you can't see the absolute stunning beauty and poetry in the fragements (regardless of your opinion on the book as a whole) you're literally a digusting pleb. And i mean that. You don't even have to like the book but just... ffs.

This, it doesn't really lend itself to discussion.
The amount of plebs on this board dismissing it out of hand is astonishing

The collections of his poetry by Richard zenith are just as good and allow you to get a better feel for his heteronyms

Learn to take more joy in the present moment friend. You can take an infinity's worth of joy from every mundane moment, but you are afraid that there is bigger and better books and moments out there that you're missing out on.

Slow down your reading if anything. Take an hour to read a page and contemplate it, you'll find yourself appreciating things more and absolve your need to go and consume everything.

>Every fucking blonde bimbo with huge plastic frames has him on their feed, along with shit YA hauls.

It's the most beautiful written journal.

You'll not understand that if you don't let your hate go.

Just open your eyes and mind do it, take your time to take it in, it gives an oceanic feeling that some have when talking about religion.

>jajaja speakers

boy, you sure are retarded

u dum, boi

>are just as good
Great, now I don't even have to consider reading them