What wallpaper does Veeky Forums use?

What wallpaper does Veeky Forums use?

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Had to upload somewhere else due to 4mb limit.

I don't have wallpaper it's just all paint


>look, booped ya nose!

several. i actually spend a lot of time in /wg/. aka best board

this is just one.

I've been looking for this for the longest time

how can you stand looking at that for more than 5 mins? It's so depressing.

nicola samori is the artist. his other work is great as well but that one is my favorite.
i dont know. it just captivates me for some reason.

my current wallpaper

You probably smell bad and are a virgin

I've got a few. I'll post the Veeky Forums ones. Bear in mind this is from/for my tiny-screened chromebook.

Just the first one.

I'm so sorry. Anosmia is a terrible curse. I've heard people "taste" through texture; is this true?


This counts.

And my current desktop wallpaper. Not my favourite Vasily, but the largest. And the one least likely to get weird looks from anyone looking over my shoulder.

Currently this one.


Sky and snow cowered ground become one.
the monotony of the calm, blue colors gets broken only by a comfy orange light. Its pretty much perfection.

is beautiful, thank

that's pretty cozy

his constant presence helps inspire and motivate me to read more.


I would upload my desktop but its something I made in GIMP and accidentally deleted.

This is what I'm using atm. I used a monochrome, misty forest with a comfy lodge before, but this is alright.

I'd like Bloom more if he wasn't such a flabby old fuck.

His physical appearance is far too antithetical to the Ancient Greeks for a patrician such as I.

as opposed to Socrates, who might have been ripped, but was still pot bellied and dog shit ugly








This is all sorts of fun to look at.

So is this.






this has been my wallpaper for about a week too sempai


where is this supposed to be?

>A cloister (from Latin claustrum, "enclosure") is a covered walk, open gallery, or open arcade running along the walls of buildings and forming a quadrangle or garth. The attachment of a cloister to a cathedral or church, commonly against a warm southern flank,[1] usually indicates that it is (or once was) part of a monastic foundation, "forming a continuous and solid architectural barrier... that effectively separates the world of the monks from that of the serfs and workmen, whose lives and works went on outside and around the cloister."[2]



I've been to several of those, being Spanish, but thanks anyway

I was asking for the exact location (judging by the engraved text I assume it must be in the UK)

I don't know where it is, sorry.

It's not very lit, but I make no apologies.

>Implying I like Socrates
>Implying he wasn't ugly
>Implying he wasn't a monster


why would you ever look at your desktop for 5 minutes?

also here's my wallpaper




this makes me cold just looking at it


Currently this.

