I'm trying to come up with an analogous activity to viewing/collecting childporn

I'm trying to come up with an analogous activity to viewing/collecting childporn.

Men view child porn because

1. it is a forbidden fruit and the government restricting it only makes it more valuable and more sought after

2. Sex requires the male to be mentally dominant and the idea of sex with submissive (mentally and physically) children more easily allows a man to be mentally dominant and maintain high self esteem in sexual relationships

What are some activities that would be similar to collecting/viewing child porn in these aspects without being related to child porn at all

Being an Englishman who is an academic in French and lives in America.

I tried to find CP when I was an underage lad because I thought it would be 13 year olds fucking, I was very wrong.

im looking for valid analogies no matter how bizarre or far fetched / abstract they are. This is a sci fiction novel in the future.

Your personal experience isn't feminist, and is therefore incorrect somehow. Please rephrase your personal motivations in terms of a cartoonish power dynamic.

>Men view child porn because
>1. it is a forbidden fruit and the government restricting it only makes it more valuable and more sought after
>2. Sex requires the male to be mentally dominant and the idea of sex with submissive (mentally and physically) children more easily allows a man to be mentally dominant and maintain high self esteem in sexual relationships
This may sound weird, but maybe pedos view child porn simply because they are aroused by it? Like, if it weren't forbidden they would view it anyway, even though it isn't "forbidden fruit" anymore?

CP was way more popular when it was legal or in a gray area (Playboy had underage models), so #1 is just blatantly factually untrue.

#2 is Irigaray-tier leftist drivel, any everyone who isn't reading this from a Macbook in a college coffee shop will roll their eyes at it.

If you want a decent analogy, don't start with bullshit features that are silly. WTF does " Sex requires the male to be mentally dominant" mean?
Perhaps men view "child porn" (not that you've defined that, so I'll assume it's the bullshit umbrella media sense of "any under-18 nudity") because:
1. Biology tends to make us interested in females as soon as they're nubile: puberty, not voting age.
2. Some men have a sexual awakening at a young age and it imprints on them, much like phobias do.
3. There is a culturally-embedded association of innocence with childhood, and combining sexuality with innocence is powerful. At any given time there are several under-18 female celebrities being lusted after by the public with only a modicum of plausible deniability. Look at the backlash against Miley Cyrus for daring to become openly sexual, and losing the sweet-and-innocent-wholesome-Hannah crap.
4. Yeah, the stereotypes are sometimes true: sexually inexperienced/socially awkward men might be more comfortable with kids than adults, and the idea of having a sexual partner with merely play-level expectations and commitment may be tempting, or the only way they can get any female affection. Throw in the whole slut-shaming/sexually active adult women are somehow dirty bullshit, and what's left?

Note that I said "perhaps." I'm not privy to the inner workings of everyone's mind, and I'm not claiming these are more than guesses. Don't confuse hypotheses with facts. But given this kind of guesswork, there are very few analogous activities, and anything legal doesn't really qualify, since it misses the very real risk of legal and social disaster. I'd worry about your initial assertions before comparing the act to using illegal drugs or collecting illegal weapons or destructive gambling. Those are the best analogies I can think of, and they suck.

these arn't 'bullshit features' they are quite real although I agree with your features as well. You didn't help with any analogies

No, it's a carefully reasoned, thought out plan.

my current analogy i'm using in the working novel is Sadistic Exploitation of Cattle Act

Creation of peacock data taste types taste = creating child porn
distributing peacockography taste data= distributing child porn
Possession of peacockography taste data = possession of child porn

Defanedant will face a 15 year statutory mandatory minimum sentence. If the defendant is found to have any qualifying peacock meat in any of the taste receptors of his tongue he will face a 15 year statutory mandatory minimum for criminal history category I.
Base offense level of 20
Sentancing guidelines enhancements  offense level of 31
Sadistic Exploitation of birdAct
bird abuse tourism

Why is this on Veeky Forums though?

because its a part of my novel's narrative...?




nigger, you're fucking retarded

>I'm trying to come up with an analogous activity to viewing/collecting childporn.
Please don't.

you realize most authors are liberal

Browsing Veeky Forums

Not really sure what you're asking for here but the obsession with psychology misses reality. Pedophilia isnt a disorder, as much as anyone wants it to be, its primary attraction to kids. And no, the idea that all pedos had sexual experiences as kids is a myth. Its probably genetic and hormonal like homosexuality.

>you didn't help with any analogies
Well, I said "using illegal drugs or collecting illegal weapons or destructive gambling." Best I could think of.

tfw no other input from others...