/rec/ recommendation thread

Can somebody recommend me some books based off my intrest.

I like 'stoner' for it's simplicity and dark and sad undertones.

I also like 'crying' for it's humour and style, I've read no other 'pynchon' novels, but would like to pick up 'Mason & Dixon'. "Crying's" themes I'm very interested in.


Also, this I just enjoy generally.
I also enjoy "The Mezzanine" & thought about reading something by 'steckensha? Lam' like "solaris".

You should read V. and Gravity's Rainbow. M&D is good but a lot of the praise for it here is a meme.

Looks c ool, is it gay?
Mein kampf sounds delicious, what's it about?


it's like Stoner but he's British and gay and aware of his depression.

I try reading rainbow, it's really funny, but I never go back to it even though it holds my attention.

I don't want to read it if he's gay.

Catch 22, maybe even American Psycho to a degree. Despite its meme status, infinite jest has a lot in common with lot 49

Catch 22, maybe even American Psycho to a degree. Despite its meme status, infinite jest has a lot in common with Lot 49 due to the postmodern elements

don't be a faggot. his partner is dead anyways, there's no romance.











Should I read that?


Then what's the practice of making the main character gay? How does that even play into the novel?

This book is dumb.

Yes you should it is the greatest novel of the 20th century, better than Pynchon or Delillo.

I know right its like you have to read the book to understand it what's the deal

Nope, not better than pynchon.
Possibly stephenie myer

I don't sympathize with gay characters, we all struggle with depression. That's the deal, I'll read some of it & see what happens.

what would be the purpose of making the main character straight? how would that play into the novel?

Great book, better than his rest.

I can relate, his personality I understand, in crying of lot 49. Oedpia is a walking litteral complex, in a joke world, she's hardly a character.

Except for "I have no mouth and must scream. "

if you read A Single Man and don't relate to George or understand his personality then you might as well stop reading altogether tbqh mate.

Insecure, user?

And yet people will be reading INFINITE JEST for a long time onward.

hi jeremy1122

Ok then, i will.

No sir.
It doesn't matter to me either way .

>It doesn't matter to me either way .

It literally matters to you so much that you will avoid a book entirely because of it. But apart from that it doesn't matter to you either way.

Can someone recommend me some slice of life style novels? I get that Joyce's Dubliners might be what I'm looking for, and it's already on my list, but I'm interested in some more recs. The premise should preferably be set in 19th-20th century.

Has anyone read Haileys Airport and Hotel? Can are they similar to what I'm looking for?


Winesburg, Ohio

Not only are your opinions shit but the way you keep putting words together is getting on my nerves.

>I don't want gay. I don't identify gay, therefore I don't read gay. I identify 'stoner', depressed like me. Also I enjoy the 'pynchon', is funny. Please make to me the recommendation based off general interest. Thank you very much. (read the above in Andy Kaufmann's voice)

I wholeheartedly recommend you go murder your own 'human being', you dung-brained third-worlder.